This project aims to develop a RestFul API for building energy management systems (EMS). The software architecture is developed using the combination of PHP + MySQL on top of a Laravel 4.x framework. It extends the functionalities of BCVTB exposing several endpoints for the control of a building simulation. The web interace shows also a graphic dashboard for the visualisation of aggregated data. It has been tested with EnergyPlus on a calibrated smart-grid ready building model for research purposes. The API blueprint and the documention can be found at UCD SimApi website.
The software package is divided in two separated parts, the web platform and the mediator//actors interface. The web platform requires a webserver (Apache o Ngnix) with the following characteristics:
- PHP >= 5.4
- MCrypt PHP Extension
Further info on the server set-up and installation can be found at Laravel 4.2
At step by step guide to install the web platform and start working with it can be found in the docs folder.
The official website and the demo are at this link >>.