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EthanDeng edited this page Nov 16, 2019 · 1 revision

We defined two sets of theorem modes, simple style and fancy style (default). You may change to simple mode by

\documentclass[simple]{elegantbook} %or

In this template, we defined four different theorem class environments

  • Theorem Environment, including title and contents, numbering within chapter. There are three types depending on the format
    • definition environment, the color is main;
    • theorem, lemma, corollary environment, the color is second;
    • proposition environment, the color is third.
  • Example Environments, including example, problem, exercise environment, auto numering within chapter, and exercise has prompt.
  • Hint Environment, including note environment, features: no numbers, has prompt.
  • Conclusion Environments, including conclusion, assumption, property, remark, solution environment, all of these begin with boldfaced words, and the contents are the same as a normal paragraph.

Theorem Class Environments

The template uses the tcolorbox package to customize the theorem class environments, it is slightly different from the normal theorem environments. The usage is as follows:

\begin{theorem}{theorem name}{label}
The content of theorem.

The first parameter theorem name is the name of the theorem, and the second parameter label is the label used in cross-reference with ref{thm:label}. Note that cross-references must be prefixed with thm:.

Other theorem class environments with the same usage are:

Environment Label text Prefix Cross-reference
definition label def \ref{def:label}
theorem label thm \ref{thm:label}
lemma label lem \ref{lem:label}
corrlary label cor \ref{cor:label}
proposition label pro \ref{pro:label}


The other three math environments can be used directly since there are no options for them, the example environment usage:

This is the content of example environment.

These are all the same environments, except that

  • example, exercise, problem environments numbering within chapter;
  • note, exercise environments with remind symbol;
  • conclusion environment with boldfaced keywords and normal paragraph content.
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