This is a simple website for Movies. The website allows authorized users to add new movies and delete the old ones if needed. The website uses MySQL as a database provider to manipulate data and allow the users to add movies with the title, brief descriptions, thumbnails photos, and rating of the movie.
The project has a standard structure of laravel framework 8 .x with some customization just to make it simple.
The directory contains controllers to handle requests entering the project.
The directory contains database migration scripts for schema database tables. The migrations scripts also has some data for demo Purposes.
The directory contains the index.php file, which is the entry point for all requests entering the project and configures autoloading. This directory also houses the assets such as images, JavaScript, and CSS.
The directory contains movies thumbnails that have been uploaded and the file path will be added to the database.
The directory contains the views as well as the raw, un-compiled assets such as SCSS or JavaScript. This directory also houses all development-stage files.
The routes directory contains all of the route definitions for the project.
The file contains all npm scripts and Dependencies.
The file contains all mix API configurations.
| |__Http
| |__Controllers
| |__migrations
| |__images