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Enable Stdlib.Effect + add Flambda 2 support (ocaml-flambda#2205)
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mshinwell authored and Ekdohibs committed Jul 5, 2024
1 parent 994b327 commit 77b8266
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Showing 34 changed files with 760 additions and 289 deletions.
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4108,3 +4108,45 @@ let allocate_unboxed_nativeint_array =
let block_header x y = block_header x y

let dls_get ~dbg = Cop (Cdls_get, [], dbg)

let perform ~dbg eff =
let cont =
make_alloc dbg Runtimetags.cont_tag
[int_const dbg 0]
(* Rc_normal means "allow tailcalls". Preventing them here by using Rc_nontail
improves backtraces of paused fibers. *)
( Capply (typ_val, Rc_nontail),
[Cconst_symbol (Cmm.global_symbol "caml_perform", dbg); eff; cont],
dbg )

let run_stack ~dbg ~stack ~f ~arg =
(* Rc_normal would be fine here, but this is unlikely to ever be a tail call
(usages of this primitive shouldn't be generated in tail position), so we
use Rc_nontail for clarity. *)
( Capply (typ_val, Rc_nontail),
[Cconst_symbol (Cmm.global_symbol "caml_runstack", dbg); stack; f; arg],
dbg )

let resume ~dbg ~stack ~f ~arg =
(* Rc_normal is required here, because there are some uses of effects with
repeated resumes, and these should consume O(1) stack space by tail-calling
caml_resume. *)
( Capply (typ_val, Rc_normal),
[Cconst_symbol (Cmm.global_symbol "caml_resume", dbg); stack; f; arg],
dbg )

let reperform ~dbg ~eff ~cont ~last_fiber =
(* Rc_normal is required here, this is used in tail position and should tail
call. *)
( Capply (typ_val, Rc_normal),
[ Cconst_symbol (Cmm.global_symbol "caml_reperform", dbg);
last_fiber ],
dbg )
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions backend/cmm_helpers.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -964,6 +964,29 @@ val atomic_compare_and_set :

val emit_gc_roots_table : symbols:symbol list -> phrase list -> phrase list

val perform : dbg:Debuginfo.t -> expression -> expression

val run_stack :
dbg:Debuginfo.t ->
stack:expression ->
f:expression ->
arg:expression ->

val resume :
dbg:Debuginfo.t ->
stack:expression ->
f:expression ->
arg:expression ->

val reperform :
dbg:Debuginfo.t ->
eff:expression ->
cont:expression ->
last_fiber:expression ->

(** Allocate a block to hold an unboxed float32 array for the given number of
elements. *)
val allocate_unboxed_float32_array :
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99 changes: 92 additions & 7 deletions middle_end/flambda2/from_lambda/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -404,10 +404,11 @@ module Inlining = struct
let callee = Apply.callee apply in
let region_inlined_into =
match Apply.call_kind apply with
| Function { alloc_mode; _ } | Method { alloc_mode; _ } -> alloc_mode
| C_call _ ->
| Function { alloc_mode; _ } -> alloc_mode
| Method _ | C_call _ | Effect _ ->
"Trying to call [Closure_conversion.Inlining.inline] on a C call."
"Trying to call [Closure_conversion.Inlining.inline] on a non-OCaml \
function call."
let args = Apply.args apply in
let apply_return_continuation = Apply.continuation apply in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -508,10 +509,7 @@ let close_c_call acc env ~loc ~let_bound_ids_with_kinds
let cost_metrics_of_body, free_names_of_body, acc, body =
Acc.measure_cost_metrics acc ~f:(fun acc ->
k acc
(fun var -> Named.create_simple (Simple.var var))
k acc ( Named.create_var let_bound_vars))
let alloc_mode =
match Lambda.alloc_mode_of_primitive_description prim_desc with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -752,6 +750,82 @@ let close_raise acc env ~raise_kind ~arg ~dbg exn_continuation =
let acc, arg = find_simple acc env arg in
close_raise0 acc env ~raise_kind ~arg ~dbg exn_continuation

let close_effect_primitive acc env ~dbg exn_continuation
(prim : Lambda.primitive) ~args ~let_bound_ids_with_kinds
(k : Acc.t -> Named.t list -> Expr_with_acc.t) : Expr_with_acc.t =
if not Config.runtime5
then Misc.fatal_error "Effect primitives are only supported on runtime5";
(* CR mshinwell: share with close_c_call, above *)
let _env, let_bound_vars =
(fun env (id, kind) -> Env.add_var_like env id Not_user_visible kind)
env let_bound_ids_with_kinds
let let_bound_var =
match let_bound_vars with
| [let_bound_var] -> let_bound_var
| [] | _ :: _ :: _ ->
"close_effect_primitive: expected singleton return for primitive %a, \
but got: [%a]"
Printlambda.primitive prim
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space Variable.print)
let continuation = Continuation.create () in
let return_kind = Flambda_kind.With_subkind.any_value in
let params =
[BP.create let_bound_var return_kind] |> Bound_parameters.create
let close call_kind =
let apply acc =
Apply_expr.create ~callee:None ~continuation:(Return continuation)
exn_continuation ~args:[] ~args_arity:Flambda_arity.nullary
~call_kind dbg ~inlined:Never_inlined
~inlining_state:(Inlining_state.default ~round:0)
~probe:None ~position:Normal
|> Expr_with_acc.create_apply acc
Let_cont_with_acc.build_non_recursive acc continuation
~handler:(fun acc ->
let cost_metrics_of_body, free_names_of_body, acc, code_after_call =
Acc.measure_cost_metrics acc ~f:(fun acc ->
k acc ( Named.create_var let_bound_vars))
let acc =
(Cost_metrics.( + ) (Acc.cost_metrics acc) cost_metrics_of_body)
(Acc.with_free_names free_names_of_body acc)
acc, code_after_call)
~body:apply ~is_exn_handler:false ~is_cold:false
let module C = Call_kind in
let module E = C.Effect in
match[@ocaml.warning "-fragile-match"] prim, args with
| Pperform, [[eff]] ->
let call_kind = C.effect (E.perform ~eff) in
close call_kind
| Prunstack, [[stack]; [f]; [arg]] ->
let call_kind = C.effect (E.run_stack ~stack ~f ~arg) in
close call_kind
| Presume, [[stack]; [f]; [arg]] ->
let call_kind = C.effect (E.resume ~stack ~f ~arg) in
close call_kind
| Preperform, [[eff]; [cont]; [last_fiber]] ->
let call_kind = C.effect (E.reperform ~eff ~cont ~last_fiber) in
close call_kind
| _ ->
"close_effect_primitive: Wrong primitive and/or number of arguments: %a \
(%d args)"
Printlambda.primitive prim (List.length args)

let close_primitive acc env ~let_bound_ids_with_kinds named
(prim : Lambda.primitive) ~args loc
(exn_continuation : IR.exn_continuation option) ~current_region
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -879,6 +953,17 @@ let close_primitive acc env ~let_bound_ids_with_kinds named
assert false
k acc [Named.create_simple (Simple.symbol sym)]
| (Pperform | Prunstack | Presume | Preperform), args ->
let exn_continuation =
match exn_continuation with
| None ->
"Effect primitive is missing exception continuation: %a"
IR.print_named named
| Some exn_continuation -> exn_continuation
close_effect_primitive acc env ~dbg exn_continuation prim ~args
~let_bound_ids_with_kinds k
| prim, args ->
Lambda_to_flambda_primitives.convert_and_bind acc exn_continuation
~big_endian:(Env.big_endian env) ~register_const0 prim ~args dbg
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions middle_end/flambda2/from_lambda/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -957,8 +957,7 @@ module Expr_with_acc = struct
{ function_call = Indirect_unknown_arity | Indirect_known_arity; _ }
| Method _ -> false
| C_call _ -> false)
| Method _ | C_call _ | Effect _ -> false)
let acc =
match Apply.callee apply with
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4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions middle_end/flambda2/from_lambda/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -716,9 +716,7 @@ let primitive_can_raise (prim : Lambda.primitive) =
| Punboxed_product_field _ | Pget_header _ ->
| Patomic_exchange | Patomic_cas | Patomic_fetch_add | Patomic_load _ -> false
| Prunstack | Pperform | Presume | Preperform ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Primitive %a is not yet supported by Flambda 2"
Printlambda.primitive prim
| Prunstack | Pperform | Presume | Preperform -> true (* XXX! *)
| Pdls_get -> false

type non_tail_continuation =
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1993,7 +1993,8 @@ let convert_lprim ~big_endian (prim : L.primitive) (args : Simple.t list list)
%a (%a)"
Printlambda.primitive prim H.print_list_of_lists_of_simple_or_prim args
| ( ( Pignore | Psequand | Psequor | Pbytes_of_string | Pbytes_to_string
| Parray_of_iarray | Parray_to_iarray ),
| Parray_of_iarray | Parray_to_iarray | Prunstack | Pperform | Presume
| Preperform ),
_ ) ->
"[%a] should have been removed by [Lambda_to_flambda.transform_primitive]"
Expand All @@ -2002,9 +2003,6 @@ let convert_lprim ~big_endian (prim : L.primitive) (args : Simple.t list list)
"[%a] should have been handled by [Closure_conversion.close_primitive]"
Printlambda.primitive prim
| (Prunstack | Pperform | Presume | Preperform), _ ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Primitive %a is not yet supported by Flambda 2"
Printlambda.primitive prim

module Acc = Closure_conversion_aux.Acc
module Expr_with_acc = Closure_conversion_aux.Expr_with_acc
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion middle_end/flambda2/kinds/flambda_arity.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ val create : 'uc Component_for_creation.t list -> 'uc t
val create_singletons : Flambda_kind.With_subkind.t list -> [> ] t

(** "No parameters". (Not e.g. "one parameter of type void".) *)
val nullary : [> `Unarized] t
val nullary : [> ] t

(** How many parameters, potentially of unboxed product layout, the given
arity describes. *)
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions middle_end/flambda2/parser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1040,6 +1040,7 @@ and apply_expr env (app : Apply_expr.t) : Fexpr.expr =
Function (Indirect alloc)
| C_call { needs_caml_c_call; _ } -> C_call { alloc = needs_caml_c_call }
| Method _ -> Misc.fatal_error "TODO: Method call kind"
| Effect _ -> Misc.fatal_error "TODO: Effect call kind"
let param_arity = Apply_expr.args_arity app in
let return_arity = Apply_expr.return_arity app in
Expand All @@ -1063,9 +1064,9 @@ and apply_expr env (app : Apply_expr.t) : Fexpr.expr =
let params_arity = Some (complex_arity param_arity) in
let ret_arity = arity return_arity in
Some { params_arity; ret_arity }
| Function { function_call = Indirect_unknown_arity; alloc_mode = _ }
| Method _ ->
| Function { function_call = Indirect_unknown_arity; alloc_mode = _ } ->
| Method _ | Effect _ -> assert false
let inlined : Fexpr.inlined_attribute option =
if Flambda2_terms.Inlined_attribute.is_default (Apply_expr.inlined app)
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions middle_end/flambda2/simplify/inlining/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,10 +95,11 @@ let inline dacc ~apply ~unroll_to ~was_inline_always function_decl =
let callee = Apply.callee apply in
let region_inlined_into =
match Apply.call_kind apply with
| Function { alloc_mode; _ } | Method { alloc_mode; _ } -> alloc_mode
| C_call _ ->
| Function { alloc_mode; _ } -> alloc_mode
| Method _ | C_call _ | Effect _ ->
"Trying to call [Inlining_transforms.inline] on a C call."
"Trying to call [Inlining_transforms.inline] on something other than \
an OCaml function call."
let args = Apply.args apply in
let apply_return_continuation = Apply.continuation apply in
Expand Down

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