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Make thermostat more closely resemble Alur's. Use Program to make som…
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Eelis committed Apr 23, 2009
1 parent 6302511 commit 1af54a9
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Showing 9 changed files with 115 additions and 117 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Types.hs
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Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ data Location =
Heat | Cool | Check -- thermostat locations
deriving Eq
data Range =
I01 | I12 | I23 | I34 | I45 |
OI_1 | OI12 | OI23 | OI34 | OI4_ |
CI0_12 | CI_12 | CI12_1 | CI1_2 | CI2_3 | CI3_ | -- thermostat clock intervals
TIC_3 | TI3_45 | TI45_5 | TI5_6 | TI6_9 | TI9_10 | TI10_ -- thermostat temperature intervals
I01 | I12 | I23 | I34 | I45 | -- bounded rotator intervals
OI_1 | OI12 | OI23 | OI34 | OI4_ | -- unbounded rotator intervals
CI0_D | CID_12 | CI12_1 | CI1_2 | CI2_3 | CI3_ | -- thermostat clock intervals
TIC_45 | TI45_5 | TI5_6 | TI6_9 | TI9_10 | TI10_ -- thermostat temperature intervals
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Kind = Cont | Disc deriving Eq
data Vertex = Vertex Kind Location Range Range deriving (Show, Eq)
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions c_util.v
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Expand Up @@ -735,8 +735,6 @@ Qed.
Lemma CRnonNeg_nonPos_mult_inv: forall x (p: CRnonNeg x) y,
CRnonPos (x * y) -> CRnonPos y.
Proof with auto.
unfold CRnonNeg, CRnonPos.

Axiom CR_lt_eq_dec: forall (x y: CR), sum (x==y) (sum (x<y) (y<x)).
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
rm -f *.vo *.glob
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions flow.v
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Expand Up @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ End scale.
Module positive_linear.
Section contents.

Variable r: positive. (* todo: generalize to Qpos, CRpos *)
Variable r: Qpos.

Definition raw (x: CR) (t: Time): CR := x + 'r * t.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,23 +190,27 @@ Section contents.

Definition f: Flow CRasCSetoid := Build_Flow morphism A B.

Definition inv (x x': CR): Time := '(1#r) * (x' - x).
Definition inv (x x': CR): Time := '(Qinv r) * (x' - x).

Lemma inv_correct x x': f x (inv x x') == x'.
Proof with auto.
unfold f, inv. simpl bsm. unfold raw.
rewrite (Rmul_assoc CR_ring_theory).
rewrite CRmult_Qmult.
rewrite Qmult_inv.
rewrite Qmult_inv_r.
rewrite (Rmul_1_l CR_ring_theory).
symmetry. apply t11.
symmetry in H.
apply (Qlt_not_eq 0 r)...
apply Qpos_prf.

Lemma increasing: forall x : CRasCSetoid, strongly_increasing (f x).
repeat intro. simpl. unfold raw. apply t1_rev.
apply CRmult_lt_pos_r. assumption.
apply positive_CRpos.
apply Qpos_CRpos.

Definition mono: mono f := inl increasing.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ echo "import Prelude hiding (Either(..))"
echo "edges :: [(Vertex, Vertex)]"
echo "edges = map (\(a, (b, (c, d)), (e, (f, (g, h)))) -> (Vertex a b c d, Vertex e f g h)) raw_edges"
echo "raw_edges"
/home/gi/cek/trunk/bin/coqc -R /home/gi/cek/CoRN CoRN generate_transitions.v | head -n 1
coqc -R /data/home/eelis/soft/CoRN CoRN generate_transitions.v | head -n 1
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions generate_transitions.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,20 +5,20 @@ Require Import CRln.
Let conc_sys := concrete_system.
Let abs_sys := abstract_system (1#100).

Let region: Set := c_abstract.Region abs_sys.
Let region: Set := abstract.Region abs_sys.

Require c_abstract.
Require abstract.

Let abs_state: Set := @c_abstract.State conc_sys (c_abstract.Region abs_sys).
Let abs_state: Set := @abstract.State conc_sys (abstract.Region abs_sys).

Definition initstate: abs_state
:= (thermostat.Heat, (thermostat.CI0_12, thermostat.TI6_9)).
:= (thermostat.Heat, (thermostat.CI0_D, thermostat.TI6_9)).

Definition all_transitions: list (abs_state * abs_state) :=
flat_map (fun s: abs_state =>
map (pair s) (map (pair (fst s)) (c_abstract.cont_trans conc_sys s) ++
c_abstract.disc_trans conc_sys s))
(@c_abstract.states conc_sys _ _ (c_abstract.regions abs_sys)).
map (pair s) (map (pair (fst s)) (abstract.cont_trans conc_sys s) ++
abstract.disc_trans conc_sys s))
(@abstract.states conc_sys _ _ (abstract.regions abs_sys)).

Let graph := abstract_as_graph.g abs_sys.

Expand Down
46 changes: 17 additions & 29 deletions geometry.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ Require Export dec_overestimator.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Open Local Scope CR_scope.

Definition Range: Type := { r: CR * CR | fst r <= snd r }.
Definition Range: Type := sig (fun r: CR * CR => fst r <= snd r).

Definition unit_range (c: CR): Range := existT _ (c, c) (CRle_refl c).
Hint Immediate CRle_refl.

Program Definition unit_range (c: CR): Range := (c, c).

Section option_setoid.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,15 +69,14 @@ Definition CRmin_of_upper_bounds (a b: option CR): option CR :=
| Some a, Some b => Some (CRmin a b)

Definition OpenRange: Type := sig OCRle.

Coercion open_range (r: Range): OpenRange :=
match r with
| existT (x, y) H => existT _ (Some x, Some y) H
| exist (x, y) H => exist _ (Some x, Some y) H

Definition unbounded_range: OpenRange := existT _ (None, None) I.
Program Definition unbounded_range: OpenRange := (None, None).

Definition range_left (r: Range): CR := fst (proj1_sig r).
Definition range_right (r: Range): CR := snd (proj1_sig r).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,24 +346,15 @@ Proof.
split; eapply oranges_share_point; eauto.

Definition map_range (f: CR -> CR) (fi: increasing f) (r: Range): Range.
exists (f (fst (proj1_sig r)), f (snd (proj1_sig r))).
apply fi.
destruct r.
Defined. (* for some reason Program Definition won't work here.. *)
(* i think it must be because CR is in Type *)
Program Definition map_range (f: CR -> CR) (fi: increasing f) (r: Range): Range :=
(f (fst (proj1_sig r)), f (snd (proj1_sig r))).

Definition map_orange (f: CR -> CR)
(fi: increasing f) (r: OpenRange): OpenRange.
Proof with simpl; auto.
exists (option_map f (fst (`r)), option_map f (snd (`r))).
destruct r. destruct x.
destruct s... destruct s0...
Next Obligation. destruct r. apply fi. assumption. Qed.

Program Definition map_orange (f: CR -> CR) (fi: increasing f) (r: OpenRange): OpenRange
:= (option_map f (fst (`r)), option_map f (snd (`r))).

Next Obligation. destruct r as [[[a|] [b|]] m]; simpl; auto. Qed.

Definition in_map_range p r (f: CR -> CR) (i: increasing f): in_range r p ->
in_range (map_range i r) (f p).
Expand All @@ -385,15 +377,11 @@ Section scaling.

Variables (s: CR) (H: '0 <= s).

Hint Resolve CRle_mult.

Program Definition scale_orange (r: OpenRange): OpenRange :=
(option_map (CRmult s) (fst (`r)), option_map (CRmult s) (snd (`r))) .
Next Obligation. Proof with auto.
destruct r as [[a b] h].
destruct a... destruct b...
simpl in *. apply CRle_mult...

Hint Resolve CRle_mult.
Next Obligation. destruct r as [[[a|] [b|]] h]; simpl; auto. Qed.

Lemma in_scale_orange p r : in_orange r p ->
in_orange (scale_orange r) (s * p).
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions graph_to_dot.hs
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Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ range_coordinate :: Range -> Double
range_coordinate r = case r of
I01 -> 0; I12 -> 1; I23 -> 2; I34 -> 3; I45 -> 4
OI_1 -> 0; OI12 -> 1; OI23 -> 2; OI34 -> 3; OI4_ -> 4
CI0_12 -> 0; CI_12 -> 0; CI12_1 -> 0.5; CI1_2 -> 1; CI2_3 -> 2; CI3_ -> 3
TIC_3 -> 0; TI3_45 -> 3; TI45_5 -> 4.5; TI5_6 -> 5; TI6_9 -> 6; TI9_10 -> 9; TI10_ -> 10
CI0_D -> 0; CID_12 -> 0.1; CI12_1 -> 0.5; CI1_2 -> 1; CI2_3 -> 2; CI3_ -> 3
TIC_45 -> 0; TI45_5 -> 4.5; TI5_6 -> 5; TI6_9 -> 6; TI9_10 -> 9; TI10_ -> 10

location_index :: Location -> Int
location_index l = case l of
Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ vertices_adjacent (Vertex _ _ a a') (Vertex _ _ b b') =
pos_label :: Vertex -> String
pos_label (Vertex k l r r') = "[label=\"" ++ show l ++ "\",color=" ++
(if k == Cont then "red" else "blue") ++ ",pos=\"" ++
show (100 + range_coordinate r * 400 + fromIntegral (kind_index k * 90)) ++ "," ++
show (100 + range_coordinate r * 600 + fromIntegral (kind_index k * 90)) ++ "," ++
show (100 + range_coordinate r' * 200 + fromIntegral (kind_index k * 15) + fromIntegral (location_index l * 30)) ++ "\"]\n"

edge_visible :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Bool
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