I'm a university student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology since 2021 and my goal is to graduate with a master in cyber security.
Mail: [email protected]
Linkedin: edwin-ahlstrand
Also in:
- MIPS Assembly
- Prolog
- Astah
- Solidworks
Note: Repositories starting with two letters followed by four numbers (e.g, DD1351) are courses from my studies at KTH.
The dashboard was developed for Future Place Leadership using SCRUM in team Echo from the course II1305. The website displays demand in the labor market for specific professions in all of Sweden's counties. Data is gathered each month from emloyment websites and can be filtered.
I was responsible or developed code for:
- Overall code and file structure
- Integrating platsbanken API
- Extracting data from our database
- Influenced certain design choices on the website such as
- Settings for the graph
- Instructions
The classic game pong was developed on a microcontroller with basic IO in C.
I was responsible for:
- Overal structure of the code
- Menu
- AI
- States
- Leaderboard
- Testing
I was also partially involed with the rest of the project when possible.
Both of the projects where developed in Prolog. I was responsible for the overal code structure and wrote about half of the neccesary rules needing to be verified in both projects, while my labparter @BaltzarL wrote the other half.
An HTTP server which can recieve concurrent requests from multiple clients.
The database was first planned in Astah with both a conceptual model and a logical/physical model which was converted to a PostgreSQL database. Me and my labpartner @BaltzarL took equal part in planning and drawing of the DB.
Afterwards, a JDBC for the DB was developed in Java. I wrote most of the code in the model-layer while my labpartner @BaltzarL wrote most of the code in the controller-layer.
I have published the three most interesting assignments from each of my courses where I developed and benchmarked different algorithms and data structures: