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Android Java MteRelay Library for Amazon Web Services


This AAR library provides the Java language Eclypses MteRelay Client library.

  • This guide assumes a working knowledge of including an AAR library (either from a local directory on your computer or directly from Maven Central) in your Android project. HowTo
  • The simplest way to use the library is to list it as a dependency for your app (Module build.gradle / Dependencies). Add 'implementation 'com.eclypses:eclypses-aws-mte-relay-client-android-release:x.x.x' and confirm that MavenCentral is one of your listed repositories.
  • Alternatively, you can add a 'libs' directory to the same level as the src directory n your app, then download the Relay Library from and compile it. Add the resulting .aar (eclypses-aws-mte-relay-client-android-release-3.4.9-release.aar) to the libs dir you just created and add - implementation files('libs/eclypses-aws-mte-relay-client-android-release-3.4.9-release.aar') - line to your module build.gradle file's dependancies block.

Getting Started

  • **NOTE - Currently, this library supports Volley requests for simple GET and POST requests. Additionally, file streamed uploads and downloads are supported. **
  • In the class where you will maintain the Relay reference ...
    • Create a class variable for the relay singleton.

    private static Relay relay;
    • Then, in the constructor for that class, instantiate the Relay class, passing ...
      • the context,
      • and a new instance of InstantiateRelayCallback.
    relay = Relay.getInstance(ctx, new InstantiateRelayCallback() {
       public void onError(String message) {
          // handle instantiate errors appropriately
       public void relayInstantiated() {
          // any code to run after Relay is instantiated

Simple Volley GET and POST requests

  • When creating your Volley request, instead of adding your original server Url, add the url (Scheme and authority, i.e. https://myAwsRelayServer/) of the AWS Relay Server that you are targeting.
  • Then, after creating your Volley request, instead of calling RequestSingleton.getInstance(context).addToRequestQueue(request);, call relay.addToMteRequestQueue(), passing ...
    • the request object,
    • a String[] of the names of any http headers you wish to have protected by Mte,
    • and a new RelayResponseListener.

String[] headersToEncrypt = new String[] {"Content-Length"};

relay.addToMteRequestQueue(request, headersToEncrypt, new RelayResponseListener() {
   public void onError(String message, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
      // Handle errors appropriately and response headers as necessary

   public void onResponse(byte[] responseBytes, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
   // Returns returns the response body as a byte[], and the response headers as a Map  

   public void onResponse(JSONObject responseJson, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
   // Returns returns the response body as a JSONObject, and the response headers as a Map 

Simple Streamed File Upload request

  • Create a new RelayFileRequestProperties object
File origFile = new File(ctx.getFilesDir(), filename);
String route = "route/portion/of/url";
RelayFileRequestProperties reqProperties = new RelayFileRequestProperties(
                        // File object to upload,
                        // Server path ("")
                        // request headers for this request as a Map<String, String>,
                        // String[] of header names to protect with Mte,
                        // Instance of RelayStreamCallback);
  • Then, call relay.uploadFile, passing ...
    • the RelayFileRequestProperties object you just created'
    • the route portion of the url you are uploading to,
    • a new instance of RelayResponseListener.

relay.uploadFile(AppSettings.relayHosts[0], reqProperties, route, new RelayResponseListener() {
   public void onError(String message, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
      // Handle errors appropriately and response headers as necessary

   public void onResponse(byte[] responseBytes, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
      // We don't expect to receive the response as a byte[].

   public void onResponse(JSONObject responseJson, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
   // Returns returns the response body as a JSONObject, and the response headers as a Map 
  • Additionally, in the class where your HttpRequest is created, implement RelayStreamCallback and add the required function 'getRequestBodyStream(PipedOutputStream outputStream)'

@Override // Callback from Relay Module
    public void getRequestBodyStream(PipedOutputStream outputStream) {
        // convert your entire HttpRequest, including the file bytes to a byte[] and write it to the output stream. In our demonstration app, we convert the request object to a byte[] and write it to the OutputStream, then read the file by chunks and write each chunk into the OutputStream. This allows that even a large file (up to nearly 2 gigabytes) to be streamed up to the server, provided that your server can accept a file stream. 
        outputStream.write(HttpRequestBytes, 0, HttpRequestBytes.length);

        FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileToUpload);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[fileChunkSize];
        int bytesRead = -1;
        while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
            outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

  • The entire stream will be protected with Mte, including any headers you have included in the 'headersToEncrypt' reqProperties object. Upon being received by the Relay Server, the Stream and Headers will be decrypted 'on-the-fly' and the original request including headers and file will be streamed through to your Server.

Simple Streamed File Download request

  • Create a new RelayFileRequestProperties object
 RelayFileRequestProperties reqProperties = new RelayFileRequestProperties(
                        // Name of the file to download,
                        // Server path ("")
                        // route portion of download Url with preceding '/' removed,
                        // path of location where you want to store the downloaded file,
                        // request headers for this request as a Map<String, String>,
                        // String[] of header names to protect with Mte
  • Then call relay.downloadFile, passing ...
    • the RelayFileRequestProperties object you just created'
    • a new instance of RelayResponseListener

relay.downloadFile(AppSettings.relayHosts[0], reqProperties, new RelayResponseListener() {
   public void onError(String message, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
      // Handle errors appropriately and response headers as necessary

   public void onResponse(byte[] responseBytes, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
      // We don't expect to receive the response as a byte[].

   public void onResponse(JSONObject responseJson, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
   // Returns returns a JSONObject, and the response headers as a Map

RePair with Server

  • Most situations where Client and Server get out of sync are handled automatically but a function is available to trigger a rePair attempt.
  • Call 'relay.rePairWithRelayServer' passing ...
    • the path of the server with which you wish to rePair (,
    • and a new instance of RelayResponseListener

relay.rePairWithRelayServer(relayServerPath, new RelayResponseListener() {
   public void onError(String message, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
         // Handle errors appropriately and response headers as necessary

   public void onResponse(byte[] bytes, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
         // We don't expect to receive the response as a byte[].

   public void onResponse(JSONObject jsonObject, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) {
         // Returns returns a JSONObject, and the response headers as a Map

An AWS MteRelay Client YouTube integration video will soon be available.

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