An unofficial extension of the whenever library supporting abstract time periods!
builds on the whenever
library by introducing basic support for TimePeriods -- abstract intervals of the form [a, b)
, where a and b are whenever.Time
clock times.
introduces support for the following kinds of time periods:
[a, b)
, wherea < b
. Used to represent standard clock periods such as [05:00, 07:00). -
[a, b)
, wherea > b
. Used to represent clock periods that wrap around midnight. For example, [23:00, 04:00). -
[a, b)
, wherea = b
. Used to represent clock periods that span all possible clock times.
Flexible time periods: Handles both standard time periods and time periods that cross midnight or span all clock times.
Highly Extensible: We define an abstract
ABC class that is designed to be extensible for your TimePeriod requirements. All required methods are defined using multiple dispatch, thanks to theplum
library. Adding support for new TimePeriod subclasses is as simple as registering new signatures.
pip install whenever-time-period
from whenever import Time
from whenever_time_period import LinearTimePeriod, ModularTimePeriod, InfiniteTimePeriod
linear_period = LinearTimePeriod(Time(3), Time(10))
modular_period = ModularTimePeriod(Time(7), Time(5))
infinite_period = InfiniteTimePeriod(Time(5), Time(5))
For example:
3 5 7 10
| | | |
Linear: [----------------)
Modular: >------) [------->
Infinite: >------[-------------->
>> linear_period & modular_period
[LinearTimePeriod[03:00:00, 05:00:00), LinearTimePeriod[07:00:00, 10:00:00)]
3 5 7 10
| | | |
Linear: [----------------)
Modular: >------) [------->
Linear & Modular: [----) [----)
# same as above
>> modular_period & linear_period
LinearTimePeriod[07:00:00, 10:00:00)
>> infinite_period & linear_period
LinearTimePeriod[03:00:00, 10:00:00)
3 5 7 10
| | | |
Infinite: >------[-------------->
Linear: [----------------)
Infinite & Linear: [----------------)
>> infinite_period & modular_period
ModularTimePeriod[07:00:00, 05:00:00)
3 5 7 10
| | | |
Infinite: >------[-------------->
Modular: >------) [------->
Infinite & Modular: >------) [------->
# TimePeriods are left-closed
>> Time(3) in linear_period
# TimePeriods are right-open
>> Time(10) in linear_period
# All Times are members of InfiniteTimePeriods
>> Time(7) in infinte_period
Contributions are welcome. Contributions should be accompanied by a well-documented pull request and appropriate testing.