(Runtime Packages and Component Packages)
Originally developed by Colin Wilson http://torry.net/authorsmore.php?id=658 /
From http://www.wilsonc.demon.co.uk/delphi.htm (https://web.archive.org/web/20120625025803/http://www.wilsonc.demon.co.uk:80/delphi.htm) "These Delphi components are freeware. You may download them, and use the components or the technology they showcase, without charge. Where the download includes source files and documentation the source files and documentation files are copyright © Colin Wilson 2005. The source files are released under the MPL public license, so you can use them to develop even commercial applications."
Updated by estos GmbH
- Open RuntimePackages_10.2_Tokyo.groupproj in Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
- Build all contained projects
- Install OTAUtils250
- Open MMC_10.2_Tokyo.groupproj
- Build and install both contained projects