Provide STAC API interface for search and discovery
Provide native support for STAC extensions
Provide OGC API Records interface for search and discovery
Scalable to support millions of records
Extensible for integration with alternative backends
Provide a metadata catalog that supports all resource types required for open reproducible science
Provide a web-enabled administration UI for maintenance
Provide a REST-API interface for Create, Update and Delete of records
Engage with and contribute to CEOS best practice initiatives
Provide publish/subscribe capability
Support federation with other catalogs
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Extra attention is needed
Further information is requested
Refine the relevant use cases and consolidate the BB Component requirements
Perform a state-of-the-art analysis and relevant open source projects to the BB
Initiate online docs for BB architecture, functionalities and standardized interfaces
Specify the BB requirements in a customer-oriented way
Establish Stakeholders and NoR