This R package provides functionality for data formatting, preprocessing, filtering, exploratory data analysis and visualization of fourier transform (FT) mass spectrometry (MS) data.
ftmsRanalysis also serves as the backend to the FT-MS R Exploratory Data Analysis (FREDA) web application, which can be accessed at after signing up for an account. The code repository for the FREDA web application can be found here.
(Recommended) To install the latest release:
To install a specific release, say 1.0.0:
devtools::install_github("EMSL-Computing/[email protected]")
**(Not recommended, since these changes are still being tested) **, You can also install the most current version of master:
To get started, see the package documentation and function reference located at
Example data are available in the ftmsRanalaysis package. Information about how to access this data is shown in package vignettes and on the website (link in the tutorial section above)