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Core Python library for ResourceSync publishing


The ResourceSync specification describes a synchronization framework for the web consisting of various capabilities that allow third-party systems to remain synchronized with a server's evolving resources. More precisely the ResourceSync Framework describes the communication between source and destination aimed at synchronizing one or more resources. Communication uses http and an extension on the Sitemap protocol, an xml-based format for expressing metadata, relevant for synchronization.

The software in the rspub-core library handles the source-side implementation of the framework. Given a bunch of resources it analyzes these resources and the differences over time and creates the necessary sitemap-documents that describe the resources and the changes.



Fig. 1. Overview of the main features of rspub-core.

In essence rspub-core is a one-class, one-method library: class ResourceSync, method execute. But there is more:

  • RsParameters control the conditions under which the execution takes place. Multiple sets of parameters can be saved as configurations and restored from disk.
  • The set of resources that will be synchronized can be selected and filtered in several ways:
    • The execute method in the ResourceSync class takes a file, a folder, or a list of files and folders as argument.
    • It can also take a Selector. The Selector class is a simple implementation of a filter based on included and excluded path names. Just like configurations, selectors can be saved and they can be associated with a configuration.
    • Complementary to the above mentioned execution arguments, there is a pluggable ResourceGate. A ResourceGate defines sets of including and excluding one-argument predicates. The one argument for the predicates is the absolute filename of the inspected resource. A predicate can take decisions not only based on filename patterns but also based on contents or validity of, or additional metadata on a resource. You can define your own taste of ResourceGate by plugging-in a ResourceGateBuilder.
  • The chosen Strategy determines what kind of process will do the synchronization. At the moment there are Executors that produce resourcelists, new changelists or incremental changelists.

A set of parameters, known as a configuration, can precisely define a set of resources, the selection and filter mechanisms, the publication strategy and where to store the resourcesync metadata. Dedicated configurations can be defined for multiple sets of resources and published in equal amounts of capabilitylists. A configuration can be saved on disk, restored and run with a minimum effort. This makes rspub-core the ideal library for scripting a publication strategy that will serve multiple groups of consumers that may be interested in different sets of resources offered by your site.

The command line interface rspub/cli/ was originally used to balance and clearly define the API of the core library. You may use it in a window-less environment to compose, save and run configurations. Based on rspub-core the project rspub-gui offers a graphical user interface to publish resources.

Quick install

Running from source

Clone or downoad the source code. If your editor does not install required packages, issue the pip install command from the root directory of this project.

$ cd your/path/to/rspub-core
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

In order to make use of command line completion in the command line interface you will also need the optional requirement gnureadline:

$ pip install -r requirements_opt.txt