geomet-climate provides the MapServer setup and configuration for deployment of MSC GeoMet climate service data OGC Web Services.
- Python MapScript
- GDAL Python bindings
- Python 3
- virtualenv
Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. Dependencies are automatically installed during installation.
# install system wide packages
sudo apt-get install python-mapscript python-gdal
# setup virtualenv
virtualenv geomet-climate
cd geomet-climate
. bin/activate
# clone codebase and install
git clone
cd geomet-climate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip3 install -e .
# configure environment
vi geomet-climate.env # edit paths accordingly
. geomet-climate.env
# help
geomet-climate --help
# get version
geomet-climate --version
# generate VRTs for all layers
geomet-climate vrt generate
# generate VRTs for single layer
geomet-climate vrt generate --layer=CMIP5.SND.RCP26.FALL.ANO_PCTL50
# generate tileindex for all layers
geomet-climate tileindex generate
# generate tileindex for single layer
geomet-climate tileindex generate --layer=CMIP5.SND.RCP26.FALL.ANO_PCTL50
# generate legends for all layers
geomet-climate legend generate
# generate mapfile for WMS
geomet-climate mapfile generate --service=WMS
# generate mapfile for WMS with specific configuration for single layer
geomet-climate mapfile generate --service=WMS --layer=CMIP5.SND.RCP26.FALL.ANO_PCTL50
# generate mapfile for WCS
geomet-climate mapfile generate --service=WCS
# run server
geomet-climate serve # server runs on port 8099
# run server on a different port
geomet-climate serve --port=8011
# cache WMS and WCS Capabilities URLs
mapserv -nh QUERY_STRING="map=$GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/mapfile/" > $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/geomet-climate-WMS-1.3.0-capabilities-en.xml && mv -f $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/geomet-climate-WMS-1.3.0-capabilities-en.xml $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/mapfile
mapserv -nh QUERY_STRING="map=$GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/mapfile/" > $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/geomet-climate-WMS-1.3.0-capabilities-fr.xml && mv -f $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/geomet-climate-WMS-1.3.0-capabilities-fr.xml $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/mapfile
mapserv -nh QUERY_STRING="map=$GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/mapfile/" > $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/geomet-climate-WCS-2.0.1-capabilities-en.xml && mv -f $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/geomet-climate-WCS-2.0.1-capabilities-en.xml $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/mapfile
mapserv -nh QUERY_STRING="map=$GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/mapfile/" > $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/geomet-climate-WCS-2.0.1-capabilities-fr.xml && mv -f $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/geomet-climate-WCS-2.0.1-capabilities-fr.xml $GEOMET_CLIMATE_BASEDIR/mapfile
. tests/geomet-climate-test.env
python3 test
python3 cleanbuild
python3 sdist bdist_wheel --universal
twine upload dist/*
All bugs, enhancements and issues are managed on GitHub.