This repository contains the code and data required to reproduce the experiments described in the paper "Online Selection of CMA-ES Variants", as well as additional interesting figures and results not included in the publication.
This repository consists of three seperate folders, containing the python code used to run the experiments; the notebook used to process the data and part of the data required to use the notebook.
Data for section 5.2 is available here:
Other data referenced in the notebook can be made available upon request, but is not included here because of its large size.
To run the code, python 2.7 is required, with the packages mentioned in the requirements file installed.
To run the notebook, Jupyter notebooks running a version of python 3 is required. The nbextensions package (which can be found here) is highly recommended for easier reading.
The following extensions in particular are recommended:
-Initialization cells
-Collapsable Headings
-(some) LaTeX environments for Jupyter
-Table of Contents (2)