Three-dimensional Extended Reduced Thickness Event-by-event Nuclear Topology
This is the first attempt at an extension of TRENTo to three dimensions. This repo is listed for historical purposes and this version of TRENTo 3D was used for the below publications. For the current 3D extension of TRENTo please use the TRENTo 3D 2.0 repo.
A three-dimensional initial condition model for high-energy nuclear collisions. For a documentation of the original boost-invariant TRENTo model, please read the docs at For model details please refer to PRC 92 011901, PRC 96 044912.
Figure 1: An event from TRENTo 3D. Left: the event projected on to x-y plane at midrapidty; right: same event projected on to y-η plane.
First, install the dependencies: a C++11 compiler, Boost, GSL and HDF5. Then download the source code and compile with CMake:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make install
TRENTo 3D keeps all the options in the original boost-invariant model with additional options listed in Table 1. Note that to work in three-dimensional mode, --eta-max
must be set to a positive value.
- Genereate 10 Pb Pb events at s1/2 = 5020 GeV in boost-invariant mode and output to a
trento3d Pb Pb 10 -e 5020 -o PbPb.hdf5
- Same as above but generate three-dimensional initial condition with -10<η<10, dη=0.2.
trento3d Pb Pb 10 -e 5020 --eta-max=10.0 --eta-step=0.2 -o PbPb.hdf5
- Use the absolute-skewness parametrization (see Table 2) instead of the relative-skewness parametrization, with skew coefficient γ0= 1.0.
trento3d Pb Pb 10 -e 5020 -r 2 -t 1.0 --eta-max=10.0 --eta-step=0.2 -o PbPb.hdf5
Options | Default | Description |
-m, --mean-coeff | 1.0 (float>0) | rapidity mean coefficient μ0 |
-s, --std-coeff | 3.0 (float>0) | rapidity std coefficient σ0 |
-t, --skew-coeff | 0.0 (float>0) | rapidity skew coefficient γ0 |
-r, --skew-type | 1 (int) |
-j, --jacobian | 0.8 (float>0) | <pt/mt> used in Jacobian dy/dη |
-e, --beam-energy | 2760 (float>0) | collision beam energy s1/2 [GeV], initializes cross section |
--xy-max | 10.0 (float) | transverse x [fm] and y [fm] maximum (x,y grid from -max to +max) |
--xy-step | 0.2 (float) | transverse x [fm] and y [fm] step size |
--eta-max | 0.0 (float) | space-time rapidity maximum (η grid from -max to +max) |
--eta-step | 0.5 (float) | space-time rapidity step size |
Longitudinal extension:
TRENTo 3D reproduces TRENTo at midrapidity (η=0) exactly. At finite space-time rapidity, the entropy production is the product of its midrapidity value and a longitudinal profile function that varies at each transvese location. The profile is characterized by its first η-cumulants: mean, stadard deviationa and skewness. They are parametrized in terms of nuclear thickness function:
Cumulants | Parametrization |
mean | μ0/2 log [(TA eY+ TB e-Y ) / (TA e-Y+ TB eY)], Y is the beam rapidity |
standard deviation | σ0 |
skewness | Relative skewness, γ0 (TA- TB )/(TA+ TB) Absolute skewness, γ0 (TA- TB ) |