Install the Adafruit ServoKit Circuit Python library on the NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit
Here are some convenience scripts to get servo motors working with the NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit using a PCA9685 breakout board over I2C. first sets the permissions for i2c and gpio so that they can be accessed in user space by the current user. Next, pip is installed. Finally, the adafruit-circuitpython-servokit library (along with its supporting libaries) are installed. To run the script:$ ./installServoKit.shInstalls the approxeng.input gamepad input library using pip. This provides support for a variety of gamepad controllers. In particular, the Sony Dual Shock PS4 game controller. The script also installs a fix to the dual shock controller for the mapping of the right joystick.
$ ./installGamePad.shA simple example of controlling two servos with a game controller. For testing, two servos are connected to an Adafruit PCA9685 breakout board in positions 0 and 1. For testing, a Sony PS4 game controller was used.
$ python3
For the servo attached to port 0, the left gamepad joystick X direction controls the position of the servo. For the other servo, the right joystick in the Y direction controls the position.
On the Jetson Nano, pins 27 (SDA) and 28 (SCL) on the J41 GPIO header are connected to I2C Bus 0. Pins 3 (SDA) and 4 (SCL) are connected to I2C Bus 1. The demo uses pins 27 and 28.Here's the wiring diagram:
If you get "Error:future feature annotations is not defined",you may specify the Adafruit-PlatformDetect version to 3.19.6.Frist, remove the current version(anything > 3.19.6)
$sudo -H pip3 uninstall Adafruit-PlatformDetectThen install the version(3.19.6)
$sudo -H pip3 install Adafruit-PlatformDetect==3.19.6Now you install the adafruit-circuitpython-servokit :)
If you get "NameError: name 'I2C' is not defined"
$sudo -H pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-typingCurrent Work in Progress