Demo of old vuejs version:
- Kanban cards
- Todo lists inside cards
- Notes and comments inside cards
- Permission control (admin and common users)
- Task-tables with dates and statuses inside cards
- Card duplication across boards
- Move to trash feature
- I18n (eng, rus, ukr)
- Material design
- Card events
- Card tags
- Add seed user
- Implement real-time updates
- Switch to serverless
- Fix XSS
- Install MongoDB
- Install server deps, create config.js and start it in dev mode
$ cd server
$ npm i
$ npm start
- Install client deps and start it in dev mode
$ cd client
$ npm i
$ npm start
- Somehow create a demo-user (no seeds yet)
Q: No tests, no eslint, no env vars?
A: Yep. Trying to keep it as simple as possible, so any part could be quickly rewritten.
Q: What do you expect from community?
A: I expect that people would use it not only to learn but also to implement custom task managers for their own projects. If it would be so, code quality will rise and new features will be implemented.
Q: Why do this project exists?
A: Team of my co-workers have been using trello. It was fine except lack of some specific features. So I implemented this project and now they use it. Also it was my master degree project.
Q: Why OpenSource?
A: I realised that it still pretty much far away from commercial use. People asked me to share the code, so here it is.