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DTPunishment V1.0.0

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@Eufranio Eufranio released this 16 Jan 01:33
· 2 commits to master since this release

That's a refactor of a lot of the plugin's insternals. You may need to regenerate your config, so backup before updating.


  • Now we ignore usernames on the spam check (so you don't get points for writting the name of your friend that has a lot of upper letters)
  • Fixed messages showing the wrong name of users sometimes
  • Added replacer with stars (*) or words
  • Added a new Messages.conf file that contains all (or most of) the plugin messages, configurable
  • Added option to specify the directory of the data storage, useful if you have servers that share the same data
  • Updated to SpongeAPI 7.0.0, but it should still work on other versions (5/6)
  • Now we ignore messages coming from other chat channels on the checks (so you shouldn't be muted for spamming in the Nucleus' staff channel anymore)
