Python Data Science Utilities
You can install PDSUtilities
using pip
pip install PDSUtilities
or by adding PDSUtilities
to your requirements.txt
Import the functions you need as follows:
from PBSUtilities.xgboost import plot_importance
from PBSUtilities.xgboost import plot_tree
from PBSUtilities.pandas import plot_histograms
See below for sample usage of both of these functions.
The plot_importance()
function is a plotly-based replacement
for xgboost.plot_importance()
. The APIs are similar (though
several parameters have been renamed) but with two key differences.
First, PDSUtilities.xgboost.plot_importance()
does not rely on fmap
to supply feature names, instead exposing a labels
parameter that
that can either be a list
of labels or a dict
that allows mapping of
feature names to labels.
And second, PDSUtilities.xgboost.plot_importance()
does not rely on matplotlib
at all, instead using plotly
for visualisation. This produces
an interactive, publication-quality visualisation that can also
be customised more easily, particularly using
The PDSUtilities.xgboost.plot_importance()
function is a direct
copy/paste/edit modification of xgboost.plot_importance()
with a few
minor tweaks to the API and relatively light changes to the code. The
xgboost team deserves the vast majority of credit for this code!
The xgboost license can be found here:
The API is:
booster, labels = {}, width = 0.6, xrange = None, yrange = None,
title = 'Feature Importance', xlabel = 'F Score', ylabel = 'Features',
fmap = '', max_features = None, importance_type = 'weight',
show_grid = True, show_values = True)
Example Usage
import pandas as pd
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
from xgboost import XGBModel
from xgboost import Booster
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from PDSUtilities.xgboost import plot_importance
df = pd.read_csv("/some/datafile.csv")
xt, xv, yt, yv = train_test_split(
df.drop("OutputFeature", axis = 1),
pipeline = Pipeline(steps = [
("transform", ColumnTransformer(
transformers = [
("cat", OrdinalEncoder(), categorical_columns),
("num", MinMaxScaler(), numerical_columns)
("features", SelectKBest()),
("classifier", XGBClassifier(
objective = "binary:logistic",
eval_metric = "auc",
use_label_encoder = False
parameters = {
"classifier__colsample_bytree": 0.2,
"classifier__gamma": 0.4,
"classifier__learning_rate": 0.1,
"classifier__max_depth": 4,
"classifier__n_estimators": 60,
"features__k": 10,
"features__score_func": chi2
model =, yt)
classifier = pipeline["classifier"]
labels = [feature for column in xt.columns]
fig = plot_importance(classifier, labels = labels)
fig.update_layout(template = "presentation", width = 700, height = 600)
The plot_tree()
function is a plotly-based replacement for xgboost.plot_tree()
that takes visualising booster trees to a whole new visual level. As a result,
the API looks nothing like that of xgboost.plot_tree()
, though in its
simplest usage, it is almost identical, though again not requiring fmap
for adding feature names to the visualisation:
from PDSUtilities.xgboost import plot_tree
booster = pipeline["classifier"].get_booster()
fig = plot_tree(booster, tree = 0, labels = labels)
In this example, tree
is the tree number and, as with plot_importance()
the labels
parameter can be either a list
or a dict
Note that the default colours were chosen from a vibrant, colourblind-friendly
palette, but can be completely configured via a number of additional configuration
settings. An additional, handy parameter is grayscale = True
, which produces
a also colorblind-friendly, grayscale visualisation.
Finally, the Figure
object returned by plot_impotance()
can be further customised
via plotly's extensive API.
The plot_tree()
API is:
plot_tree(booster, tree, labels = {}, width = None, height = None,
precision = 4, scale = 0.7, font = None, grayscale = False,
node_shape = {}, node_line = {}, node_font = {},
leaf_shape = {}, leaf_line = {}, leaf_font = {},
edge_labels = {}, edge_colors = {}, edge_arrow = {},
edge_line = {}, edge_label = {}, edge_font = {})
Example The overall font can be configured by any of the following settings:
font = {
'family': "Garamond, Cambria, Arial, etc",
'size': 16,
'color': "#000000"
These settings can be overridden for nodes, leaves and edges by the
, leaf_font
and edge_font
settings, respectively. For
example, specifying
edge_font = {
'size': 11,
would override the font
setting so that the edge labels would be
11pt Garamond.
Edge colours can be configured via a decision-specific dict
. For
example, the edge colours corresponding to grayscale = True
could be set by:
edge_clours = {
'Yes': "#222222",
'No': "#777777",
'Missing': "#AAAAAA",
'Yes/Missing': "#222222",
'No/Missing': "#777777",
Note that the keys Yes/Missing
and No/Missing
correspond to
the case where a branch point has a Missing
branch that connects
to the same child as Yes
or No
, respectively.
Similarly, the edge labels can also be configured via a decision-specific
. The default is:
edge_labels = {
'Yes': "Yes",
'No': "No",
'Missing': "Missing",
'Yes/Missing': "Yes/Missing",
'No/Missing': "No/Missing"
This is handy, for example, when it is known a priori that there are no missing values, in which case setting
edge_labels = {
'Yes/Missing': "Yes/Missing",
'No/Missing': "No/Missing"
will lead to a much cleaner looking visualisation.
Node and leaf shapes and lines can also be configured:
node_shape = {
'type': "rect",
'fillcolor': "#CBCBCB",
'opacity': 1.0,
node_line = {
'color': "#666666",
'width': 1,
'dash': "solid",
leaf_shape = {
'type': "rounded",
'fillcolor': "#EDEDED",
'opacity': 1.0,
leaf_line = {
'color': "#777777",
'width': 1,
'dash': "solid",
Note that type
can be any of "rect"
, "circle"
and that dash
can be any of "solid"
, "dot"
, "dash"
, "longdash"
or "longdashdot"
The edge line, arrow and label properties can also be configured:
edge_line = {
'width': 1.5,
'dash': "solid",
edge_arrow = {
'arrowhead': 3, # Integer between or equal to 0 and 8
'arrowsize': 1.5,
edge_label = {
'align': "center",
'bgcolor': "#FFFFFF",
'bordercolor': "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
'borderpad': 1,
'borderwidth': 1,
'opacity': 1.0,
'textangle': 0,
'valign': "middle",
'visible': True,
where dash
is as above and arrowhead
is an int
in range(0, 9)
that specifies the arrowhead style.
Additionally, plot_tree()
accepts width
and height
specifying the overall width and height of the visualisation--though the defaults
are reasonably good and tree-size dependent--as well as a precision
specifying the number of decimal places displayed when rendering the numbers
in nodes and leaves.
Finally, plot_tree()
also accepts a scale
parameter that can be adjusted up or
down if the node and/or leaf labels do not quite fit in their corresponding
shapes. This can occur because plot_tree()
does not use font metrics for
computing the size of the labels, instead using a reasonable guess. This is
because plotly does not offer this via their API and no python font metric
libraries seemed to offer what was needed. This may be improved in the future
but for now, adjusting scale
is the preferred method for dealing with this.
As with plot_impotance()
the returned Figure
object can be further customised
via plotly's extensive API.
The plot_histograms()
function uses plotly to produce publication-quality histograms
for all categorical and numerical columns in a pandas
dataframe with a single line of code.
In its simplest usage, plot_histograms()
takes a single argument--the dataframe--but with
only a few more arguments, it quickly becomes a tool for not only visualising your data, but
also for exploriing it. For example, this code,
import pandas as pd
from PDSUtilities.pandas import plot_histograms
df = pd.read_csv("./data/heart.csv")
fig = plot_histograms(df, target = "ChestPainType", template = "presentation",
title = "Heart Disease Dataset Histograms Grouped by Chest Pain Type")
produces histograms grouped by the values in the target
The plot_histograms()
function has the following API:
plot_histograms(df, target = None, columns = None, rows = None, cols = None, width = None, height = None,
title = None, cumulative = None, barmode = "stack", opacity = 0.65, bins = 0,
hovermode = None, template = None, colors = 0, font = {}, title_font = {}, legend_font = {})
If target = None
then totals are plotted for every column in the dataframe. If instead, target
is the name of a column, then totals for each value of the target
are plotted for every column.
If columns = None
then all columns are plotted. Otherwise, only the columns in columns
are plotted.
If either or both of the number of rows
and cols
are specified, those are used in arranging the
histograms in the grid. Otherwise values are chosen automatically in a reasonable manner. The same
applies tohe width
and column
: either or both can be specified and missing values are calculated
automatically based upon the specified or calculated rows
and cols
The title
can be supplied either as a string or a dict
according to the plotly specification.
As an example, the default dict
that is created when title
is a string is:
title = { 'text': title, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': "center" }
Specifying cumulative = True
produces cumulative histograms for each target
variable, or the entire
dataset if target = None
The barmode
argument can be any of "stack"
, "group"
or "overlay"
, and opacity
is used only
when barmode
is "overlay"
to specify the opacity of the bars.
The bins
argument can be either an int
or a dict
and suggests a maximum number of bins to use
for numerical columns. When bins
is an int
, this argument applies to all columns in the dataframe.
Note that the default value, bins = 0
, specifies that plotly should choose the value automatically.
When bins
is a dict
it specifies the maximum number of bins for those columns in the dictionary,
where keys are column names and values are bins.
The hovermode
argument controls the hover text and markers displayed as the cursor hovers over values
in plotly plots and can be any of "x"
, "y"
, "x unified"
or "y unified"
, with the same meaning
as in plotly. The default is "x unified"
which causes all values corresponding to the current x position
to be displayed in a single hover textbox.
The template
argument can be used to specify a plotly template. See
and the plotly documentation.
The colors
argument can be an int
in range(-1, 5)
or a string from the list
["Vibrant", "Bright", "Muted", "Medium-Contrast", "Grayscale"]
specifying one of
five colourblindness-friendly schemes to be used in setting the bar colours; or it
can be a list of colour strings of the form "#RRGGBB"
, "rgb(255,255,255)"
to be used instead of the colour schemes.
Note that all of the colour schemes are colour blindness friendly and have significant
contrast. This is also true of the grayscale colour scheme, which can be selected with
either colors = 4
or colors = -1
The font
, title_font
and legend_font
set the fonts used for the text elements in the plots and
take values similar to other PDSUtilities
functions. For example, the default font is:
font = {
'family': "Verdana, Helvetica, Verdana, Calibri, Garamond, Cambria, Arial",
'size': 14,
'color': "#000000"
This repository uses the Heart Failure Prediction Dataset[1] from UCI Machine Learning Repository
on the following link:
- fedesoriano. (September 2021). Heart Failure Prediction Dataset. Retrieved [January 16, 2022] from