Doqutore is built with Vue as the javascript framework, Vuetify as the component library and Nuxt as the server-side rendering framework. It uses the exposed HTTPS endpoints from AWS Lambdas functions for the API calls and also uses Github Actions for CI/CD deployments to AWS S3 buckets.
# install dependencies
$ yarn
# LOCALHOST: serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
# GENERATE: generate static project in /dist directory
$ yarn generate
To deploy to the 'dev' account on AWS, just push to the branch 'dev'
To deploy to the 'preprod' account on AWS, just push to the branch 'preprod'
To deploy to the 'prod' account on AWS, just push to the branch 'prod'
Note: the code for the Githib Actions can be found in the .github/workflows directory