- Unit tests are generated at compile time. It removes the need of reflection at runtime and allows better compilation workflow (ie: Use Closure compiler in advanced mode).
- Mappings consistency are checked at compile time in Flow DSL between mapped type and: Class name, reference or primitive value.
added to Flow DSL. Mapping checking works withbind
as well.
See examples below:
recursive.f3 = sample.testBind.bind( _, i );
recursive.f4 = hex.mock.Sample.testStaticBind.bind( _, i );
binded = sample.testBind.bind( _, i );
staticBinded = hex.mock.Sample.testStaticBind.bind( _, i );
recursive = new hex.mock.ConstructorWithClosureArgs( sample.testBind.bind( _, i ), hex.mock.Sample.testStaticBind.bind( _, i ) );
recursive.callWithClosureArgs( sample.testBind.bind( _, i ), hex.mock.Sample.testStaticBind.bind( _, i ) );
result = hex.mock.ConstructorWithClosureArgs.staticallWithClosureArgs( sample.testBind.bind( _, i ), hex.mock.Sample.testStaticBind.bind( _, i ) );
mapping1 = mapping( { fromType: "String->String", toValue: binded } );
mapping2 = mapping( { fromType: "String->String", toValue: hex.mock.Sample.testStaticBind.bind( _, i ) } );
sample = new hex.mock.Sample();
i = 3;
gives retro-behavior to add tests at runtime in the runner.MacroUtil.getTypeFromString
returns haxe.macro.Type from a given stringified fcqn.MacroUtil.getIdent
returns expr ident if there's one.
Breaking change
MethodRunner.asyncHandler( callback : Void->Void)
should be used for asynchronous tests. It triggers the final callback for ending the asynchronous test.
Timer.delay( MethodRunner.asyncHandler( this._onCompleteTestAsyncTransitionsWithHandlers ), 200 );
Timer.delay( MethodRunner.asyncHandler.bind( this._onCompleteTestAsyncTransitionsWithHandlers ) , 200 );
Example with argument callback
acb.onComplete( MethodRunner.asyncHandler( this._onTestExecuteComplete, [ service, acb ] ) );
acb.onComplete( function( result : String )
MethodRunner.asyncHandler( function() this._onTestExecuteComplete( result, service, acb ) ) );
can be called in silent mode (to prevent error throwing)ReflectionBuilder
throws exception for annotated virtual getters/setters.
- tink_macro dependency set to 16.1
- Conflict between
when they extend the same interface. #245
- hexCommand is still in development. The final goal is to deprecate hexIoC and hexMVC to go to final release without reflection.