Lightweight spreadsheet editor for the web, to easily let your users import their data from excel.
Install with npm i importabular
Then create an instance like this
import Importabular from 'importabular'
const sheet=new Importabular({
Get the current data as a 2D array
Set the current data from a 2D array
sheet.setData([['Content of A1','of A2','A3'], ['B1','B2','etc.']])
Destroy it to remove event listeners
This is a minimalist library that does very little :
- The API is quite young and subject to changes in later version. It's now getting closer to v1
- No virtual rendering, we use a simple size, this has the advantage of automatic column and rows sizing
- No sorting, pivot, formula, etc ..
- Only basic keyboard shortcuts
- Only strings as data type
- Only for recent browsers
- No "drag cell corner to duplicate value"
- Support of right click / copy is there, but not cur or paste via mouse. The keyboard shortcut should work though
I've created this lib because I was tired of having to remove 90% of the features offered by the very few open source libs for web spreadsheets.
So for this reinventing the wheel to make sense, I should not add any extra features to this core. The lib is fresh and not battle tested, so probably has some bugs. Feel free to create an issue if you find a clear bug, or submit a PR.
The source is still quite tiny (600 lines of code) so you shouldn't have too hard of a time modifying it to fit your needs.
Spreadsheet component
Array Initial data of the table, ie [['A1','A2'],['B1','B2']] (optional, default[]
Node Dom node to create the table into (optional, defaultnull
Node Callback to run whenever the data has changed, receives the new data as an argument. (optional, defaultnull
Number Minimum number of rows. (optional, default1
Number Maximum number of rows, the table will not grow vertically beyond this. (optional, defaultInfinity
Number Minimum number of columns. (optional, default1
Number Maximum number of columns, the table will not grow horizontally beyond this. (optional, defaultInfinity
String Css code to add inside the iframe. (optional, default""
Object Width of the iframe that will contain the table. (optional, default"100%"
Object Height of the iframe that will contain the table. (optional, default"80vh"
Destroys the table, and clears even listeners
Replace the current data with the provided 2D array.
[[String]] the new data, as a 2D array.
Returns the current data as a 2D array
Returns [[String]] data the latest data as a 2D array.