View Source: contracts/connectors/loantoken/LoanTokenLogicStandard.sol
↗ Extends: LoanTokenLogicStorage ↘ Derived Contracts: LoanTokenLogicLM, LoanTokenLogicWrbtc
This contract code comes from bZx. bZx is a protocol for tokenized margin trading and lending similar to the dYdX protocol.
- Logic around loan tokens (iTokens) required to operate borrowing, and margin trading financial processes.
- The user provides funds to the lending pool using the mint function and withdraws funds from the lending pool using the burn function. Mint and burn refer to minting and burning loan tokens. Loan tokens represent a share of the pool and gather interest over time.
- Interest rates are determined by supply and demand. When a lender deposits funds, the interest rates go down. When a trader borrows funds, the interest rates go up. Fulcrum uses a simple linear interest rate formula of the form y = mx + b. The interest rate starts at 1% when loans aren't being utilized and scales up to 40% when all the funds in the loan pool are being borrowed.
- The borrow rate is determined at the time of the loan and represents the net contribution of each borrower. Each borrower's interest contribution is determined by the utilization rate of the pool and is netted against all prior borrows. This means that the total amount of interest flowing into the lending pool is not directly changed by lenders entering or exiting the pool. The entrance or exit of lenders only impacts how the interest payments are split up.
- For example, if there are 2 lenders with equal holdings each earning 5% APR, but one of the lenders leave, then the remaining lender will earn 10% APR since the interest payments don't have to be split between two individuals.
- mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount)
- burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount)
- borrow(bytes32 loanId, uint256 withdrawAmount, uint256 initialLoanDuration, uint256 collateralTokenSent, address collateralTokenAddress, address borrower, address receiver, bytes )
- marginTrade(bytes32 loanId, uint256 leverageAmount, uint256 loanTokenSent, uint256 collateralTokenSent, address collateralTokenAddress, address trader, uint256 minEntryPrice, bytes loanDataBytes)
- marginTradeAffiliate(bytes32 loanId, uint256 leverageAmount, uint256 loanTokenSent, uint256 collateralTokenSent, address collateralTokenAddress, address trader, uint256 minEntryPrice, address affiliateReferrer, bytes loanDataBytes)
- transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)
- transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value)
- _internalTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value, uint256 _allowanceAmount)
- _updateCheckpoints(address _user, uint256 _oldBalance, uint256 _newBalance, uint256 _currentPrice)
- profitOf(address user)
- _profitOf(bytes32 slot, uint256 _balance, uint256 _currentPrice, uint256 _checkpointPrice)
- tokenPrice()
- checkpointPrice(address _user)
- marketLiquidity()
- avgBorrowInterestRate()
- borrowInterestRate()
- nextBorrowInterestRate(uint256 borrowAmount)
- supplyInterestRate()
- nextSupplyInterestRate(uint256 supplyAmount)
- totalSupplyInterestRate(uint256 assetSupply)
- totalAssetBorrow()
- totalAssetSupply()
- getMaxEscrowAmount(uint256 leverageAmount)
- assetBalanceOf(address _owner)
- getEstimatedMarginDetails(uint256 leverageAmount, uint256 loanTokenSent, uint256 collateralTokenSent, address collateralTokenAddress)
- getDepositAmountForBorrow(uint256 borrowAmount, uint256 initialLoanDuration, address collateralTokenAddress)
- getBorrowAmountForDeposit(uint256 depositAmount, uint256 initialLoanDuration, address collateralTokenAddress)
- checkPriceDivergence(uint256 loanTokenSent, address collateralTokenAddress, uint256 minEntryPrice)
- _mintToken(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount)
- _prepareMinting(uint256 depositAmount)
- _burnToken(uint256 burnAmount)
- _settleInterest()
- _totalDeposit(address collateralTokenAddress, uint256 collateralTokenSent, uint256 loanTokenSent)
- _getAmountInRbtc(address asset, uint256 amount)
- _getInterestRateAndBorrowAmount(uint256 borrowAmount, uint256 assetSupply, uint256 initialLoanDuration)
- _borrowOrTrade(bytes32 loanId, uint256 withdrawAmount, uint256 initialMargin, address collateralTokenAddress, struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAddresses sentAddresses, struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAmounts sentAmounts, bytes loanDataBytes)
- _verifyTransfers(address collateralTokenAddress, struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAddresses sentAddresses, struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAmounts sentAmounts, uint256 withdrawalAmount)
- _safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint256 amount, string errorMsg)
- _safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint256 amount, string errorMsg)
- _callOptionalReturn(address token, bytes data, string errorMsg)
- _underlyingBalance()
- _tokenPrice(uint256 assetSupply)
- _avgBorrowInterestRate(uint256 assetBorrow)
- calculateSupplyInterestRate(uint256 assetBorrow, uint256 assetSupply)
- _nextBorrowInterestRate(uint256 borrowAmount)
- _nextBorrowInterestRate2(uint256 newBorrowAmount, uint256 assetSupply)
- _getAllInterest()
- _getMarginBorrowAmountAndRate(uint256 leverageAmount, uint256 depositAmount)
- _totalAssetSupply(uint256 interestUnPaid)
- _checkPause()
- _adjustLoanSize(uint256 interestRate, uint256 maxDuration, uint256 loanSizeBeforeInterest)
- _utilizationRate(uint256 assetBorrow, uint256 assetSupply)
- _mintWithLM(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount)
- _burnFromLM(uint256 burnAmount)
Mint loan token wrapper. Adds a check before calling low level _mintToken function. The function retrieves the tokens from the message sender, so make sure to first approve the loan token contract to access your funds. This is done by calling approve(address spender, uint amount) on the ERC20 token contract, where spender is the loan token contract address and amount is the amount to be deposited. *
function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external nonpayable nonReentrant globallyNonReentrant
returns(mintAmount uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
receiver | address | The account getting the minted tokens. |
depositAmount | uint256 | The amount of underlying tokens provided on the loan. (Not the number of loan tokens to mint). * |
The amount of loan tokens minted.
Source Code
function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount)
returns (uint256 mintAmount)
return _mintToken(receiver, depositAmount);
Burn loan token wrapper. Adds a pay-out transfer after calling low level _burnToken function. In order to withdraw funds to the pool, call burn on the respective loan token contract. This will burn your loan tokens and send you the underlying token in exchange. *
function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external nonpayable nonReentrant globallyNonReentrant
returns(loanAmountPaid uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
receiver | address | The account getting the minted tokens. |
burnAmount | uint256 | The amount of loan tokens to redeem. * |
The amount of underlying tokens payed to lender.
Source Code
function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount)
returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid)
loanAmountPaid = _burnToken(burnAmount);
//this needs to be here and not in _burnTokens because of the WRBTC implementation
if (loanAmountPaid != 0) {
_safeTransfer(loanTokenAddress, receiver, loanAmountPaid, "5");
Borrow funds from the pool. The underlying loan token may not be used as collateral. *
function borrow(bytes32 loanId, uint256 withdrawAmount, uint256 initialLoanDuration, uint256 collateralTokenSent, address collateralTokenAddress, address borrower, address receiver, bytes ) public payable nonReentrant globallyNonReentrant
returns(uint256, uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
loanId | bytes32 | The ID of the loan, 0 for a new loan. |
withdrawAmount | uint256 | The amount to be withdrawn (actually borrowed). |
initialLoanDuration | uint256 | The duration of the loan in seconds. If the loan is not paid back until then, it'll need to be rolled over. |
collateralTokenSent | uint256 | The amount of collateral tokens provided by the user. (150% of the withdrawn amount worth in collateral tokens). |
collateralTokenAddress | address | The address of the token to be used as collateral. Cannot be the loan token address. |
borrower | address | The one paying for the collateral. |
receiver | address | The one receiving the withdrawn amount. * |
bytes | loanId The ID of the loan, 0 for a new loan. |
New principal and new collateral added to loan.
Source Code
function borrow(
bytes32 loanId, /// 0 if new loan.
uint256 withdrawAmount,
uint256 initialLoanDuration, /// Duration in seconds.
uint256 collateralTokenSent, /// If 0, loanId must be provided; any rBTC sent must equal this value.
address collateralTokenAddress, /// If address(0), this means rBTC and rBTC must be sent with the call or loanId must be provided.
address borrower,
address receiver,
bytes memory /// loanDataBytes: arbitrary order data (for future use).
nonReentrant /// Note: needs to be removed to allow flashloan use cases.
returns (
uint256 /// Returns new principal and new collateral added to loan.
require(withdrawAmount != 0, "6");
/// Temporary: limit transaction size.
if (transactionLimit[collateralTokenAddress] > 0)
require(collateralTokenSent <= transactionLimit[collateralTokenAddress]);
(msg.value == 0 || msg.value == collateralTokenSent) &&
(collateralTokenSent != 0 || loanId != 0) &&
(collateralTokenAddress != address(0) || msg.value != 0 || loanId != 0) &&
(loanId == 0 || msg.sender == borrower),
/// @dev We have an issue regarding contract size code is too big. 1 of the solution is need to keep the error message 32 bytes length
// Temporarily, we combine this require to the above, so can save the contract size code
// require(collateralTokenSent != 0 || loanId != 0, "8");
// require(collateralTokenAddress != address(0) || msg.value != 0 || loanId != 0, "9");
/// @dev Ensure authorized use of existing loan.
// require(loanId == 0 || msg.sender == borrower, "401 use of existing loan");
/// @dev The condition is never met.
/// Address zero is not allowed by previous require validation.
/// This check is unneeded and was lowering the test coverage index.
// if (collateralTokenAddress == address(0)) {
// collateralTokenAddress = wrbtcTokenAddress;
// }
require(collateralTokenAddress != loanTokenAddress, "10");
MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAddresses memory sentAddresses;
MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAmounts memory sentAmounts;
sentAddresses.lender = address(this); /// The lender.
sentAddresses.borrower = borrower;
sentAddresses.receiver = receiver;
/// sentAddresses.manager = address(0); /// The manager.
sentAmounts.newPrincipal = withdrawAmount;
/// interestRate, interestInitialAmount, borrowAmount (newBorrowAmount).
) = _getInterestRateAndBorrowAmount(
_totalAssetSupply(0), /// Interest is settled above.
/// sentAmounts.loanTokenSent = 0; /// loanTokenSent
sentAmounts.collateralTokenSent = collateralTokenSent;
uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(collateralTokenAddress, true)))
"" /// loanDataBytes
Borrow and immediately get into a position. * Trading on margin is used to increase an investor's buying power. Margin is the amount of money required to open a position, while leverage is the multiple of exposure to account equity. * Leverage allows you to trade positions LARGER than the amount of money in your trading account. Leverage is expressed as a ratio. * When trading on margin, investors first deposit some token that then serves as collateral for the loan, and then pay ongoing interest payments on the money they borrow. * Margin trading = taking a loan and swapping it: In order to open a margin trade position, 1.- The user calls marginTrade on the loan token contract. 2.- The loan token contract provides the loan and sends it for processing to the protocol proxy contract. 3.- The protocol proxy contract uses the module LoanOpening to create a position and swaps the loan tokens to collateral tokens. 4.- The Sovryn Swap network looks up the correct converter and swaps the tokens. If successful, the position is being held by the protocol proxy contract, which is why positions need to be closed at the protocol proxy contract. *
function marginTrade(bytes32 loanId, uint256 leverageAmount, uint256 loanTokenSent, uint256 collateralTokenSent, address collateralTokenAddress, address trader, uint256 minEntryPrice, bytes loanDataBytes) public payable nonReentrant globallyNonReentrant
returns(uint256, uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
loanId | bytes32 | The ID of the loan, 0 for a new loan. |
leverageAmount | uint256 | The multiple of exposure: 2x ... 5x. The leverage with 18 decimals. |
loanTokenSent | uint256 | The number of loan tokens provided by the user. |
collateralTokenSent | uint256 | The amount of collateral tokens provided by the user. |
collateralTokenAddress | address | The token address of collateral. |
trader | address | The account that performs this trade. |
minEntryPrice | uint256 | Value of loan token in collateral. |
loanDataBytes | bytes | Additional loan data (not in use for token swaps). * |
New principal and new collateral added to trade.
Source Code
function marginTrade(
bytes32 loanId, /// 0 if new loan
uint256 leverageAmount, /// Expected in x * 10**18 where x is the actual leverage (2, 3, 4, or 5).
uint256 loanTokenSent,
uint256 collateralTokenSent,
address collateralTokenAddress,
address trader,
uint256 minEntryPrice, // value of loan token in collateral
bytes memory loanDataBytes /// Arbitrary order data.
nonReentrant /// Note: needs to be removed to allow flashloan use cases.
returns (
uint256 /// Returns new principal and new collateral added to trade.
if (collateralTokenAddress == address(0)) {
collateralTokenAddress = wrbtcTokenAddress;
require(collateralTokenAddress != loanTokenAddress, "11");
/// @dev Ensure authorized use of existing loan.
require(loanId == 0 || msg.sender == trader, "401 use of existing loan");
/// Temporary: limit transaction size.
if (transactionLimit[collateralTokenAddress] > 0)
require(collateralTokenSent <= transactionLimit[collateralTokenAddress]);
if (transactionLimit[loanTokenAddress] > 0)
require(loanTokenSent <= transactionLimit[loanTokenAddress]);
/// @dev Compute the worth of the total deposit in loan tokens.
/// (loanTokenSent + convert(collateralTokenSent))
/// No actual swap happening here.
uint256 totalDeposit =
_totalDeposit(collateralTokenAddress, collateralTokenSent, loanTokenSent);
require(totalDeposit != 0, "12");
MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAddresses memory sentAddresses;
MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAmounts memory sentAmounts;
sentAddresses.lender = address(this);
sentAddresses.borrower = trader;
sentAddresses.receiver = trader;
/// sentAddresses.manager = address(0); /// The manager.
/// sentAmounts.interestRate = 0; /// interestRate (found later).
sentAmounts.newPrincipal = totalDeposit;
/// sentAmounts.interestInitialAmount = 0; /// interestInitialAmount (interest is calculated based on fixed-term loan).
sentAmounts.loanTokenSent = loanTokenSent;
sentAmounts.collateralTokenSent = collateralTokenSent;
(sentAmounts.newPrincipal, sentAmounts.interestRate) = _getMarginBorrowAmountAndRate( /// borrowAmount, interestRate
sentAmounts.newPrincipal /// depositAmount
_getAmountInRbtc(loanTokenAddress, sentAmounts.newPrincipal) > TINY_AMOUNT,
"principal too small"
/// @dev Converting to initialMargin
leverageAmount = SafeMath.div(10**38, leverageAmount);
sentAmounts.minEntryPrice = minEntryPrice;
0, /// withdrawAmount
leverageAmount, //initial margin
Wrapper for marginTrade invoking setAffiliatesReferrer to track referral trade by affiliates program. *
function marginTradeAffiliate(bytes32 loanId, uint256 leverageAmount, uint256 loanTokenSent, uint256 collateralTokenSent, address collateralTokenAddress, address trader, uint256 minEntryPrice, address affiliateReferrer, bytes loanDataBytes) external payable
returns(uint256, uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
loanId | bytes32 | The ID of the loan, 0 for a new loan. |
leverageAmount | uint256 | The multiple of exposure: 2x ... 5x. The leverage with 18 decimals. |
loanTokenSent | uint256 | The number of loan tokens provided by the user. |
collateralTokenSent | uint256 | The amount of collateral tokens provided by the user. |
collateralTokenAddress | address | The token address of collateral. |
trader | address | The account that performs this trade. |
minEntryPrice | uint256 | Value of loan token in collateral. |
affiliateReferrer | address | The address of the referrer from affiliates program. |
loanDataBytes | bytes | Additional loan data (not in use for token swaps). * |
New principal and new collateral added to trade.
Source Code
function marginTradeAffiliate(
bytes32 loanId, // 0 if new loan
uint256 leverageAmount, // expected in x * 10**18 where x is the actual leverage (2, 3, 4, or 5)
uint256 loanTokenSent,
uint256 collateralTokenSent,
address collateralTokenAddress,
address trader,
uint256 minEntryPrice, /// Value of loan token in collateral
address affiliateReferrer, /// The user was brought by the affiliate (referrer).
bytes calldata loanDataBytes /// Arbitrary order data.
returns (
uint256 /// Returns new principal and new collateral added to trade.
if (affiliateReferrer != address(0))
Transfer tokens wrapper. Sets token owner the msg.sender. Sets maximun allowance uint256(-1) to ensure tokens are always transferred. *
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_to | address | The recipient of the tokens. |
_value | uint256 | The amount of tokens sent. |
Success true/false.
Source Code
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool) {
return _internalTransferFrom(msg.sender, _to, _value, uint256(-1));
Moves _value
loan tokens from _from
to _to
using the
allowance mechanism. Calls internal _internalTransferFrom function.
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_from | address | |
_to | address | |
_value | uint256 |
A boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
Source Code
function transferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _value
) external returns (bool) {
? uint256(-1)
: allowed[_from][msg.sender]
Transfer tokens, low level. Checks allowance, updates sender and recipient balances and updates checkpoints too. *
function _internalTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value, uint256 _allowanceAmount) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_from | address | The tokens' owner. |
_to | address | The recipient of the tokens. |
_value | uint256 | The amount of tokens sent. |
_allowanceAmount | uint256 | The amount of tokens allowed to transfer. * |
Success true/false.
Source Code
function _internalTransferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _value,
uint256 _allowanceAmount
) internal returns (bool) {
if (_allowanceAmount != uint256(-1)) {
allowed[_from][msg.sender] = _allowanceAmount.sub(_value, "14");
/// @dev Allowance mapping update requires an event log
emit AllowanceUpdate(_from, msg.sender, _allowanceAmount, allowed[_from][msg.sender]);
require(_to != address(0), "15");
uint256 _balancesFrom = balances[_from];
uint256 _balancesFromNew = _balancesFrom.sub(_value, "16");
balances[_from] = _balancesFromNew;
uint256 _balancesTo = balances[_to];
uint256 _balancesToNew = _balancesTo.add(_value);
balances[_to] = _balancesToNew;
/// @dev Handle checkpoint update.
uint256 _currentPrice = tokenPrice();
//checkpoints are not being used by the smart contract logic itself, but just for external use (query the profit)
//only update the checkpoints of a user if he's not depositing to / withdrawing from the lending pool
if (_from != liquidityMiningAddress && _to != liquidityMiningAddress) {
_updateCheckpoints(_from, _balancesFrom, _balancesFromNew, _currentPrice);
_updateCheckpoints(_to, _balancesTo, _balancesToNew, _currentPrice);
emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
Update the user's checkpoint price and profit so far. In this loan token contract, whenever some tokens are minted or burned, the _updateCheckpoints() function is invoked to update the stats to reflect the balance changes. *
function _updateCheckpoints(address _user, uint256 _oldBalance, uint256 _newBalance, uint256 _currentPrice) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_user | address | The user address. |
_oldBalance | uint256 | The user's previous balance. |
_newBalance | uint256 | The user's updated balance. |
_currentPrice | uint256 | The current loan token price. |
Source Code
function _updateCheckpoints(
address _user,
uint256 _oldBalance,
uint256 _newBalance,
uint256 _currentPrice
) internal {
/// @dev keccak256("iToken_ProfitSoFar")
bytes32 slot = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_user, iToken_ProfitSoFar));
int256 _currentProfit;
if (_newBalance == 0) {
_currentPrice = 0;
} else if (_oldBalance != 0) {
_currentProfit = _profitOf(slot, _oldBalance, _currentPrice, checkpointPrices_[_user]);
assembly {
sstore(slot, _currentProfit)
checkpointPrices_[_user] = _currentPrice;
Wrapper for internal _profitOf low level function.
function profitOf(address user) external view
Name | Type | Description |
user | address | The user address. |
The profit of a user.
Source Code
function profitOf(address user) external view returns (int256) {
/// @dev keccak256("iToken_ProfitSoFar")
bytes32 slot = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(user, iToken_ProfitSoFar));
//TODO + LM balance
return _profitOf(slot, balances[user], tokenPrice(), checkpointPrices_[user]);
Profit calculation based on checkpoints of price.
function _profitOf(bytes32 slot, uint256 _balance, uint256 _currentPrice, uint256 _checkpointPrice) internal view
returns(profitSoFar int256)
Name | Type | Description |
slot | bytes32 | The user slot. |
_balance | uint256 | The user balance. |
_currentPrice | uint256 | The current price of the loan token. |
_checkpointPrice | uint256 | The price of the loan token on checkpoint. |
The profit of a user.
Source Code
function _profitOf(
bytes32 slot,
uint256 _balance,
uint256 _currentPrice,
uint256 _checkpointPrice
) internal view returns (int256 profitSoFar) {
if (_checkpointPrice == 0) {
return 0;
assembly {
profitSoFar := sload(slot)
profitSoFar = int256(_currentPrice)
Loan token price calculation considering unpaid interests.
function tokenPrice() public view
returns(price uint256)
Source Code
function tokenPrice() public view returns (uint256 price) {
uint256 interestUnPaid;
if (lastSettleTime_ != uint88(block.timestamp)) {
(, interestUnPaid) = _getAllInterest();
return _tokenPrice(_totalAssetSupply(interestUnPaid));
Getter for the price checkpoint mapping.
function checkpointPrice(address _user) public view
returns(price uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
_user | address | The user account as the mapping index. |
The price on the checkpoint for this user.
Source Code
function checkpointPrice(address _user) public view returns (uint256 price) {
return checkpointPrices_[_user];
Get current liquidity. A part of total funds supplied are borrowed. Liquidity = supply - borrow
function marketLiquidity() public view
Source Code
function marketLiquidity() public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 totalSupply = _totalAssetSupply(0);
uint256 totalBorrow = totalAssetBorrow();
if (totalSupply > totalBorrow) {
return totalSupply - totalBorrow;
Wrapper for average borrow interest.
function avgBorrowInterestRate() public view
Source Code
function avgBorrowInterestRate() public view returns (uint256) {
return _avgBorrowInterestRate(totalAssetBorrow());
Get borrow interest rate. The minimum rate the next base protocol borrower will receive for variable-rate loans.
function borrowInterestRate() public view
Source Code
function borrowInterestRate() public view returns (uint256) {
return _nextBorrowInterestRate(0);
Public wrapper for internal call.
function nextBorrowInterestRate(uint256 borrowAmount) public view
Name | Type | Description |
borrowAmount | uint256 | The amount of tokens to borrow. |
The next borrow interest rate.
Source Code
function nextBorrowInterestRate(uint256 borrowAmount) public view returns (uint256) {
return _nextBorrowInterestRate(borrowAmount);
Get interest rate. *
function supplyInterestRate() public view
Source Code
function supplyInterestRate() public view returns (uint256) {
return totalSupplyInterestRate(_totalAssetSupply(0));
Get interest rate w/ added supply.
function nextSupplyInterestRate(uint256 supplyAmount) public view
Name | Type | Description |
supplyAmount | uint256 | The amount of tokens supplied. |
Interest that lenders are currently receiving when supplying a given amount of tokens to the pool.
Source Code
function nextSupplyInterestRate(uint256 supplyAmount) public view returns (uint256) {
return totalSupplyInterestRate(_totalAssetSupply(0).add(supplyAmount));
Get interest rate w/ added supply assets.
function totalSupplyInterestRate(uint256 assetSupply) public view
Name | Type | Description |
assetSupply | uint256 | The amount of loan tokens supplied. |
Interest that lenders are currently receiving when supplying a given amount of loan tokens to the pool.
Source Code
function totalSupplyInterestRate(uint256 assetSupply) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 assetBorrow = totalAssetBorrow();
if (assetBorrow != 0) {
return calculateSupplyInterestRate(assetBorrow, assetSupply);
Get the total amount of loan tokens on debt. Calls protocol getTotalPrincipal function. In the context of borrowing, principal is the initial size of a loan. It can also be the amount still owed on a loan. If you take out a $50,000 mortgage, for example, the principal is $50,000. If you pay off $30,000, the principal balance now consists of the remaining $20,000. *
function totalAssetBorrow() public view
Source Code
function totalAssetBorrow() public view returns (uint256) {
ProtocolLike(sovrynContractAddress).getTotalPrincipal(address(this), loanTokenAddress);
Get the total amount of loan tokens on supply.
function totalAssetSupply() public view
Source Code
function totalAssetSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 interestUnPaid;
if (lastSettleTime_ != uint88(block.timestamp)) {
(, interestUnPaid) = _getAllInterest();
return _totalAssetSupply(interestUnPaid);
Compute the maximum deposit amount under current market conditions.
function getMaxEscrowAmount(uint256 leverageAmount) public view
returns(maxEscrowAmount uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
leverageAmount | uint256 | The chosen multiplier with 18 decimals. |
Source Code
function getMaxEscrowAmount(uint256 leverageAmount)
returns (uint256 maxEscrowAmount)
* @dev Mathematical imperfection: depending on liquidity we might be able
* to borrow more if utilization is below the kink level.
* */
uint256 interestForDuration = maxScaleRate.mul(28).div(365);
uint256 factor = uint256(10**20).sub(interestForDuration);
uint256 maxLoanSize = marketLiquidity().mul(factor).div(10**20);
maxEscrowAmount = maxLoanSize.mul(10**18).div(leverageAmount);
Get loan token balance.
function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public view
Name | Type | Description |
_owner | address |
The user's balance of underlying token.
Source Code
function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 balanceOnLM = 0;
if (liquidityMiningAddress != address(0)) {
balanceOnLM = ILiquidityMining(liquidityMiningAddress).getUserPoolTokenBalance(
return balanceOf(_owner).add(balanceOnLM).mul(tokenPrice()).div(10**18);
Get margin information on a trade. *
function getEstimatedMarginDetails(uint256 leverageAmount, uint256 loanTokenSent, uint256 collateralTokenSent, address collateralTokenAddress) public view
returns(principal uint256, collateral uint256, interestRate uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
leverageAmount | uint256 | The multiple of exposure: 2x ... 5x. The leverage with 18 decimals. |
loanTokenSent | uint256 | The number of loan tokens provided by the user. |
collateralTokenSent | uint256 | The amount of collateral tokens provided by the user. |
collateralTokenAddress | address | The token address of collateral. * |
The principal, the collateral and the interestRate.
Source Code
function getEstimatedMarginDetails(
uint256 leverageAmount,
uint256 loanTokenSent,
uint256 collateralTokenSent,
address collateralTokenAddress // address(0) means ETH
returns (
uint256 principal,
uint256 collateral,
uint256 interestRate
if (collateralTokenAddress == address(0)) {
collateralTokenAddress = wrbtcTokenAddress;
uint256 totalDeposit =
_totalDeposit(collateralTokenAddress, collateralTokenSent, loanTokenSent);
(principal, interestRate) = _getMarginBorrowAmountAndRate(leverageAmount, totalDeposit);
if (principal > _underlyingBalance()) {
return (0, 0, 0);
loanTokenSent = loanTokenSent.add(principal);
collateral = ProtocolLike(sovrynContractAddress).getEstimatedMarginExposure(
Calculate the deposit required to a given borrow.
* The function for doing over-collateralized borrows against loan tokens
expects a minimum amount of collateral be sent to satisfy collateral
requirements of the loan, for borrow amount, interest rate, and
initial loan duration. To determine appropriate values to pass to this
function for a given loan, getDepositAmountForBorrow
'getBorrowAmountForDeposit` are required.
function getDepositAmountForBorrow(uint256 borrowAmount, uint256 initialLoanDuration, address collateralTokenAddress) public view
returns(depositAmount uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
borrowAmount | uint256 | The amount of borrow. |
initialLoanDuration | uint256 | The duration of the loan. |
collateralTokenAddress | address | The token address of collateral. * |
The amount of deposit required.
Source Code
function getDepositAmountForBorrow(
uint256 borrowAmount,
uint256 initialLoanDuration, /// Duration in seconds.
address collateralTokenAddress /// address(0) means rBTC
) public view returns (uint256 depositAmount) {
if (borrowAmount != 0) {
(, , uint256 newBorrowAmount) =
if (newBorrowAmount <= _underlyingBalance()) {
if (collateralTokenAddress == address(0))
collateralTokenAddress = wrbtcTokenAddress;
bytes32 loanParamsId =
uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(collateralTokenAddress, true)))
ProtocolSettingsLike(sovrynContractAddress).minInitialMargin(loanParamsId), /// initialMargin
true /// isTorqueLoan
.add(10); /// Some dust to compensate for rounding errors.
Calculate the borrow allowed for a given deposit.
* The function for doing over-collateralized borrows against loan tokens
expects a minimum amount of collateral be sent to satisfy collateral
requirements of the loan, for borrow amount, interest rate, and
initial loan duration. To determine appropriate values to pass to this
function for a given loan, getDepositAmountForBorrow
'getBorrowAmountForDeposit` are required.
function getBorrowAmountForDeposit(uint256 depositAmount, uint256 initialLoanDuration, address collateralTokenAddress) public view
returns(borrowAmount uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
depositAmount | uint256 | The amount of deposit. |
initialLoanDuration | uint256 | The duration of the loan. |
collateralTokenAddress | address | The token address of collateral. * |
The amount of borrow allowed.
Source Code
function getBorrowAmountForDeposit(
uint256 depositAmount,
uint256 initialLoanDuration, /// Duration in seconds.
address collateralTokenAddress /// address(0) means rBTC
) public view returns (uint256 borrowAmount) {
if (depositAmount != 0) {
if (collateralTokenAddress == address(0)) collateralTokenAddress = wrbtcTokenAddress;
bytes32 loanParamsId =
loanParamsIds[uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(collateralTokenAddress, true)))];
borrowAmount = ProtocolLike(sovrynContractAddress).getBorrowAmount(
ProtocolSettingsLike(sovrynContractAddress).minInitialMargin(loanParamsId), /// initialMargin,
true /// isTorqueLoan
(, , borrowAmount) = _getInterestRateAndBorrowAmount(
if (borrowAmount > _underlyingBalance()) {
borrowAmount = 0;
Check if entry price lies above a minimum *
function checkPriceDivergence(uint256 loanTokenSent, address collateralTokenAddress, uint256 minEntryPrice) public view
Name | Type | Description |
loanTokenSent | uint256 | The amount of deposit. |
collateralTokenAddress | address | The token address of collateral. |
minEntryPrice | uint256 | Value of loan token in collateral |
Source Code
function checkPriceDivergence(
uint256 loanTokenSent,
address collateralTokenAddress,
uint256 minEntryPrice
) public view {
/// @dev See how many collateralTokens we would get if exchanging this amount of loan tokens to collateral tokens.
uint256 collateralTokensReceived =
uint256 collateralTokenPrice =
require(collateralTokenPrice >= minEntryPrice, "entry price above the minimum");
transfers the underlying asset from the msg.sender and mints tokens for the receiver
function _mintToken(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) internal nonpayable
returns(mintAmount uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
receiver | address | the address of the iToken receiver |
depositAmount | uint256 | the amount of underlying assets to be deposited |
the amount of iTokens issued
Source Code
function _mintToken(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount)
returns (uint256 mintAmount)
uint256 currentPrice;
//calculate amount to mint and transfer the underlying asset
(mintAmount, currentPrice) = _prepareMinting(depositAmount);
//compute balances needed for checkpoint update, considering that the user might have a pool token balance
//on the liquidity mining contract
uint256 balanceOnLM = 0;
if (liquidityMiningAddress != address(0))
balanceOnLM = ILiquidityMining(liquidityMiningAddress).getUserPoolTokenBalance(
uint256 oldBalance = balances[receiver].add(balanceOnLM);
uint256 newBalance = oldBalance.add(mintAmount);
//mint the tokens to the receiver
_mint(receiver, mintAmount, depositAmount, currentPrice);
//update the checkpoint of the receiver
_updateCheckpoints(receiver, oldBalance, newBalance, currentPrice);
function _prepareMinting(uint256 depositAmount) internal nonpayable
returns(mintAmount uint256, currentPrice uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
depositAmount | uint256 | the amount of the underyling asset deposited |
the amount to be minted
Source Code
function _prepareMinting(uint256 depositAmount)
returns (uint256 mintAmount, uint256 currentPrice)
require(depositAmount != 0, "17");
currentPrice = _tokenPrice(_totalAssetSupply(0));
mintAmount = depositAmount.mul(10**18).div(currentPrice);
if (msg.value == 0) {
_safeTransferFrom(loanTokenAddress, msg.sender, address(this), depositAmount, "18");
} else {
A wrapper for AdvancedToken::_burn *
function _burnToken(uint256 burnAmount) internal nonpayable
returns(loanAmountPaid uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
burnAmount | uint256 | The amount of loan tokens to redeem. * |
The amount of underlying tokens payed to lender.
Source Code
function _burnToken(uint256 burnAmount) internal returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid) {
require(burnAmount != 0, "19");
if (burnAmount > balanceOf(msg.sender)) {
require(burnAmount == uint256(-1), "32");
burnAmount = balanceOf(msg.sender);
uint256 currentPrice = _tokenPrice(_totalAssetSupply(0));
uint256 loanAmountOwed = burnAmount.mul(currentPrice).div(10**18);
uint256 loanAmountAvailableInContract = _underlyingBalance();
loanAmountPaid = loanAmountOwed;
require(loanAmountPaid <= loanAmountAvailableInContract, "37");
//compute balances needed for checkpoint update, considering that the user might have a pool token balance
//on the liquidity mining contract
uint256 balanceOnLM = 0;
if (liquidityMiningAddress != address(0))
balanceOnLM = ILiquidityMining(liquidityMiningAddress).getUserPoolTokenBalance(
uint256 oldBalance = balances[msg.sender].add(balanceOnLM);
uint256 newBalance = oldBalance.sub(burnAmount);
_burn(msg.sender, burnAmount, loanAmountPaid, currentPrice);
//this function does not only update the checkpoints but also the current profit of the user
//all for external use only
_updateCheckpoints(msg.sender, oldBalance, newBalance, currentPrice);
Withdraw loan token interests from protocol. This function only operates once per block. It asks protocol to withdraw accrued interests for the loan token. *
function _settleInterest() internal nonpayable
Source Code
function _settleInterest() internal {
uint88 ts = uint88(block.timestamp);
if (lastSettleTime_ != ts) {
lastSettleTime_ = ts;
Compute what the deposit is worth in loan tokens using the swap rate used for loan size computation. *
function _totalDeposit(address collateralTokenAddress, uint256 collateralTokenSent, uint256 loanTokenSent) internal view
returns(totalDeposit uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
collateralTokenAddress | address | The token address of the collateral. |
collateralTokenSent | uint256 | The amount of collateral tokens provided by the user. |
loanTokenSent | uint256 | The number of loan tokens provided by the user. * |
The value of the deposit in loan tokens.
Source Code
function _totalDeposit(
address collateralTokenAddress,
uint256 collateralTokenSent,
uint256 loanTokenSent
) internal view returns (uint256 totalDeposit) {
totalDeposit = loanTokenSent;
if (collateralTokenSent != 0) {
/// @dev Get the oracle rate from collateral -> loan
(uint256 collateralToLoanRate, uint256 collateralToLoanPrecision) =
(collateralToLoanRate != 0) && (collateralToLoanPrecision != 0),
"invalid rate collateral token"
/// @dev Compute the loan token amount with the oracle rate.
uint256 loanTokenAmount =
/// @dev See how many collateralTokens we would get if exchanging this amount of loan tokens to collateral tokens.
uint256 collateralTokenAmount =
/// @dev Probably not the same due to the price difference.
if (collateralTokenAmount != collateralTokenSent) {
//scale the loan token amount accordingly, so we'll get the expected position size in the end
loanTokenAmount = loanTokenAmount.mul(collateralTokenAmount).div(
totalDeposit = loanTokenAmount.add(totalDeposit);
returns amount of the asset converted to RBTC
function _getAmountInRbtc(address asset, uint256 amount) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | the asset to be transferred |
amount | uint256 | the amount to be transferred |
amount in RBTC
Source Code
function _getAmountInRbtc(address asset, uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256) {
(uint256 rbtcRate, uint256 rbtcPrecision) =
return amount.mul(rbtcRate).div(rbtcPrecision);
function _getInterestRateAndBorrowAmount(uint256 borrowAmount, uint256 assetSupply, uint256 initialLoanDuration) internal view
returns(interestRate uint256, interestInitialAmount uint256, newBorrowAmount uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
borrowAmount | uint256 | |
assetSupply | uint256 | |
initialLoanDuration | uint256 |
Source Code
function _getInterestRateAndBorrowAmount(
uint256 borrowAmount,
uint256 assetSupply,
uint256 initialLoanDuration /// Duration in seconds.
returns (
uint256 interestRate,
uint256 interestInitialAmount,
uint256 newBorrowAmount
interestRate = _nextBorrowInterestRate2(borrowAmount, assetSupply);
/// newBorrowAmount = borrowAmount * 10^18 / (10^18 - interestRate * 7884000 * 10^18 / 31536000 / 10^20)
newBorrowAmount = borrowAmount.mul(10**18).div(
interestRate.mul(initialLoanDuration).mul(10**18).div(31536000 * 10**20) /// 365 * 86400 * 10**20
interestInitialAmount = newBorrowAmount.sub(borrowAmount);
Compute principal and collateral. *
function _borrowOrTrade(bytes32 loanId, uint256 withdrawAmount, uint256 initialMargin, address collateralTokenAddress, struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAddresses sentAddresses, struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAmounts sentAmounts, bytes loanDataBytes) internal nonpayable
returns(uint256, uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
loanId | bytes32 | The ID of the loan, 0 for a new loan. |
withdrawAmount | uint256 | The amount to be withdrawn (actually borrowed). |
initialMargin | uint256 | The initial margin with 18 decimals |
collateralTokenAddress | address | The address of the token to be used as collateral. Cannot be the loan token address. |
sentAddresses | struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAddresses | The addresses to send tokens: lender, borrower, receiver and manager. |
sentAmounts | struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAmounts | The amounts to send to each address. |
loanDataBytes | bytes | Additional loan data (not in use for token swaps). * |
The new principal and the new collateral. Principal is the complete borrowed amount (in loan tokens). Collateral is the complete position size (loan + margin) (in collateral tokens).
Source Code
function _borrowOrTrade(
bytes32 loanId,
uint256 withdrawAmount,
uint256 initialMargin,
address collateralTokenAddress,
MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAddresses memory sentAddresses,
MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAmounts memory sentAmounts,
bytes memory loanDataBytes
) internal returns (uint256, uint256) {
sentAmounts.newPrincipal <= _underlyingBalance() && /// newPrincipal (borrowed amount + fees)
sentAddresses.borrower != address(0), /// The borrower.
if (sentAddresses.receiver == address(0)) {
sentAddresses.receiver = sentAddresses.borrower; /// The receiver = the borrower.
/// @dev Handle transfers prior to adding newPrincipal to loanTokenSent
uint256 msgValue =
_verifyTransfers(collateralTokenAddress, sentAddresses, sentAmounts, withdrawAmount);
* @dev Adding the loan token portion from the lender to loanTokenSent
* (add the loan to the loan tokens sent from the user).
* */
sentAmounts.loanTokenSent = sentAmounts.loanTokenSent.add(sentAmounts.newPrincipal); /// newPrincipal
if (withdrawAmount != 0) {
/// @dev withdrawAmount already sent to the borrower, so we aren't sending it to the protocol.
sentAmounts.loanTokenSent = sentAmounts.loanTokenSent.sub(withdrawAmount);
bool withdrawAmountExist = false; /// Default is false, but added just as to make sure.
if (withdrawAmount != 0) {
withdrawAmountExist = true;
bytes32 loanParamsId =
uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(collateralTokenAddress, withdrawAmountExist)))
(sentAmounts.newPrincipal, sentAmounts.collateralTokenSent) = ProtocolLike(
); /// newPrincipal, newCollateral
require(sentAmounts.newPrincipal != 0, "25");
/// @dev Setting not-first-trade flag to prevent binding to an affiliate existing users post factum.
/// @dev REFACTOR: move to a general interface: ProtocolSettingsLike?
return (sentAmounts.newPrincipal, sentAmounts.collateralTokenSent); // newPrincipal, newCollateral
⤿ Overridden Implementation(s): LoanTokenLogicWrbtc._verifyTransfers
. *
function _verifyTransfers(address collateralTokenAddress, struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAddresses sentAddresses, struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAmounts sentAmounts, uint256 withdrawalAmount) internal nonpayable
returns(msgValue uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
collateralTokenAddress | address | The address of the token to be used as collateral. Cannot be the loan token address. |
sentAddresses | struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAddresses | The addresses to send tokens: lender, borrower, receiver and manager. |
sentAmounts | struct MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAmounts | The amounts to send to each address. |
withdrawalAmount | uint256 | The amount of tokens to withdraw. * |
msgValue The amount of rBTC sent minus the collateral on tokens.
Source Code
function _verifyTransfers(
address collateralTokenAddress,
MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAddresses memory sentAddresses,
MarginTradeStructHelpers.SentAmounts memory sentAmounts,
uint256 withdrawalAmount
) internal returns (uint256 msgValue) {
address _wrbtcToken = wrbtcTokenAddress;
address _loanTokenAddress = loanTokenAddress;
uint256 newPrincipal = sentAmounts.newPrincipal;
uint256 loanTokenSent = sentAmounts.loanTokenSent;
uint256 collateralTokenSent = sentAmounts.collateralTokenSent;
require(_loanTokenAddress != collateralTokenAddress, "26");
msgValue = msg.value;
if (withdrawalAmount != 0) {
/// withdrawOnOpen == true
_safeTransfer(_loanTokenAddress, sentAddresses.receiver, withdrawalAmount, "");
if (newPrincipal > withdrawalAmount) {
newPrincipal - withdrawalAmount,
} else {
_safeTransfer(_loanTokenAddress, sovrynContractAddress, newPrincipal, "27");
* This is a critical piece of code!
* rBTC are supposed to be held by the contract itself, while other tokens are being transfered from the sender directly.
* */
if (collateralTokenSent != 0) {
if (
collateralTokenAddress == _wrbtcToken &&
msgValue != 0 &&
msgValue >= collateralTokenSent
) {
msgValue -= collateralTokenSent;
} else {
if (loanTokenSent != 0) {
Execute the ERC20 token's transfer
function and reverts
upon failure the main purpose of this function is to prevent a non
standard ERC20 token from failing silently.
function _safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint256 amount, string errorMsg) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The ERC20 token address. |
to | address | ken The ERC20 token address. |
amount | uint256 | The transfer amount. |
errorMsg | string | The error message on failure. |
Source Code
function _safeTransfer(
address token,
address to,
uint256 amount,
string memory errorMsg
) internal {
abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC20(token).transfer.selector, to, amount),
Execute the ERC20 token's transferFrom
function and reverts
upon failure the main purpose of this function is to prevent a non
standard ERC20 token from failing silently.
function _safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint256 amount, string errorMsg) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The ERC20 token address. |
from | address | The source address. |
to | address | ken The ERC20 token address. |
amount | uint256 | The transfer amount. |
errorMsg | string | The error message on failure. |
Source Code
function _safeTransferFrom(
address token,
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount,
string memory errorMsg
) internal {
abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC20(token).transferFrom.selector, from, to, amount),
Imitate a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). *
function _callOptionalReturn(address token, bytes data, string errorMsg) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The token targeted by the call. |
data | bytes | The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). |
errorMsg | string | The error message on failure. |
Source Code
function _callOptionalReturn(
address token,
bytes memory data,
string memory errorMsg
) internal {
require(Address.isContract(token), "call to a non-contract address");
(bool success, bytes memory returndata) =;
require(success, errorMsg);
if (returndata.length != 0) {
require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), errorMsg);
Get the loan contract balance.
function _underlyingBalance() internal view
Source Code
function _underlyingBalance() internal view returns (uint256) {
return IERC20(loanTokenAddress).balanceOf(address(this));
Compute the token price.
function _tokenPrice(uint256 assetSupply) internal view
Name | Type | Description |
assetSupply | uint256 | The amount of loan tokens supplied. |
The token price.
Source Code
function _tokenPrice(uint256 assetSupply) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 totalTokenSupply = totalSupply_;
totalTokenSupply != 0 ? assetSupply.mul(10**18).div(totalTokenSupply) : initialPrice;
Compute the average borrow interest rate.
function _avgBorrowInterestRate(uint256 assetBorrow) internal view
Name | Type | Description |
assetBorrow | uint256 | The amount of loan tokens on debt. |
The average borrow interest rate.
Source Code
function _avgBorrowInterestRate(uint256 assetBorrow) internal view returns (uint256) {
if (assetBorrow != 0) {
(uint256 interestOwedPerDay, ) = _getAllInterest();
return interestOwedPerDay.mul(10**20).mul(365).div(assetBorrow);
Compute the next supply interest adjustment.
function calculateSupplyInterestRate(uint256 assetBorrow, uint256 assetSupply) public view
Name | Type | Description |
assetBorrow | uint256 | The amount of loan tokens on debt. |
assetSupply | uint256 | The amount of loan tokens supplied. |
The next supply interest adjustment.
Source Code
function calculateSupplyInterestRate(uint256 assetBorrow, uint256 assetSupply)
returns (uint256)
if (assetBorrow != 0 && assetSupply >= assetBorrow) {
.mul(_utilizationRate(assetBorrow, assetSupply))
SafeMath.sub(10**20, ProtocolLike(sovrynContractAddress).lendingFeePercent())
Compute the next borrow interest adjustment.
function _nextBorrowInterestRate(uint256 borrowAmount) internal view
Name | Type | Description |
borrowAmount | uint256 | The amount of tokens to borrow. |
The next borrow interest adjustment.
Source Code
function _nextBorrowInterestRate(uint256 borrowAmount) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 interestUnPaid;
if (borrowAmount != 0) {
if (lastSettleTime_ != uint88(block.timestamp)) {
(, interestUnPaid) = _getAllInterest();
uint256 balance = _underlyingBalance().add(interestUnPaid);
if (borrowAmount > balance) {
borrowAmount = balance;
return _nextBorrowInterestRate2(borrowAmount, _totalAssetSupply(interestUnPaid));
Compute the next borrow interest adjustment under target-kink level analysis. * The "kink" in the cDAI interest rate model reflects the utilization rate at which the slope of the interest rate goes from "gradual" to "steep". That is, below this utilization rate, the slope of the interest rate curve is gradual. Above this utilization rate, it is steep. * Because of this dynamic between the interest rate curves before and after the "kink", the "kink" can be thought of as the target utilization rate. Above that rate, it quickly becomes expensive to borrow (and commensurately lucrative for suppliers). *
function _nextBorrowInterestRate2(uint256 newBorrowAmount, uint256 assetSupply) internal view
returns(nextRate uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
newBorrowAmount | uint256 | The new amount of tokens to borrow. |
assetSupply | uint256 | The amount of loan tokens supplied. |
The next borrow interest adjustment.
Source Code
function _nextBorrowInterestRate2(uint256 newBorrowAmount, uint256 assetSupply)
returns (uint256 nextRate)
uint256 utilRate = _utilizationRate(totalAssetBorrow().add(newBorrowAmount), assetSupply);
uint256 thisMinRate;
uint256 thisRateAtKink;
uint256 thisBaseRate = baseRate;
uint256 thisRateMultiplier = rateMultiplier;
uint256 thisTargetLevel = targetLevel;
uint256 thisKinkLevel = kinkLevel;
uint256 thisMaxScaleRate = maxScaleRate;
if (utilRate < thisTargetLevel) {
// target targetLevel utilization when utilization is under targetLevel
utilRate = thisTargetLevel;
if (utilRate > thisKinkLevel) {
/// @dev Scale rate proportionally up to 100%
uint256 thisMaxRange = WEI_PERCENT_PRECISION - thisKinkLevel; /// Will not overflow.
utilRate -= thisKinkLevel;
if (utilRate > thisMaxRange) utilRate = thisMaxRange;
// Modified the rate calculation as it is slightly exaggerated around kink level
// thisRateAtKink = thisRateMultiplier.add(thisBaseRate).mul(thisKinkLevel).div(WEI_PERCENT_PRECISION);
thisRateAtKink = thisKinkLevel.mul(thisRateMultiplier).div(WEI_PERCENT_PRECISION).add(
nextRate = utilRate
.mul(SafeMath.sub(thisMaxScaleRate, thisRateAtKink))
} else {
nextRate = utilRate.mul(thisRateMultiplier).div(WEI_PERCENT_PRECISION).add(
thisMinRate = thisBaseRate;
thisRateAtKink = thisRateMultiplier.add(thisBaseRate);
if (nextRate < thisMinRate) nextRate = thisMinRate;
else if (nextRate > thisRateAtKink) nextRate = thisRateAtKink;
Get two kind of interests: owed per day and yet to be paid.
function _getAllInterest() internal view
returns(interestOwedPerDay uint256, interestUnPaid uint256)
Source Code
function _getAllInterest()
returns (uint256 interestOwedPerDay, uint256 interestUnPaid)
/// interestPaid, interestPaidDate, interestOwedPerDay, interestUnPaid, interestFeePercent, principalTotal
uint256 interestFeePercent;
(, , interestOwedPerDay, interestUnPaid, interestFeePercent, ) = ProtocolLike(
.getLenderInterestData(address(this), loanTokenAddress);
interestUnPaid = interestUnPaid.mul(SafeMath.sub(10**20, interestFeePercent)).div(10**20);
Compute the loan size and interest rate.
function _getMarginBorrowAmountAndRate(uint256 leverageAmount, uint256 depositAmount) internal view
returns(borrowAmount uint256, interestRate uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
leverageAmount | uint256 | The leverage with 18 decimals. |
depositAmount | uint256 | The amount the user deposited in underlying loan tokens. |
borrowAmount The amount of tokens to borrow.
Source Code
function _getMarginBorrowAmountAndRate(uint256 leverageAmount, uint256 depositAmount)
returns (uint256 borrowAmount, uint256 interestRate)
uint256 loanSizeBeforeInterest = depositAmount.mul(leverageAmount).div(10**18);
* @dev Mathematical imperfection. we calculate the interest rate based on
* the loanSizeBeforeInterest, but the actual borrowed amount will be bigger.
* */
interestRate = _nextBorrowInterestRate2(loanSizeBeforeInterest, _totalAssetSupply(0));
/// @dev Assumes that loan, collateral, and interest token are the same.
borrowAmount = _adjustLoanSize(interestRate, 28 days, loanSizeBeforeInterest);
Compute the total amount of loan tokens on supply.
function _totalAssetSupply(uint256 interestUnPaid) internal view
returns(assetSupply uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
interestUnPaid | uint256 | The interest not yet paid. |
assetSupply The total amount of loan tokens on supply.
Source Code
function _totalAssetSupply(uint256 interestUnPaid)
returns (uint256 assetSupply)
if (totalSupply_ != 0) {
uint256 assetsBalance = _flTotalAssetSupply; /// Temporary locked totalAssetSupply during a flash loan transaction.
if (assetsBalance == 0) {
assetsBalance = _underlyingBalance().add(totalAssetBorrow());
return assetsBalance.add(interestUnPaid);
Make sure call is not paused.
function _checkPause() internal view
Source Code
function _checkPause() internal view {
/// keccak256("iToken_FunctionPause")
bytes32 slot =
bool isPaused;
assembly {
isPaused := sload(slot)
require(!isPaused, "unauthorized");
Adjusts the loan size to make sure the expected exposure remains after prepaying the interest.
function _adjustLoanSize(uint256 interestRate, uint256 maxDuration, uint256 loanSizeBeforeInterest) internal pure
returns(loanSizeWithInterest uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
interestRate | uint256 | The interest rate to pay on the position. |
maxDuration | uint256 | The maximum duration of the position (until rollover). |
loanSizeBeforeInterest | uint256 | The loan size before interest is added. |
Source Code
function _adjustLoanSize(
uint256 interestRate,
uint256 maxDuration,
uint256 loanSizeBeforeInterest
) internal pure returns (uint256 loanSizeWithInterest) {
uint256 interestForDuration = interestRate.mul(maxDuration).div(365 days);
uint256 divisor = uint256(10**20).sub(interestForDuration);
loanSizeWithInterest = loanSizeBeforeInterest.mul(10**20).div(divisor);
Calculate the utilization rate.
function _utilizationRate(uint256 assetBorrow, uint256 assetSupply) internal pure
Name | Type | Description |
assetBorrow | uint256 | The amount of loan tokens on debt. |
assetSupply | uint256 | The amount of loan tokens supplied. |
The utilization rate.
Source Code
function _utilizationRate(uint256 assetBorrow, uint256 assetSupply)
returns (uint256)
if (assetBorrow != 0 && assetSupply != 0) {
/// U = total_borrow / total_supply
return assetBorrow.mul(10**20).div(assetSupply);
function _mintWithLM(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) internal nonpayable
returns(minted uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
receiver | address | |
depositAmount | uint256 |
Source Code
function _mintWithLM(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount)
returns (uint256 minted)
//mint the tokens for the receiver
minted = _mintToken(receiver, depositAmount);
//transfer the tokens from the receiver to the LM address
_internalTransferFrom(receiver, liquidityMiningAddress, minted, minted);
//inform the LM mining contract
ILiquidityMining(liquidityMiningAddress).onTokensDeposited(receiver, minted);
function _burnFromLM(uint256 burnAmount) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
burnAmount | uint256 |
Source Code
function _burnFromLM(uint256 burnAmount) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 balanceOnLM =
require(balanceOnLM.add(balanceOf(msg.sender)) >= burnAmount, "not enough balance");
if (balanceOnLM > 0) {
//withdraw pool tokens and LM rewards to the passed address
if (balanceOnLM < burnAmount) {
} else {
//burn the tokens of the msg.sender
return _burnToken(burnAmount);
- Address
- Administered
- AdminRole
- AdvancedToken
- AdvancedTokenStorage
- Affiliates
- AffiliatesEvents
- ApprovalReceiver
- BProPriceFeed
- CheckpointsShared
- Constants
- Context
- DevelopmentFund
- DummyContract
- EnumerableAddressSet
- EnumerableBytes32Set
- EnumerableBytes4Set
- ERC20
- ERC20Detailed
- ErrorDecoder
- Escrow
- EscrowReward
- FeedsLike
- FeesEvents
- FeeSharingCollector
- FeeSharingCollectorProxy
- FeeSharingCollectorStorage
- FeesHelper
- FourYearVesting
- FourYearVestingFactory
- FourYearVestingLogic
- FourYearVestingStorage
- GenericTokenSender
- GovernorAlpha
- GovernorVault
- IApproveAndCall
- IChai
- IContractRegistry
- IConverterAMM
- IERC1820Registry
- IERC20_
- IERC20
- IERC777
- IERC777Recipient
- IERC777Sender
- IFeeSharingCollector
- IFourYearVesting
- IFourYearVestingFactory
- IFunctionsList
- ILiquidityMining
- ILiquidityPoolV1Converter
- ILoanPool
- ILoanToken
- ILoanTokenLogicBeacon
- ILoanTokenLogicModules
- ILoanTokenLogicProxy
- ILoanTokenModules
- ILoanTokenWRBTC
- ILockedSOV
- IMoCState
- IModulesProxyRegistry
- Initializable
- InterestUser
- IPot
- IPriceFeeds
- IPriceFeedsExt
- IProtocol
- IRSKOracle
- ISovryn
- ISovrynSwapNetwork
- IStaking
- ISwapsImpl
- ITeamVesting
- ITimelock
- IV1PoolOracle
- IVesting
- IVestingFactory
- IVestingRegistry
- IWrbtc
- IWrbtcERC20
- LenderInterestStruct
- LiquidationHelper
- LiquidityMining
- LiquidityMiningConfigToken
- LiquidityMiningProxy
- LiquidityMiningStorage
- LoanClosingsEvents
- LoanClosingsLiquidation
- LoanClosingsRollover
- LoanClosingsShared
- LoanClosingsWith
- LoanClosingsWithoutInvariantCheck
- LoanInterestStruct
- LoanMaintenance
- LoanMaintenanceEvents
- LoanOpenings
- LoanOpeningsEvents
- LoanParamsStruct
- LoanSettings
- LoanSettingsEvents
- LoanStruct
- LoanToken
- LoanTokenBase
- LoanTokenLogicBeacon
- LoanTokenLogicLM
- LoanTokenLogicProxy
- LoanTokenLogicStandard
- LoanTokenLogicStorage
- LoanTokenLogicWrbtc
- LoanTokenSettingsLowerAdmin
- LockedSOV
- MarginTradeStructHelpers
- Medianizer
- ModuleCommonFunctionalities
- ModulesCommonEvents
- ModulesProxy
- ModulesProxyRegistry
- MultiSigKeyHolders
- MultiSigWallet
- Mutex
- Objects
- OrderStruct
- OrigingVestingCreator
- OriginInvestorsClaim
- Ownable
- Pausable
- PausableOz
- PreviousLoanToken
- PreviousLoanTokenSettingsLowerAdmin
- PriceFeedRSKOracle
- PriceFeeds
- PriceFeedsLocal
- PriceFeedsMoC
- PriceFeedV1PoolOracle
- ProtocolAffiliatesInterface
- ProtocolLike
- ProtocolSettings
- ProtocolSettingsEvents
- ProtocolSettingsLike
- ProtocolSwapExternalInterface
- ProtocolTokenUser
- Proxy
- ProxyOwnable
- ReentrancyGuard
- RewardHelper
- RSKAddrValidator
- SafeERC20
- SafeMath
- SafeMath96
- setGet
- SharedReentrancyGuard
- SignedSafeMath
- sovrynProtocol
- StakingAdminModule
- StakingGovernanceModule
- StakingInterface
- StakingProxy
- StakingRewards
- StakingRewardsProxy
- StakingRewardsStorage
- StakingShared
- StakingStakeModule
- StakingStorageModule
- StakingStorageShared
- StakingVestingModule
- StakingWithdrawModule
- State
- SwapsEvents
- SwapsExternal
- SwapsImplLocal
- SwapsImplSovrynSwap
- SwapsUser
- TeamVesting
- Timelock
- TimelockHarness
- TimelockInterface
- TokenSender
- UpgradableProxy
- USDTPriceFeed
- Utils
- VaultController
- Vesting
- VestingCreator
- VestingFactory
- VestingLogic
- VestingRegistry
- VestingRegistry2
- VestingRegistry3
- VestingRegistryLogic
- VestingRegistryProxy
- VestingRegistryStorage
- VestingStorage
- WeightedStakingModule