First start Virtual Environment and then install:
pip install scrapy
pip install peewee
pip install scrapy_jsonschema
pip install django
pip install classla
To run the spiders generating the databases:
python GovScraper/start.pyThis code will run 3 spiders:
First to generate the urls for all the articles in a links.db
Second to generate articles.db with all the necessary information from the articles
First, go to and create a free-tier account. Then, choose the EC2 service. After that, you have to pick on what OS the server will run. Choose Debian-11. Then you get the option to configure the specs of the server through the 'instance-type'. We chose t2-micro. To configure the SSH access to the cloud we used PuTTY. It can be downloaded from From here on we have to configure the PuTTY with the .pem key we get from AWS. You can install the packages you need with debian commands through the shell.
cd internshipProj
python runserverLastly, go to