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This repository maintains codes for tencent advertisement algorithm competition 2018. Our codes ranked the 3rd place in the final round.


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  • He Jiang

  • Yu Shi (Team Leader)

  • Hongyi Huang

This is our solutoin to Tencent 2018 Advertisement Competition. We rank the 3rd place in the final leaderboard.


Our model is simply an average of FFM-based Neural Networks with attention. In the final submission, we use 13 such networks. But those networks are only different in their random seeds, which is a bad ensemble actually. So, we guess 5 such networks will give almost the same result. Training on different subsets of the dataset and maybe on different subsets of features should give better results. For details of this model, see Model section.


NOTE that we don't provide the datasets. This model should work on other datasets



Our experiments are conducted on a server with 4 GTX 1080 Ti (11G gpu memory is required as we use a large batch size. We only use 1 gpu at a time), 252G cpu memory (To run our codes directly, 150G cpu memory should be ok) and 16 cpus.

The large consumption of cpu memory is related to python multiprocessing libraries in Pytorch DataLoader class. It is also related to our implementation, we directly load users information, advertisement information and training/valid/test data into memory without using something like databases. Note memory comsumption here is also related to the large dataset provided by Tencent(Thanks!).

If we use single process to load data, the memory consumption would be much lower but time consumption would be much larger. We guess the problem is that when using multiprocessing, child process forks its parent and copy large objects like users' information, etc. We do try to debug it in competition, but we haven't solved it.

The memory issue is a known bug. We don't have any plan to fix it, however. Indeed, we have aleady used a chunking trick to reduce memory comsumption. By adjusting the number of workers in data loader and chunk size, we can reduce the memory consumption.

But we guess it is hardly possible to run the codes directly unless you have a powerful server or you modify the implementation of io, like using a database or spliting the files.


Our model mainly relies on Pytorch. Following are python libs that required to run our codes: 0. Python 3.6: Note it is important to use Python 3.6 because the dict is ordered in Python 3.6

  1. Pytorch 0.3.1 with cuda 9.0
  2. pandas 0.22.0
  3. numpy 1.14.0
  4. scikit-learn 0.19.1
  5. scipy 1.0.0
  6. cffi 1.11.4

We may miss some libraries of minor importance.

Indeed, we recommend to use Anaconda (Python 3.6) as it provides almost every necessary libraries (and indeed, we use it). After installing Anaconda, we only need to install Pytorch:

pip install



  1. Check Requirements. Install all the software needed.
  2. Run to compile Pytorch extension module (Need cuda-9.0). Make sure it is successfully installed (run in clib_dev.).
  3. In root folder, link data to the data folder and link output to an empty output folder. The data folder should have a sub-folder A to contain all the raw data used in the preliminary contest and another sub-folder F to contain all the raw data used in the final competition.

Folder A


Folder F



You can directly run


to obtain final submission. If fail, you may try the following step-by-step procedure.

We have tried this re-implementation on a single server. It takes no more than 2 days if 13 models are trained. You can modify the number of models in

Following, we describle instructions step-by-step.

Data Processing

Merge Data from Preliminary and Final Contest

We generate a new folder called M_ff in data, then merge train, users, advertisements files from preliminary and final contest.

python scripts/merge/
python scripts/merge/
python scripts/merge/

Then we copy test2.csv to M_ff.

Folder M_ff should contain train.csv, test2.csv,, adFeature.csv.

Construct Meta Information for Features

For user,

python scripts/
python scripts/
python scripts/

The file generated that is useful is user_feat_infos.txt.

For advertisements,

python scripts/
python scripts/
python scripts/

The file generated that is useful is ad_feat_infos.txt.

For users' histories (it is the only hand-crafted feature that we used),

python scripts/

The file generated that is useful is test2_his.csv and train_his.csv.

python scripts/

The file generated that is useful is his_feat_infos.txt.

It takes a long time to run them all.

Folder M_ff should finally look like the following.


Running Model

To train a model,

python src/ --cfg models/din_ffm_v3_r_0.yaml

During training, there might be error indicating AUC is failed to be calculated in this batch. Just ignore it. It simply because AUC is not defined if positive ground truth of some ads is not shown in this batch.

To test a model,

python src/ --cfg models/din_ffm_v3_r_0.yaml --test

Running a single model (including training and testing) should take about 3 hours.

Model Averaging

We can run several models, then use the following scripts to average their results and obtain the final submission file.

python scripts/
python scripts/
python scripts/

You should check that there are indeed 13 different results to average in a subfolder output/M_ff/test2.




  1. For details of the model, please refer to model_description.pdf in the root dir. Some important codes are also commented in detail. The comments for configuration files are in models/din_ffm_v3_r_template.yaml.
  2. The results obtained here might be slightly different from the original submitted one, because we slightly modify some lines of codes to make codes more organized. But they should provide similar AUC (We don't have private data, so we haven't test it. But we verify the results by pearson value, the correlation coefficient between the new one and the old one is 0.999).


MIT License.


This repository maintains codes for tencent advertisement algorithm competition 2018. Our codes ranked the 3rd place in the final round.







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