Change version in every build
docker build --tag "digichanges/nexp:latest" --tag "digichanges/nexp:1.3" .
docker push digichanges/nexp --all-tags
When the helm chart is run you can access the nexp-api service with the following command:
minikube service nexp-api --url -n nexp-api
helm template mi-api-despliegue ./mi-api-chart
The helm chart allows you to deploy the application on GCP with Cloudflare as the DNS provider.
- Sign in to Google Cloud Console: Go to Google Cloud Console.
- Create a New Project: Click the navigation menu in the upper-left corner, select "IAM & Admin" > "Manage Resources". Click "CREATE PROJECT".
- Complete Project Details: Enter a name for your project and select an organization and location if necessary. Click "CREATE."
- Enable the Kubernetes Engine API: In the GCP console, go to "Kubernetes Engine" and enable the API if it is not active.
- Create a Cluster: In “Kubernetes Engine”, go to “Kubernetes Clusters” and click “Create Cluster”.
- Configure your Cluster: Choose your cluster configuration according to your needs (zone, machine size, number of nodes, etc.) and click "Create".
- Enable the Secret Manager API: Go to "API & Services" > "Dashboard" and enable the Secret Manager API if it is not active.
- Create a Secret: In "Security" > "Secret Manager", click "CREATE SECRET".
- Configure your Secret: Give your secret a name, add the secret value, and select the appropriate tags and permissions.
- Create the Service Account: Go to "IAM & Admin" > "Service Accounts", and click on "CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT".
- Service Account Details: Enter a name, description and click "CREATE".
- Assign Roles: In the roles section, assign the "External Secrets Administrator" role or the specific permissions you need.
- Create the Service Account Key: Once created, click on the service account and go to "Keys". Click "ADD KEY" and choose the key format.
You need to add the e helm repository and then install cert-manager
First you need to install CustomResourceDefinitions
kubectl apply -f
Then you must add the helm chart.
helm repo add jetstack
Finally you install it in the cluster.
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --set installCRDs=true
This way it can be installed in the default cert-manager
You also have to install the external-secret
helm repo add external-secrets
helm install external-secrets \
external-secrets/external-secrets \
-n external-secrets \