Expressnews is a new aggregation web application which scraps fresh news from news sources and display to authenticated users and users can save the news in their feeds
- Backend:-Django
- Frontend:-Vuejs
- UI-framework:-Vueitfy
- Authentication:- JWT
- Database:-postgresql
- Scraping:- Celery,Rabbitmq
Expressnews is a progressive web application. The user interface of application is developed in Vuejs with Vuetify framework and backend is developed in Django a Python framework . The application has a worker thread which is developed using Celery a python library which is runs using RabbitMQ server . Celery scraps the news briefing from the news sources and display them to the users . The users can save the news post in their feeds.
- User authentication system implementation using Json web tokens
- Implementation of news saving feature for users in their feeds using ManytoMany fields from news table to users table
- Implementation of text classification WRNN algorithm using tensorflow and keras in the backend
- News api to display the scraped news
- Celery workers to scrap the news from the source urls using the rabbitmq server as the broker service and save in database
- Rabbitmq server which is developed in Erlang
- Postgresql database system
Clone this project on to your system
Project has requrements.txt file so install all the requirements:-
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
open the expressnews folder which is a backend folder
Add this additional files in newsAPI app directory:-
Migrate the databases to the database system
python makemigrations
python migrate
Setup and start the rabbitmq server to run the celery
To run the scraping process
celery -A expressnews worker -l info
Run the backend server using command
python runserver
This will start development server on it will have all required APIs
Setup the superuser of the django application so as to access admin of website
open expressui folder which is the frontend of application
Install all the node dependencies
npm install
Run the frontend server
npm run serve
This will start development server on http://localhost:8081/ . This will be the userinterface of application