The low-code platform for learning game development.
For Sprout to work properly, you must use Chrome.
Sprout uses the custom SproutScript language.
- Variable Definition:
var x = 0
- Function Declaration:
fun foo = () { }
- While-Loop:
while (condition) { }
- For-Loop:
for (i in range(10)) { }
- On-Statement (Gets executed every frame if condition is met):
on (condition) { }
Check out the "Pong" project for a sample project.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install the dependencies
npm i
- Run the application
npm run dev
- Create the project
- Decide the style and design of the project
- Implement the basic UI using Next.js and SCSS
- Design the basic structure of the project data
- Make it work with fixed data and JavaScript
- Add support for sprites
- Implement game objects pane
- Add game object settings
- Don't allow adding objects with the same id
- Allow reordering of the objects
- Confirm deletion of objects
- Add keyboard shortcuts
- Make the code editor work with JavaScript
- Load and save the project data
- Detect unsaved project and prevent closing the tab if the data is not saved
- Automatically save the project data
- Add save history
- Make the history less detailed
- Add loading progress bar
- Add projects overview (list of projects)
- Sprites Tab
- Add the ability to reorder sprites
- Add the ability to change the active sprite
- Add the ability to delete sprites
- Add sprites library dialog
- Add the ability to upload sprites
- Add the ability to delete sprites
- Add the ability to rename sprites
- Add the ability to assign sprites to game objects
- Add sprite information
- Only add LabeledNumberInput change to history after the user stops dragging
- Add undo/redo to the navbar
- Always save project before rerouting
- Create the programming language for Sprout
- Remove the usage of large strings and eval in the SproutEngine
- Create programming language concepts
- Variables
- Functions
- Loops (for, while)
- Conditions (if, else)
- Comments
- Create Lexer (Code -> Tokens)
- Create Parser (Tokens -> AST)
- Add support for mutable variables
- Add support for if, while, for and on statements
- Add support for await expressions
- Add support for lists
- Add support for index access (and square brackets access in general)
- Fix return statements inside for loops not working
- Fix return statements nested inside if statements not working
- Change if expressions to statements? -> Added both types!
- [!] Fix return statements inside e.g. if expressions checking next line for return value
- Add support for && and || operators
- [!] (If time allows) Add support for lambdas
- [!] (If time allows) Add support for objects
- (If time allows) Add support for +=, -=, *=, /= operators
- (If time allows) Add support for unary operators (!bool, -var, +var, ++, --)
- Create AST compiler function (AST -> JavaScript)
- Create error handling (Compilation & Runtime)
- Show errors in the code editor
- Fix the syntax highlighting and linting (Only basic syntax highlighting)
- (If time allows) Add autocomplete for some objects (e.g. game_objects, sprites)
- Fix execution of the code
- Add implemented functions to the language
- range
- Expose math functions
- Add implemented functions to the engine
- move, rotate (Handle delta_time)
- rotate_to
- collides_with, collides_with_box, collides_with_mouse
- sleep
- [!] (If time allows) Add physics engine
- [!] (If time allows) Add support for camera
- [!]
- [!] x, y (properties)
- [!] move (handle delta_time)
- [!]
- [!] (If time allows) Add support for drawing (new entry in the runtime data)
- [!] draw_text
- [!] draw_line
- [!] draw_rectangle
- [!] draw_circle
- (If time allows) Add support cloning and destroying game objects while the game is running
- clone
- destroy
- is_clone (property)
- Add console view
- Throw error if the user wants to start the game with syntax errors
- Catch runtime errors and show them in the console
- [!] (If time allows) Add advanced explanations to error messages
- Miscellaneous
- Add a clean way to handle debug information
- Rework game object scaling (width and factor for height) -> Fix different scaling for different sprites
- Add width and height info to the sprites in the sprites library
- Solve all TODOs
- Remove all DEBUGs
- Fix canvas can be right-clicked
- Disable the ability to select game objects through the canvas if th game is running
- When editing a float and deleting the last digit before the decimal point, the dot gets deleted unintentionally
- When editing e.g. 800 and deleting the 8, the 0 gets deleted unintentionally
- Limit max height of game object preview in code editor
- Reset linked scaling when changing the sprite
- [!] (Out of scope) Allow simple calculations in the LabeledNumberInput
- Create some example games
- [!] Add the ability to add information text to the documentation sidebar
- Add warning if not using Chrome
- Bugfixes
- Add absolute identifiers to project paths -> Fix project with same filename not visible in the projects overview
- Fix rotation of game objects causing other game objects to move
- Fix deletion of all game objects causing null value of selected object key
- (If time allows) Add the ability to duplicate game objects
- [!] (If time allows) Add the ability to add plugins (keep in mind: security risk)
- [!] (Out of scope) Add the ability to export and import game objects individually
- [!] (Out of scope) Add export of the games to standalone websites
- [!] (Out of scope) Add the ability to add sounds and music
- [!] (Out of scope) Create tool for simple image editing of sprites
- [!] (Out of scope) Add tooltips
- [!] Unsaved changes
- [!] Game object properties
- [!] Add game object button
- [!] Vertical tab buttons