This Branch adds a firebase backend and is a starting point for your React web app development. It also adds a CRUD for basic posts states.
You will need to have Webpack installed globally in order to build the applicatinon. The project uses Babel with react, es2015, stage-0 presets.
There is also a comprehensive test suit, with karma, mocha and expect, included to get you up and running with testing. In order to learn how to set up test, beside the included examples, please visit mjackson/expect. I also have a repo with comprehensive test cases at DevelTests
The Redux implementation is ready to use with the redux devtools extension, you can install this in chrome at redux devtools
Clone this repository
npm install
to initialy install your npm modules
to bundle your files, use webpack -w
to autogenerate the bundle on the fly.
node server.js
to run your server
npm start
to build, compress & start your server.
npm test
to run your test suit.
This major release adds the basic React skelleton and adds a test suit.
- 0.0.1 Install framework modules:
- webpack
- react
- react-dom
- express
- babel-core
- babel-loader
- babel-preset-es2015
- babel-preset-react
- babel-preset-stage-0
- 0.0.2 Setup Webpack configuration
- 0.0.3 Add the html public shell document
- 0.0.4 Add a basic node server
- 0.0.5 Add the React entry file
- 0.0.6 Add a component to ouput data
- 0.0.7 Add a component to use a third party API
This minor update adds a Karma, Mocha, Expect and react-addons-test-utils to the application.
- 0.1.1 Install Test suite modules:
- karma
- karma-webpack
- karma-mocha
- karma-mocha-reporter
- karma-chrome-launcher
- karma-sourcemap-loader
- mocha
- expect
- react-addons-test-utils
- 0.1.2 Add file to test our components and Redux implementations
This minor update adds Redux to the project for eazy handling of application wide data.
- 0.2.1 Install Redux modules:
- redux
- react-redux
- redux-thunk
- redux-mock-store
- 0.2.2 Add: Store
- 0.2.3 Add: Actions
- 0.2.4 Add: Reducers
- 0.2.5 Update: component
This minor update adds React Router for navigation the application.
- 0.3.1 Refactor to ES2016 syntax
- 0.3.2 Install Router modules:
- react-router
- 0.3.3 Add: src/router/index
- 0.3.4 Add: src/router/routing
- 0.3.5 Update: src/entry
- 0.3.6 Refactoring:
- Remove: src/router/routing
- Add: src/layout
- Update: src/router/index
- Add: components/api
- Update: components/component to components/data
- Update: layout/default
- 0.3.7. Added environments
- Update: webpack.config.js
- Update: package.json
- Add: environments/development.env
This minor update adds styling to make developing layouts eazy with blueprint background and semitransparents divs.
- 0.4.1 Update: ./public/index.html
- 0.4.2 Update: ./src/components/data/item
- 0.4.3 Update: ./src/layout/default.jsx
This concludes version 1.0 of the project. The project can now be used to quickly deploy professional React web applications. Please checkout branches of this repo for more functionality.
This minor update adds a show case for consuming a third party api.
- 1.1.1 Install Axios node module
- 1.1.2 Add Component to display output from the API
- 1.1.3 Configure Redux to consume the Thrid Party APT
This minor update adds Firebase as a backend CRUD solution.
- 1.2.1 Create an account on Firebase
- 1.2.2 Create a new project
- 1.2.3 Install firebase
- 1.2.4 Add firebase configuration file
- 1.2.5 temporarily disable authentication requirements at firebase
- 1.2.6 Add an input form
- 1.2.7 Set styles for inputs & forms
- 1.2.8 Refactor inputs to use redux
- 1.2.9 Pushing new items to Firebase
- 1.2.10 Fetching items from Firebase
- 1.2.11 Displaying items from store
- 1.2.12 Removing items
- 1.1.13 Updating items
- 1.1.14 Add environments and update configuration file