You should watch the 20min video tutorial on YouTube!
HTML Markup
<h5>Custom Checkboxes</h5>
<!-- Keep the input inside the label -->
<input type="checkbox">
<!-- make sure the .label-text is right next to the input-->
<span class="label-text">Item One</span>
<input type="checkbox" disabled>
<span class="label-text">Item Two</span>
<input type="checkbox" disabled>
<span class="label-text">Item Three</span>
SASS Styles
// Import FontAwesome
@import ""
cursor: pointer
color: #666
// Remove the default checkbox
display: none
// Insert the new checkbox from FontAwesome
+ .label-text:before
content: "\f096"
font-family: "FontAwesome"
speak: none
font-style: normal
font-weight: normal
font-variant: normal
text-transform: none
line-height: 1
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased
width: 1em
display: inline-block
margin-right: 5px
// When the checkbox is checked...
&:checked + .label-text:before
content: "\f14a"
color: #06a3e9
+animation(tick 180ms ease-in)
// When the checkbox is disabled...
&:disabled + .label-text
color: #aaa
content: "\f0c8"
color: #ccc
// Bounce the checked checkbox