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Chaos Toolkit Starter Pack For AWS

A collection of real-world chaos engineering experiments for application infrastructures running on AWS, built using the popular open source framework Chaos Toolkit.


Chaos Toolkit Starter Pack for AWS is a template project to accelerate the adoption of chaos engineering practices. The experiments in this project are created using Chaos Toolkit, a simple and extensible framework for chaos engineering.

Why Chaos Toolkit?

There are a number of chaos engineering frameworks available today, each with pros and cons. We decided to create the Starter Pack for AWS using Chaos Toolkit mainly because of its simplicity.

Implementing your first chaos engineering project is no easy feat. Especially at the beginning, engineers need to learn new techniques to inject faults into their systems, evaluate what works with their infrastructure and what does not. Chaos Toolkit comes with no additional overhead, the only requirements are Python and a few other command-line utilities and gives teams the freedom to build prototypes quickly.

Project structure

This is project is still under development so the project structure may be subject to change in future versions

├── infrastructure/
├── library/
├── modules/
├── my-experiments/
├── Dockerfile
├── requirements-dev.txt
├── requirements.txt
  • infrastructure/: The infrastructure/ directory contains the Terraform code to deploy the sample application into your own AWS infrastructure.

  • library/: The library/ directory contains all Chaos Toolkit experiment examples provided with the starter pack.

  • modules/: The modules/ directory contains Python modules that provide custom Chaos Toolkit activities and controls used by experiments.

  • my-experiments/: The my-experiments/ directory is an empty placeholder to store user-created experiments.

  • Dockerfile: The Dockerfile used to bundle all templates, tools and modules into a single container image to run chaos experiments on AWS.

  • A utility shell script to build and push the container to AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry).

  • requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt: List of Python requirements to execute and develop chaos experiments.

  • A Python wrapper for Chaos Toolkit CLI that facilitates variables configuration and reporting. For help see ./ --help.

  • A Python utility to submit a chaos experiment request to the AWS Batch environment queue. For help see ./ --help.

How to find chaos experiments to run in the library

Chaos Toolkit Starter Pack for AWS comes with a library of reusable experiments that you can use to kick-start your chaos engineering project.

Experiments are organized in separate directories under the library/ directory and into categories. Every experiment in the library can be tested with the provided comments-app sample application. Instructions on how to deploy comments-app into your AWS account are provided in the Deploying the test infrastructure section.

Here is a list of available experiments:

├── reliability
│   ├── ecs-instance-asg-fail-az
│   ├── ecs-instance-burn-cpu
│   ├── ecs-instance-kill-docker
│   ├── ecs-instance-termination
│   ├── ecs-service-fail-az
│   ├── ecs-service-slow-datasource
│   ├── ecs-service-slow-dependency
│   ├── ecs-service-tasks-failure
│   └── rds-instance-reboot
└── scalability
    ├── ecs-service-autoscaling
    ├── ecs-service-cpu-scaling
    ├── ecs-service-max-capacity-alarm
    ├── ecs-service-scale-in
    └── ecs-service-scale-out

Experiment directories are named using the following convention: [aws-resource-type]-[fault-type]. This way it's easier to understand what a test is about without having to look at the code.

For instance, the reliability/ecs-instance-burn-cpu will introduce a CPU stressor (burn-cpu) to ECS instances (ecs-instance).

Experiments structure

Even though Chaos Toolkit experiments don't need to follow project conventions, we think introducing some consistent structure in the way we organize experiment files can help avoid issues as we add more experiments and configuration files.

Every experiment in the Chaos Toolkit Starter Pack for AWS library will follow a structure similar to this:

├── experiment.conf
├── experiment.yaml
├── variables.yaml              (Optional)
└── variables-<context>.yaml    (Optional)

Experiment documentation

Each experiment is stored in its separate directory alongside its configuration files and the file. Special emphasis on the latter as it's incredibly important to provide documentation for every experiment template, to describe what it does, how it should be used and available configuration options.

Template definition

The experiment.yaml and experiment.conf contain respectively the Chaos Toolkit template definition and the config file to feed the wrapper script. As we only have one experiment in every folder using the name experiment.yaml by convention should reduce "name hunting" when we run experiments from the terminal.

Experiment variables

Supplying a lot of overrides via command-line arguments is error-prone and should be avoided. For this reason, we use external configuration files for experiments with lots of variables.

Chaos Toolkit supports storing collection of variables in JSON or YAML files that can be passed to experiments using the --var-file <file> command-line argument.

This is, in essence, how we provide values for Chaos Toolkit variables:

  • Default variable values are provided directly in the experiment template. This values are typically defaults used during development.
  • Global overrides are stored in the experiment folder in the variables.yaml (or .json) file. Variables in this file should always be used to run experiments against target environments.
  • Environment-specific (or context-specific) overrides are stored in files called variables-<context>.yaml, suffixed by the context name.

Setting up locally

Setup the Python interpreter and Pip

Chaos Toolkit is a Python application and needs the Python interpreter to run. Most systems today have a Python version pre-installed.

To verify if the python interpreter and pip are already available in your system, run the following commands using your terminal:

python --version
# Python 3.11.5

pip --version
# pip 23.1 from /Users/manuel/.pyenv/versions/3.11.3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip (python 3.11)

Any Python version >=3.7 should be fine to run Chaos Toolkit. In case the commands above return and error you need to install a Python version in your system.

Depending on the operating system you're running on the installation process may be different.

On Windows:

You can download the Python binary installer from the official website.

On MacOS X:

brew install python3

On Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev

After following the installation steps, verify that Python and Pip have been correctly installed using the python --version and pip --version commands described above.

Create a new virtual environment

A Python virtualenv is a self-contained Python installation created from the existing Python environment (known as the base environment). The main benefit of using a virtual environment instead of the base Python installation is being able to create a separate space where all our project dependencies will live.

To create a new virtual environment we need to install the virtualenv package with pip:

pip install -U virtualenv

After the installation is complete, we create a new virtualenv in the ./venv/ directory:

python -m venv ./venv/

The command above, will create a new folder in your current directory called venv/ that contains the Python binaries and all additional packages we install.

IMPORTANT: your system will not use the Python virtualenv by default. We need to activate the virtual environment in ./venv/ before we can use it!

Every time we open a new terminal window, we need to tell our terminal to use the virtual environment instead of the base Python interpreter. To do so we use the activate utility script provided with the virtualenv:

On Windows:


On MacOS X:

source venv/bin/activate

Install Python requirements

All project requirements and development requirements are stored in respectively the requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt files. Installing the packages listed in the requirements.txt is sufficient for executing experiments both locally and on the AWS Batch compute environment.

Use the following command to install all packages from a requirements file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To verify the requirements installation was successful, check if the Chaos Toolkit CLI is available in your virtual environment:

chaos --version
# chaos, version 1.15.1

Installing additional dependencies

Some of the chaos experiments provided with ChaosToolkit Starter Pack for AWS require additional dependencies to run. If that's the case, the experiment's README file will provide a list of additional software required to run.

Terraform and Terragrunt

ChaosToolkit Starter Pack for AWS uses Terraform and Terragrunt to provision the infrastructure for the sample application and run experiments.


Grafana K6

Grafana K6 is a load generation tool and required by the chaostoolkit-grafana Python extension for Chaos Toolkit. Follow the instructions in the Official Grafana documentation to install k6 in your machine.


aws-fail-az is a Go program that simulates AZ (Availability Zone) failures on AWS resources. To install this tool, follow the installation instructions provided in the project's homepage:

Deploying the test infrastructure

ChaosToolkit Starter Pack for AWS comes with a sample application infrastructure you can deploy on your own AWS account. It provides a microservices application called comments-app that can store users' comments for blog posts and articles.

The sample infrastructure will deploy three microservices into AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service):

  • comments-web: the web layer exposes the application API to the Internet. It's a Nodejs application and its role is providing a consistent API interface to the public by forwarding incoming requests to the comments-api microservice
  • comments-api: the core microservice of the application written in Java. It stores information about users, posts and comments into an RDS database
  • comments-spamcheck: a Python microservice that uses a pre-trained machine learning model to filter offensive comments automatically

To provide different types of deployment to experiment with, some microservices are provisioned using AWS Fargate, while other are deployed on an ECS Cluster with EC2 capacity providers.

Find below an overview of the application architecture provided:

comments-app infrastructure overview

Provision the application in your AWS account

We use Terraform and Terragrunt to automate the application infrastructure deployment. All provided infrastructure code is located under the infrastructure/ folder in this project.

├── comments-app/
│   ├── networking/
│   ├── services/
│   └── terragrunt.hcl
└── submodules/
    ├── compute-environment/
    └── ecs-cluster-ec2-provider/

The Terraform code that creates the app infrastructure is organized in different modules and tied together using Terragrunt. The terragrunt CLI will allow us to deploy the entire application stack using a single command.

To deploy the infrastructure, first locate your AWS Account ID from the AWS Console and export it as a variable in your current terminal together with the AWS Region and CLI profile (if different from default):

export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
export AWS_PROFILE=default

Once you set the required environment variables, navigate to the infrastructure/comments-app/ directory and use Terragrunt to apply all infrastructure modules:

cd infrastructure/comments-app/

terragrunt run-all apply
# INFO[0000] The stack at infrastructure/comments-app will be processed in the following order for command apply:
# Group 1
# - Module infrastructure/comments-app/networking
# Group 2
# - Module infrastructure/comments-app/services
# Are you sure you want to run 'terragrunt apply' in each folder of the stack described above? (y/n)
# <-- reply `y`

Provisioning the whole infrastructure takes approximately ~20 minutes as the creation of certain resources like RDS databases and Application Load Balancers can take some time.

Customize the "comments-app" infrastructure

We use the terragrunt.hcl file to configure the infrastructure deployment. You can customize your deployment by editing the infrastructure/comments-app/terragrunt.hcl file to provide additional Terraform variables.

For instance, you can open a remote shell into the bastion instance created by Terraform to access AWS resources located in private subnets, like private ECS services or other EC2 instances. To do so, you first need to configure the name of your own ssh-key-pair in the terragrunt.hcl.

If you don't already have an ssh-key-pair in your AWS account, you can create a new one under EC2 > Network & Security > Key Pairs > Create key pair, enter a name for the new key pair, for example bastion-key-pair, click Create key pair and download the .pem file.

create new key-pair

Next, edit the infrastructure/comments-app/terragrunt.hcl file and locate or add the bastion_key_pair_name variable in the inputs = {...} section to set our bastion ssh-key-pair name:

# terragrunt.hcl

inputs = {

  ## Enables remote connection to bastion server
  ## If you want to enable remote connection into the infrastructure, uncomment the line below
  ## and insert your bastion ssh-key-pair name.
  bastion_key_pair_name = "bastion-key-pair"

Once you're happy with the new configuration, run the terragrunt command again to apply the new changes:

cd infrastructure/comments-app/

terragrunt run-all apply

How to destroy the app infrastructure after use

We do our best to minimize the impact the sample infrastructure will have on your AWS bill, but to contain costs it's best if you destroy the resources after you are done using them. To destroy all resource we again use Terragrunt:

export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
export AWS_PROFILE=default

cd infrastructure/comments-app/

terragrunt run-all destroy
# INFO[0000] The stack at infrastructure/comments-app will be processed in the following order for command destroy:
# Group 1
# - Module infrastructure/comments-app/services
# Group 2
# - Module infrastructure/comments-app/networking
# Are you sure you want to run 'terragrunt destroy' in each folder of the stack described above? There is no undo! (y/n)
# <-- reply `y`

Running experiments locally with Chaos Toolkit CLI

Once you deployed the sample comments-app into your AWS account, you can run the experiments in the chaos experiments library using Chaos Toolkit CLI.

As we discussed in previous sections, the library/ directory contains a collection of Chaos Toolkit experiments that can be executed against the sample comments-app application. For this example, we will run the reliability/ecs-instance-termination/ experiment using Chaos Toolkit.


To run any experiment from the ChaosToolkit Starter Pack for AWS library, we first need to ensure that:

  • the AWS credentials and region are set in our session
  • the Python environment is configured to run Chaos Toolkit experiments

To set our AWS environment we make sure the AWS_REGION and AWS_PROFILE variables are set:

export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
export AWS_PROFILE=default

Then, we activate the Python virtual environment and set the PYTHONPATH variable so all Python modules in the modules/ directory are discoverable:

source ./venv/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/modules

IMPORTANT! Make sure your PYTHONPATH points to the modules directory in the root of this repository. To check the variable's current value run echo $PYTHONPATH.

Run the experiment template using the chaos CLI

Every experiment you can find in the library has a file to describe what the experiment does, additional requirements and run instructions.

Open the library/reliability/ecs-instance-termination/ file and locate the run instructions provided in the Running The Experiment section.

As indicated by the instructions, we can now launch the experiment by moving into the experiment folder and using the suggested chaos command:

cd library/reliability/ecs-instance-termination/
chaos run \
    --rollback-strategy always \

Override experiment configuration using the chaos CLI

Experiments offer several customization options using the Chaos Toolkit configuration. To modify the behaviour of an experiment we can override configuration values using the --var command line argument:

# override experiment's stress_user and stress_duration_seconds
chaos run \
    --rollback-strategy always \
    --var 'stress_user:int=10' \
    --var 'stress_duration_seconds:int=120' \

For more information, see the Chaos Toolkit official documentation.

Running experiments using the "" wrapper script

Running chaos experiments with the Chaos Toolkit CLI is absolutely fine, but maintaining variable overrides to use in different contexts or environments can quickly become unmanageable if we don't find a way to organize them.

Chaos Toolkit offers the ability to store collections of environment overrides into JSON or YAML files. This is perfect for handling variables, though we still have to remember additional configuration options like rollback and hypothesis strategies or settings files.

To address these concerns, we created a wrapper script called to allow users to structure their experiment variables and settings in a single configuration file.

python --help
#   Cli to start a chaos experiment from a configuration definition
# Options:
#   -v, --verbose           Display debug level traces.
#   --context TEXT          The execution context for the experiment
#   --journals-bucket TEXT  The S3 bucket to upload journal files after
#                           experiment execution
#   --help                  Show this message and exit.

The experiment configuration file for the wrapper script

Using the wrapper script we can define how our experiment should run in a single configuration file. The structure of the config file is the following:

experiment_path = ec2-instance-failure.yaml
hypothesis_strategy = continuously
hypothesis_frequency = 120
fail_fast = true

# Specific configuration for development context
var_overrides = 
    environment             = dev
    stress_duration_seconds = 120
    stress_users            = 10

# Specific configuration for test context
var_overrides = 
    environment             = test
    stress_duration_seconds = 900
    stress_users            = 70

# Specific configuration for production context
var_files = variables.yaml, variables-live.yaml

To break down the sections in the configuration file we have:

[DEFAULT]: this config section contains properties that will always be applied, regardless of the experiment context

[<section_name>]: every additional section will represent a context in which we run chaos experiments. For instance we might need to run an experiment for just a few minutes on a development environment and specify a longer duration when using the live context

Every section in this file (other than the DEFAULT) is mutually exclusive, meaning that if we run an experiment in a live context we will not inherit configurations that are specific for any other context.

How to run the experiment with the wrapper script

Every experiment in the Starter Pack library has its own experiment.conf file that can be used with the wrapper.

To start an experiment from a *.conf file we can use the following command from the project's root directory:

python path/to/experiment.conf

By default the will use the DEFAULT context. To run experiments with a different set of configurations we can use the --context argument:

python \
    --context live \

Additional features of the wrapper script

In addition to running experiments, the offers the following additional features:

Automated upload of experiment journal and logs to S3 bucket

This feature is disabled by default but can be activated by setting either the --journals-bucket argument or the CHAOS_JOURNALS_BUCKET environment variable:

python \
    --journals-bucket $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID-persistent-journals-bucket \

# or, alternatively with env variable

export CHAOS_JOURNALS_BUCKET=${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}-persistent-journals-bucket
python path/to/experiment.conf

As a result, experiments journal.json and chaostoolkit.log files will be stored in a new directory in the specified bucket:

store experiment journals in S3 bucket

The directory name will be the formatted time stamp of the experiment start time plus the sanitized experiment title.


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