TicTacToe game based on HTML,CSS and JavaScript: https://kairu-22.github.io/TicTacToe/
This is a simple web based interactive TicTacToe game with a friendly UI which is made using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Classic X and O TicTacToe gameplay. Local multiplayer for two players. Names can be edited to a name of user's choice. Name can include numbers and special characters. A propmt message that showcases the winner or a draw after a round ends. A leaderboard that updates the scores of the players after every round. Option to restart the game after a win or a draw.
Open "index.html" in your web browser. Set player names to your liking. It is important to enter names for both players. Player 1 (X) starts the game. CLick on an empty cell to place your symbol. Players rotate turns until one of them wins or its a draw. To restart the game, click on the "Start New Game" button.
No installation is required, directly open the "index.html" file in your web browser.
Inspired by the classic tictactoe gaame. Special thanks to github and various other open-source communities for valuable resources.
Enjoy the TicTacToe gaming experience!