PokeBall Run! is an iPhone game that uses the gyroscope tilting feature to control its movement.
This was an one week group project by rolandosorbelli, pyan83, Samellenrider and Denisglb. We chose to take up the challenge of learning Swift 4 from scratch without any prior knowledge of it at all.
- XCode 9
- Swift 4
- XCTest
- A player can move the Pokeball by tilting the phone.
- A player can collect Pikachus by moving the Pokeball to touch them.
- A score accumulates as the Pikachus get collected.
- The game ends when the Pokeball touches TeamRocket enemies.
- The game can be reset by tapping the screen once it has ended.
Clone this repository by typing [email protected]:rolandosorbelli/pokeball.git
You may need to sign up for a developer account at Apple.
Install XCode. Open the Pokeball.xcodeproj file and click the build button on the top left with your iPhone installed to create the game.