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Carlos Lubbers committed Aug 21, 2023
1 parent fce4964 commit d8671ce
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion docs/community/tutorial.rst
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Expand Up @@ -6,12 +6,13 @@ Tutorials
These tutorials give you the best introduction of working with GEOLib.

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221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions docs/community/tutorial_dstability_fragility_curve.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
.. tutorialdstabilityfragilitycurve:
Tutorial Fragility Curve D-Stability

The main purpose of this example is to demonstrate how to utilize the GEOLib Python package to construct
a fragility curve depending on various water levels.

To undertake failure probability studies (or reliability analyses) for levee
macrostability `Handreiking Faalkansanalyse <>`_,
the designer should provide fragility curves. A Fragility Curve represents the (conditional) probability
of failure as a function of load. In the case of levee macrostability, the water level (h) is usually
used for this purpose. These curves will later be used to include the uncertainties in the water level
in the reliability measures of the dike.

After establishing the base macrostability model as a .stix file, the designer may manually evaluate a
few situations and generate the associated reliability index (:math:`\beta`) as fragility points. In this
section, we describe an alternative method in which the GEOLib Python package can automate these
operations and extract the fragility curve. The syntax has been enhanced to incorporate water level
uncertainty into the fragility curve and calculate the dike's final dependability index.

The user must first prepare the basis model in D-Stability software and install the GEOLib package.
The next step is to load the necessary packages.

.. code-block:: python
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np # for array calculations
import scipy.stats as st # for statisitcal functions
import pandas as pd # for reading excel files
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # for linear interpolation and extrapolation outside the range
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #for ploting the results
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.stats import gumbel_r #the distribution function of water level
from geolib.models.dstability import DStabilityModel
from geolib.models.dstability.internal import PersistableHeadLine, Waternet
In order to change the water level, the phreatic line should be find to be later modified.
The next line of codes define a function to do this task.

.. code-block:: python
def find_phreatic_line(waternet: Waternet) -> PersistableHeadLine:
Find the phreatic line in a given waternet.
:param waternet: Waternet to search in
:return: Phreatic line
for headline in waternet.HeadLines:
if headline.Id == waternet.PhreaticLineId:
return headline
raise ValueError("No phreatic line found")
The function below computes the fragility curve for a given input file and a range of water levels.

.. code-block:: python
def calculate_fragility_curve(input_file, z_start, z_end, z_step) -> pd.DataFrame:
This method will raise the first point of the water level by the given step size.
:param input_file: Path to the input file
:param z_start: Start of the water level range
:param z_end: End of the water level range
:param z_step: Step size of the water level range
:return: Dataframe with the water level and the corresponding reliability index
# Prepare dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Waterlevel", "Beta", "Filename"])
# Parse input file
dm = DStabilityModel()
input_file_path = Path(input_file)
output_folder = input_file_path.parent / "output"
# Create output folder if not exists
if not output_folder.exists():
# Delete old results
for file in output_folder.glob("*.*"):
# Loop over water levels
for i in range(int((z_end - z_start) / z_step)):
# Calculate new water level
new_z = z_start + i * z_step
# Find phreatic line and set new water level
phreatic_line = find_phreatic_line(dm.datastructure.waternets[0])
headline_points = phreatic_line.Points
if headline_points is not None and headline_points[0] is not None:
headline_points[0].Z = new_z
# Serialize and execute
output_file = output_folder / (
input_file_path.stem + "_" + str(new_z) + input_file_path.suffix
# Get result
result = dm.get_result(0, 0)
print("Result of Z level: " + str(phreatic_line.Points[0].Z))
print("Reliability index: " + str(result.ReliabilityIndex))
# Add result to dataframe
df.loc[i] = [
return df
In the following syntax, the address of base model i.e., ``fc.stix`` is introduced.
The user should also provide the interested water level range through `z_start` and `z_end`.
The user may also indicate a folder where the outcomes of different scenarios and the graphs shall be

.. code-block:: python
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Define input file and water level range
input_file = "examples\\dstability\\fragility_curve_waterlevel\\fc.stix"
z_start = -9
z_end = 3
z_step = 6
# Calculate fragility curve
df = calculate_fragility_curve(input_file, z_start, z_end, z_step)
# Save dataframe to csv in subfolder of input file
output_folder = Path(input_file).parent / "output"
df.to_csv(output_folder / "fragility_curve.csv")
# Plot fragility curve
plt.plot(df["Waterlevel"], df["Beta"], "o-")
plt.xlabel("Water level [m]")
plt.ylabel("Reliability index")
plt.title("Fragility curve")
plt.savefig(output_folder / "fragility_curve.png")
This tutorial's base file fc.stix and source code can be
obtained `here <>`_.

Determining final failure probability ("integrating out" load uncertainty)

As a final step, the reliability measure of the levee is calculated by combining the conditional failure probability (fragility curve) with the load statistics (in this case, water level statistics). This step is often called "integrating out" because the next integral must be solved:

.. math::
P_f=\int \Phi[-\beta(h)] f_h(h) d_h
where :math:`f_h(h)` is the probability density function of the water level (or other load variable)
and :math:`\Phi` is the standard normal cumulative probability function. This integral can be quickly
solved using numerical integration as follows.

Note: In this example, Gumbel distribution is assigned as the PDF for waterlevel

.. code-block:: python
# Define water level range
range_h = [-10,2]
# Define bin width for integration water level distribution, 𝑑ℎ
delta_h = 0.1
# Define the distribution parameters of the load (water level) uncertainty distribution
mu= -5
std = 0.2
# indicating the obtained fragility points (𝛽 - h) from the above calculations
b = df["Beta"].to_numpy()
h = df["Waterlevel"].to_numpy()
# function to intepolate the FC curve between fragility points
def densify_extrapolate(x, y, xrange, xdelta):
xnew = np.arange(xrange[0], xrange[1] + xdelta, xdelta)
f = interp1d(x, y, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')
ynew = f(xnew)
return xnew, ynew
# intepolate the fragility curve
H, B = densify_extrapolate(h, b, range_h, delta_h)
# breaking the probability density function of load into bins with width of 𝑑ℎ
xnew = np.arange(range_h[0], range_h[1]+delta_h, delta_h)
fh = np.empty(len(xnew), dtype=object)
for h in range(len(xnew)):
fh[h]=gumbel_r.pdf(xnew[h], loc=mu, scale=std) #Gumbel distribution is assumed for 𝑓ℎ(ℎ)
sumFh = sum(fh)*delta_h
# calculating Φ[−𝛽(ℎ)]
P_fh = norm.cdf(-1*B)
Pf = P_fh* fh * delta_h
sumPf = sum(Pf)/sumFh
# evaluating the relevant relaibiltiy index for th eobtained failure probbaility
Beta = -1*norm.ppf(sumPf)
print('Final Beta after integration = ', Beta)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/dev/models/dstability.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ Tutorial
You can find the D-Stability tutorial here: :doc:`../../community/tutorial_dstability`

A tutorial for making a fragility curve using D-Stability can be found here: :doc:`../../community/tutorial_dstability_fragility_curve`

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