Check our official GitHub pages documentation at
Thanks to the latest version of Pypi you can get all setup by just installing the package in the edit mode, so we offer the following options:
- Contributing to the project:
- Full guide
- Quick installation (without poetry) for development:
- Navigate to the checked-out directory.
- Update your 'pip' to the latest version.
- Install the package in edit mode:
pip install -e .
- Using the package as an external library:
| We recommend installing the latest available release at the time instead of from 'master'. For that just add @branch_name at the end of the previous pip call.
pip install git+
We found out that packages such as netcdf4
or pypiwin32
/ pywin32
might give problems. In case you run against said problems while installing the package we recommend installing them beforehand.
Currently we support the Vegetation and Coral models. More details of how to run them can be found at their respective documentation pages. In addition, quick links on how to run models in this package: