This repository contains the discord bot made specificly for the running community. the bot will contain all the fun things that every discord bot has, but also commands used for helping people in their running adventures.
Thyamine and I have started to create the basis of the bot, with simple commands. So far there is a range of basic commands that allow users to do various things. The bot contains simple moderation tools (ban, kick etc.), utilities (dm), fun and games (8ball, chance, rock paper scissors, and other various games), web integrations (definitions, and urban dictionary definitions) and some calculations (distance conversions and pace calculator). Currently we are working to build a more broad distance converter, and Thyamine has started to implement a pace calculator for users. Currently we do not have anything planned for after we complete these, we are currently just adding features as we go. If you have any have any features that should be implemented next, either ping me or Thyamine, or create an "issue" ticket on the github repository (which is preferable). Everything we make is open-source on the github, however it may not be up to date to the dev build.