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Some plugs only work on vim >= 8.1 or neovim. e.g, markdown-preview, vim-deus, coc

Download the Repository

  1. Download my dotfiles by git clone
  2. copy config file by cp -rf ./.config/* ~/.config/, and open the directory cd ~/.config


config environment

sudo ./ for:

  1. Checking the shell is zsh or no.
  2. map the Keyboard, Caps--->Ctrl, Swap the Left_Command and Left_Alt, Left_Crtl --->Esc, Right_Alt--->Command, Right_menu--->Alt.
  3. Add the config for Chinese Input.
  4. Creat the soft link about the vimrc and zshrc on home directory.
  5. Add Source about the Archlinuxcn of Tsinghua.

Install Software

sudo ./ See my-packages.txt for detail.

Keyboard layout

setxkbmap us -variant colemak set colemak keyboard layout or modify xmodmap. xmodmap -pke print keycodes. 'xev': press key to print its keycode. some distro linux need to install xorg-xev.

PS: Command xdotool key Caps_Lock to toggle Caps_Lock status.

zsh & ohmyzsh

sudo pacman -S zsh
chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
# oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(wget -O-"

ln -s ~/.config/.zshrc ~/



  1. neovim(recommend)
sudo pacman -S neovim
# `:checkhealth`
# python client to neovim.
pip3 install pynvim
# Transition package for pynvim
pip3 install neovim
# vimtex-faq-neovim
pip3 install neovim-remote
# nodejs
sudo npm install -g neovim
# For python2
python2 -m pip install neovim
python2 -m pip install pynvim
  1. vim
  • python3 for vim, ultisnips needs vim to support vim-python3,
	git clone
	cd vim/src
	./configure  --enable-python3interp=yes
	sudo make install
	# vim --version, to check `+python3` or not


vista.vim is to support LSP(Language Server Protocol) symbols. Exuberant Ctags is unsupported, ensure you are using universal-ctags.

# install libjansson first
sudo apt-get install libjansson-dev

# then compile and install universal-ctags.

# NOTE: Don't use `sudo apt install ctags`, which will install exuberant-ctags and it's not guaranteed to work with vista.vim.

git clone --depth=1
cd ctags
sudo make install


curl -sL | bash for installing nodejs but not using pacman/apt. I'm not sure about this. :call coc#util#install() to install coc-util

  • Extensions coc-clangd:The extension does not install clangd for you! You must install clangd separately. sudo apt install clang, version >=7.0

coc-snippets configuration:

  • Example :CocCommand snippets.editSnippets



Shortcut Action
F5 Compile sourcefile
F8 Regenerate the tag file
F12 MarkdownPreview
Ctrl+j Scroll a half page down
Ctrl+k Scroll a half page up
Ctrl+a add 1
Ctrl+x subtract 1
gf open the file under cursor
S Save file as root after editing as non-root
sp Spell check swith
Set nohightlight
or sp Grdapeieater Indent format for copying from Internet
Y or Copy to system clipboard
paste from system clipboard
U or Undo

markdown preview

Modified from theniceboy/nvim b-bold, s-sliced, i-italic, `-block, c-big block code, t-todo(check mark), p-picture, a-link, l-link, f-forward

Shortcut Output
,n ---
,b Bold text
,s sliced text
,i italic text
,\ code slice
,c block of code
,t - [ ] Todo list
,p picture
,l link
,1 # H1
,2 ## H2
,3 ### H3
,4 #### H4
,a --------

,f to go to the next <++> (placeholder) ,w to go to the next <++> (placeholder) and then press Enter for you


Ctrl+n: Toggle statusbar(title, page number) For openning pdf, djvu file, please install these dependencies: zathura-djvu, zathura-pdf-mupdf.



Picture Preview: ueberzug Video Preview: ffmpegthumbnailer Gif: mpv

joplin CLI

An open source Cross-platform note taking and to-do application. It supports Linux, MacOS, Windows, iPhone, iPad, Android.

sudo pacman -S nodejs npm
NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=~/.joplin-bin npm install -g joplin
sudo ln -s ~/.joplin-bin/bin/joplin /usr/bin/joplin

For Dropbox, type :config 7. Then type sync to login to the service and start the synchronisation process.

It is possible to also synchronise outside of the user interface by typing joplin sync from the terminal. This can be used to setup a cron script to synchronise at regular interval. For example, this would do it every 30 minutes:

*/30 * * * * /path/to/joplin sync

synchronize joplin cli with joplin desktop

mv ~/.config/joplin ~/.config/joplin-terminal-bak
ln -sfn ~/.config/joplin-desktop ~/.config/joplin

If the report is wrong:

Fatal error:

Unknown profile version. Most likely this is an old version of Joplin, while the profile was created by a newer version. Please upgrade Joplin at and try again.

sqlite3 \
"~/.config/joplin-desktop/database.sqlite" \
"UPDATE version SET version = 23;"


Audio player WARN: FFmpeg audio Player ao_open_live() failed: can not open the device alsa channel 1, rate 11025, bit 8 Edit -- Preferences -- Audio -- Use external program: cvlc --play-and-stop -Vdummy

vimium(Chrome plugin)

Add a Google Chrome plugin: vimium(Control Chrome using vim's hotkey)

Shotcut Action
h j k l Scroll Left/Down/Up/Right
gg G Scroll to the top/bottom of the page
K scrollPageUp
J scrollPageDown
Ctrl+j scrollFullPageDown
Ctrl+k scrollFullPageUp
f Open a link in the current tab
F Open a link in a new tab
u goBack
U goForward
H previousTab
L nextTab
gi Focus the first text input on the page
dd or x removeTab
Ctrl+r or X restoreTab
o or O open a link. Edit its URL by typing Ctrl+Enter

Press 'v' enter visual mode, and use 'c' to enter caret mode from visual mode(press 'v' then 'c' from normal mode). 'v' and 'c' can be used to switch between visual and caret modes.


  1. dmenu font fullwidth
# Downgrade `ttf-inconsolata` to older version
sudo pacman -U
# Tell pacman to ignore auto-upgrading ttf-inconsolata in the future.
echo "IgnorePkg = ttf-inconsolata" >> /etc/pacman.conf

2. ~/.config/mimeapps.list: define default application for a filetype. 3. You can retrieve the key sequence for a key combination by pressing Ctrl+v followed by the key combination, e.g. Shift+Enter. these key sequence can be used to keymap by zsh, etc.(Different terminator has different key sequence. ctrl+enter, in st: ^M. In alacritty: �[13;5u.


My Manjaro config, dotfile






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