Branch is dead? At least the game that this api was going to be built for. Branch as a company is still around and are working on a new game called castaways. although old branch (again the game this api is made for) is still playable but its yk dead.
Branch is literally dying. Going downhill fast. I will NOT be pushing updates. I was offered to work on this legit under branch but with current news I don't think this will be happening nor will I work on this repo either. I'm sorry for this update and have a good rest of your day. is an API designed to work with the Branch.GG api and allows for ease of use when making requests and posts!
To implement into your code simply:
const branch = require("./userConstructor.js")
const branch = require("./userConstructor.js")
const token = "YOUR-TOKEN-HERE";
var client = new branch.User(token);
(async () => {
await client.fetchData(); // when data is fetched it'll go to client's var .userData
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