VALID - VisuAL Image Diff --- visual regression testing with ease
Note that this project is WIP and not yet reliable for use in actual testing. Proposals and PRs are welcome! :D
Note that node version 7.10.1 or newer is required to use valid.
node install -g valid
yarn global add valid
- Setup your config JSON file if you haven't (see example config below)
- Run
valid config.json
a. Optionally you can set --checkMobile and --mobileLandscape parameters which are false by default. It is suggested that you use different config files if you want to run tests for desktop and mobile viewports.
- Pass in an array of links/routes to visit.
- The lib will then loop through these, visit each link and take a screenshot.
- Screenshots are saved in an "expected" and "tmp" folder.
- The generated diff image will use a naming pattern "output_[i].png" where [i] equals the current iteration index.
- An image-diff lib will then be used to detect visual changes.
- If a difference is found the link will be added to a "faulty" array.
- If no difference is found the "output_[i].png" will be deleted.
- [OPTIONAL] After each passed iteration the taken screenshot from "tmp" will be moved to replace the old one in "expected". This might also be configurable on a per-item basis.
- After the loop finishes an object will be returned with the following design
{ didPass: BOOLEAN, faultyPages: [{ url: 'LINK', image: '[PATH TO DIFF IMG]', ... }] }
Notes on implementation
The input data should be passable as JSON file or a JSON compliant object. This could look like the following:
url: '',
image: './regression-testing/expected/about.png',
didChange: false
The didChange
property implies that there should be no difference between the captured and expected image. If a difference is found it will be treated as an error case.
If this is on the other hand set to true
, we expect a difference and won't treat this as an error. The captured image will then (if point 8 in the Propose Flow list above is implemented) replace the one in the expected folder