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Progressive Web App IDE for Logic Programming. LoIDE web GUI


The primary objective of LoIDE-PWA is to develop a Progressive Web App (PWA) that serves as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Logic Programming, leveraging modern technologies and languages.

Key Features

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Output highlighting
  • Layout and appearance customization
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Multiple file support
  • Execution and Solvers options definition
  • Import and Export files
  • Easy to use on mobile devices

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.


To run LoIDE-PWA you need to have Node.js and npm installed on your system. You can download and install Node.js from the official website.

If you want to use the server-side features of LoIDE, you need to have a server that can execute Logic programs. If you like it, you can use our PythonESE.


To install LoIDE-PWA, first clone the repository using the following command:

git clone

Navigate to the cloned repository directory and install the required dependencies with npm:

npm install

Now you can run the application in development or production mode.

Run in Development Mode

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:9000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Run in Production Mode

npm run start:prod

Builds the app for production to the build folder and start a server that serve the build.

If you wish to run LoIDE over HTTPS, you must provide paths to certificate files in the server-config.json file. Then, you can start LoIDE in a browser at http://localhost:9001


npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. See the section about running tests for more information.


npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.


This repository provides also Docker containerization for LoIDE PWA. Docker enables the encapsulation of the LoIDE GUI within a lightweight, portable container, ensuring smooth deployment across various environments.

Getting Started

Deploying the LoIDE GUI using Docker is straightforward:


Ensure Docker is installed on your system (refer to the official Docker documentation for installation instructions). Then, clone this repository using the following command:

git clone

Building the Docker Image

A Docker image is a package that contains all the necessary to run application and it's used to create Docker containers. To create one navigate to the cloned repository directory and build the Docker image using the provided Dockerfile:

docker build -t loide-pwa .

Running the Docker Container

Once the Docker image is built, you can run a Docker container using the following command:

docker run -d --network host --mount type=bind,source=[your/path/to/config],target=/app/config loide-pwa

The --network host option in the docker run command tells Docker to use the host network for the container. This means the container shares the same network stack as the host and can access network services running on the host directly.

The --mount type=bind, source=[your/path/to/config], target=/app/config option is used to create a bind mount. A bind mount is a type of mount that allows you to map a host file or directory to a container file or directory (for more information refer to the official Docker documentation). In this case we use mounts to provide the configuration file to the container.

The configuration file is a JSON file that contains the configuration of the LoIDE PWA. It must be placed in a directory on the host and the full path to this directory must be specified in the source option of the --mount option. The JSON schema needs also to be in the same directory.

For examples on how to create the configuration file refer to the one provided in the repository. If no configuration file is provided the default configuration will be used.

Once the Docker container is running, you can open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:[specified-port] to access the LoIDE GUI.



This configuration file contains various settings for the server.


This section contains the ports that the server will listen on.

  • http: The port for HTTP connections. Default is 9000.
  • https: The port for HTTPS connections. Default is 9001.


This section contains the paths to the SSL certificate files for HTTPS.

  • key: The path to the private key file.
  • cert: The path to the certificate file.


This section contains settings for rate limiting to prevent abuse.

  • windowMs: The duration in milliseconds for which requests are checked/remembered. Default is 600000 (10 minutes).
  • max: Maximum number of connections during windowMs before sending a 429 response. Default is 1000.


The maximum age, in seconds, for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS). This is only applied when using HTTPS. Default is 31536000 (1 year).


We use Semantic Versioning for versioning. For the versions available, see the releases on this repository.


  • Stefano Germano (Coordinator)
  • Rocco Palermiti
  • Marco Duca

From the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Calabria


This project is licensed under the MIT License