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Docker Symfony

Image to run Symfony apps in docker

Quick reference

Build the image

docker buildx build --tag davidetriso/symfony:[tagname-dir_name] -o type=image --platform=linux/arm64,linux/amd64 ./[tagname-dir_name]


docker buildx build --tag davidetriso/symfony:php-8.1-fpm -o type=image --platform=linux/arm64,linux/amd64 ./php-8.1-fpm

Push image to Docker Hub

docker push davidetriso/symfony:tagname


docker push davidetriso/symfony:php-8.1-fpm

Build and push everything

Execute the ./ script to build and push all images to Docker Hub at once.

How to use

This image is created starting from the official PHP Docker image. Look at the "How to use this image" section of the official image readme to learn how to configure and use this image.

The image uses a production-optimized php.ini file. To customize the PHP settings to your needs it is sufficient to bind-mount a custom ini file in the container's /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/ directory.


    # ... other settings here ...
        # ... other volumes and mounts here ...
        - ./my/custom/999-php.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/999-php.ini:ro

Cron Images

The cron images facilitate the execution of tasks at regular intervals. They provide a convenient folder structure in the /etc/periodic path, which includes the following subfolders:

  • 1min
  • 5min
  • 10min
  • 15min
  • 20min
  • 30min
  • hourly
  • daily
  • weekly
  • monthly

To schedule a task, simply place the script in one of the folders corresponding to the desired execution interval. For instance, to run the php bin/console schedule:run command every 5 minutes, create a script that invokes the command and copy the file to the /etc/periodic/5min folder.

NOTE: Please ensure that the script has no file extension.

Here's an example of the run-schedule script:


php /var/www/html/bin/console schedule:run

In your configuration file, include the following volume mapping to make the script available in the container:

    image: davidetriso/symfony:php-8.1-cron
    # ... other settings here ...
        # ... other volumes and mounts here ...
        - ./run-schedule:/etc/periodic/5min/run-schedule:rw

NOTE: When the container starts up, all scripts located in the subfolders of /etc/periodic/ are made executable using the chmod command. Hence, it is important to ensure that these files are writable by the container.


The XDebug extension is available in the image, but is disabled by default. To enable it, use a custom ini file, like explained above.


Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


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