Presenting the stack Postgis/Flask/Mapboxgl to display geographic data using vector tiles.
Presentation is hosted here: The presentation won't be complete without the small infrastructure that comes with it. Follow the instructions to get the whole thing working properly.
Add your variables in the .env
- postgres password
- mapbox token
sudo docker-compose up -d
Sudoing docker is not secure but is faster. To setup your docker properly read this
# Connect to database
psql -h localhost -p 5555 -d postgres -U postgres
# Access container
sudo docker exec -it postgres-master /bin/bash
# Access container
sudo docker exec -it webapp-master /bin/bash
# Access container
sudo docker exec -it slide-master /bin/bash
sudo docker build -t data-master data-processing/
sudo docker run --link=postgres-master --network=global-network --env-file .env -it data-master