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David-SWUSA-RISCOS edited this page Jul 3, 2022 · 1 revision

BASIC Programming and YASDOE:

YASDOE uses as standard two BASIC implementations, each in two forms.

The first is BASIC V minus the EVAL statement, of course, a very amazing BASIC implementation, for which is not hosted in this repo (as licensing does not allow that), though is included in binary ROM images. This is both the normal interpreter as well as a compiler (both compile to ram then run, and to produce executable AIFs and Modules).

The second is an extended version of BASIC V that adds some GUI and Graphics commands that are known to some other BASIC implementations from the 1980's, thus simplifying life for new programmers on YASDOE. This version is only available as a Compiler, though it can compile to RAM and run immediately, thus allowing it to be used as an interpreter.

From BASIC to extended OS API:

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