To learn more about the API, visit the DataUSA API Wiki page or visit the DataUSA Quick Start Guide.
DataUSA is a web platform built using Flask, an open source Python library for interacting with HTTP. this installation guide is written assuming a Linux or Linux-like environment. The following software is required to be installed locally in order to get DataUSA running:
- Python
- Postgres
Clone from Github git clone
[optional] Create a virtual environment. We suggest installing virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper especially if the machine you are using is used for many other web projects. This allows python libraries to be installed easily and specifically on a per proeject basis.
Once this is complete, run the following to initialize your datausa environment.
mkvirtualenv datausa
Install Prerequisites
sudo apt-get install python-dev sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
Install Python modules
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set environment variables
export DATAUSA_DB_NAME=db_name export DATAUSA_DB_USER=postgres_user export DATAUSA_DB_PW=postgres_pw export DATAUSA_DB_HOST=
Run api