Computes a ranking of authors who receive retweets on specific time intervals.
Twarc-count requires Python 3.7 or greater and pip.
You need to clone this repository.
git clone
And then, move to the folder rt_changes. Then, install all modules required by the script:
pip install -r requirements.txt <INFILE> <OUTFILE> [-f [FIELDS] ]
- -g | - -granularity: The time interval. You can use any offset alias for Pandas time series.
- -a | - -alpha: An inertia parameter that weighs retweets received in the previous time intervals (default = 0.005).
- -t | - -threshold: Removes users whose sum of scores are below the specific threshold.
- -i | - -interval: Specify a date period to process.
The paramenter -i waits for two dates separated by a comma (eg: start_time,end_time) the format should be according YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS.
Some allowed values are:
- H: Hours
- M: Minutes
- Y: Years
- W: Weeks
- S: Seconds
A complete description of allowed aliases can be found at: examples\results.json output.csv examples\results.json output.csv -g W examples\results.json output.csv -t 50 examples/results.json output -i 2021-10-18,2022-10-18
Crowdosourced elite during the first wave of Covid19 in Spain