Solace provides a broker that handles messages sent between processes. This application is comparable to a standard kdb+ tickerplant, that publishes messages to real-time subscribers filtered by topic. The code in this repo allows kdb+ to communicate with any solace messaging framework. The API provides a translation from most solace datatypes to kdb+ and vice versa.
Information on how to set up and install a solace broker can be found here
Once installed, run the below command to find the ip of the broker.
@homer:~$ ps -aef | grep docker
root 1068 32392 0 Apr03 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 55559 -container-ip -container-port 55555
Check that the container is running correctly
solace@homer:~$ docker container ls
415cbaf393c3 solace/solace-pubsub-standard "/usr/sbin/" 10 days ago Up 7 days 2222/tcp,>8080/tcp,>55555/tcp solace_test
Once the container is running correctly, clone the kdb-solace repository
solace@homer:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'kdb-solace'...
Username for '': user
Password for 'https://[email protected]':
remote: Enumerating objects: 30, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (30/30), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22/22), done.
remote: Total 833 (delta 14), reused 21 (delta 8), pack-reused 803
Receiving objects: 100% (833/833), 12.42 MiB | 7.09 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (502/502), done.
The library should have the following structure
solace@homer:~$ ls
solace@homer:~$ cd kdb-solace/
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace$ ls
include LICENSE Makefile obj_Linux26-x86_64_debug q solclient src tests
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace$ ls -la
total 76
drwxrwxr-x 9 solace solace 4096 Apr 17 14:37 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 solace solace 4096 Apr 17 14:37 ..
drwxrwxr-x 8 solace solace 4096 Apr 17 11:52 .git
-rw-rw-r-- 1 solace solace 50 Apr 6 16:33 .gitignore
drwxrwxr-x 3 solace solace 4096 Apr 15 14:18 include
-rw-rw-r-- 1 solace solace 1072 Apr 6 12:39 LICENSE
-rw-rw-r-- 1 solace solace 714 Apr 17 11:52 Makefile
drwxrwxr-x 6 solace solace 4096 Apr 6 12:39 solapi
drwxrwxr-x 2 solace solace 4096 Apr 15 14:20 q
-rw-rw-r-- 1 solace solace 23597 Apr 16 11:28
drwxrwxr-x 2 solace solace 4096 Apr 17 11:52 src
drwxrwxr-x 4 solace solace 4096 Apr 9 12:20 tests
Copy the contents of the unzipped solace C lib package ( to the solapi directory.
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace/$ ls -al solapi/
total 28
drwxrwxr-x 6 solace solace 4096 May 12 22:47 .
drwxrwxr-x 12 solace solace 4096 May 12 22:44 ..
drwxrwxr-x 2 solace solace 4096 May 12 22:25 ex
drwxrwxr-x 3 solace solace 4096 May 12 22:25 include
-rw-rw-r-- 1 solace solace 186 May 12 22:47 info.txt
drwxrwxr-x 2 solace solace 4096 May 12 22:25 Intro
drwxrwxr-x 3 solace solace 4096 May 12 22:40 lib
Inside the main directory, run the make
command to build the library files needed for the application to run.
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace$ make
if ! test -d lib;then mkdir lib/;fi
rm -f lib/solace.*
gcc -Lobj_Linux26-x86_64_debug/lib -shared -DKXVER=3 -fPIC -D_LINUX_X86_64 -lpthread -lsolclient -Iinclude -DPROVIDE_LOG_UTILITIES src/solace.c src/solace_k.c src/cb.c -o lib/ -lsolclient -lrt -Wno-discarded-qualifiers -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types
Finally set some environment variables to allow kdb+ to find the relevant shared objects.
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace$ source
Running sample programs from the ex
directory can be used to test that the broker is running. Run the make
command to build the object files and executable files.
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace/solapi/ex$ make
gcc -g -o transactions transactions.o common.o os.o -L../lib -L../obj_Linux26-x86_64_debug/lib -lsolclient -lrt -pthread
Usage statements for each executable can be found by running
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace/solapi/ex$ ./executablefile
For example,
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace/solapi/ex$ ./directPubSub
directPubSub.c (Copyright 2009-2019 Solace Corporation. All rights reserved.)
Missing required parameter '--cu'
Usage: ./directPubSub PARAMETERS [OPTIONS]
-u, --cu=user[@vpn] Client username and Mesage VPN name. The VPN name is optional and
only used in a Solace messaging appliance running SolOS-TR.
Where OPTIONS are:
-c, --cip=[Protocol:]Host[:Port] Protocol, host and port of the messaging appliance (e.g. --cip=tcp:
-t, --topic=Topic Topic or Destination String.
-p, --cp=password Client password.
-n, --mn Number of Messages.
-l, --log=loglevel API and application logging level (debug, info, notice, warn, error, critical).
-g, --gss Use GSS (Kerberos) authentication. When specified the '--cu' option is ignored.
-z, --zip Enable compression (set compress level=9 for SolOS-TR appliances only).
You can execute this sample program by specifying the IP address of the broker
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace/solapi/ex$ ./directPubSub -u admin -c tcp:
directPubSub.c (Copyright 2009-2019 Solace Corporation. All rights reserved.)
CCSMP Version (Aug 7 2019 16:39:16) Variant: Linux26-x86_64_opt - C SDK
Received message:
Destination: Topic 'my/sample/topic'
SenderTimestamp: 1587390692877 (Mon Apr 20 2020 14:51:32)
RcvTimestamp: 1587390692878 (Mon Apr 20 2020 14:51:32)
Class Of Service: COS_1
DeliveryMode: DIRECT
Binary Attachment: len=16
6d 79 20 61 74 74 61 63 68 65 64 20 64 61 74 61 my attac hed data
Provided it is run on the same machine as the Solace broker, a connection to the broker can be initialised by running the test_conf.q
script (otherwise the host will have to be changed)
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace$ q q/test_conf.q
KDB+ 3.5 2017.11.30 Copyright (C) 1993-2017 Kx Systems
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : Initializing session...
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : Session initialization complete
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : --------- Argument Display -------------
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : USER - admin
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : HOST -
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : CALLBACK FUNCTION - f
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : PORT - 55555
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : SOLACE LOG LEVEL - 4
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : VPN - default
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : CONNECT RETRIES - 3
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : MESSAGES TO SEND - 10
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : ENABLE COMPRESSION - false
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : USE GSS - false
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : WRITE HANDLE - 0
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : TABLE NAME - table
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : TABLE SCHEMA COUNT - 0
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : MESSAGE RECEIVE FUNCTION - insert
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : Q LOG LEVEL - 4
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : DUMP TO SCREEN - false
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : KDB Lib version -
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : Solace Lib version -
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : Solace date - Aug 7 2019 16:39:16
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : Solace Lib - Linux26-x86_64_opt - C SDK
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : ---------------------------------------
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : Connecting to Solace...
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : Session up
[04/17/20 14:09:03] INFO : Connection to Solace complete
The functions located in the .solace
namespace can then be used to send and receive messages between processes.
Solace Lib API Function | Description | Arguments | Example usage |
init | Initialises a connection to the broker | Dictionary o of inputs (see Table 2) |
.solace.init[d:(`user`password`host`port`loglevel)!(`admin;`admin;`$"";55555;2)] |
getstats | Returns a dictionary of number of messages received, sent, batched and processed | Niladic | .solace.getstats[] |
subscribe | Subscribes to a topic | Topic name | .solace.subscribe["Default"] |
printargs | Prints all library settings and current values | Niladic | .solace.printargs[] |
disconnect | Disconnects from broker | Niladic | .solace.disconnect[] |
unsubscribe | Unsubscribes from a topic | Topic name | .solace.unsubscibe["Default"] |
publish | Publishes a message for a particular topic | [topic name; message] | .solace.publish["Default"; 1 2 3] |
checkconnect | Returns a boolean based on connection status | Niladic | .solace.checkconnect[] |
gettopics | Returns a table of topics and subscription status booleans | Niladic | .solace.gettopics[] |
getcbstats | Returns a metric relating to the flow of messages between the feed threads | Niladic | .solace.getcbstats[] |
getopts | Returns a dictionary of the broker's arguments and their values | Niladic | .solace.getopts[] |
changeloglevel | Changes the q log level to a specified level | Integer between 0 and 4 (see loglevel in Table 2) | .solace.changeloglevel[2] |
Table 1
When calling .solace.init, the inputs are passed in as a dictionary. The various inputs are explained in Table 2.
Input | Description | Default value |
password | Maps to SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_PASSWORD | admin |
port | Maps to SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_HOST | 55555 |
callback | The message handler for events received from the Solace library | f |
solaceloglevel | Maps to one of 8 levels | 4 |
vpn | Maps to SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_VPN_NAME | default |
enablecompression | Maps to SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_COMPRESSION_LEVEL | false |
usegss | If true, uses gss authentication scheme | false |
loglevel | Maps to one of 4 levels, see Table 3 | 4 |
dumptoscreen | If true, calls a function messageReceiveCallbackDump which dumps the message to screen instead of sending to buffer. Useful for doing an initial check of the connection | false |
Table 2
loglevel | Enumerator | Description |
0 | QCLIENT_LOG_NON | No logging |
1 | QCLIENT_LOG_ERR | Errors only |
2 | QCLIENT_LOG_WRN | Warnings and errors |
3 | QCLIENT_LOG_INF | Information on progress, warnings and errors |
4 | QCLIENT_LOG_ALL | All log messages |
Table 3
To subscribe to the topic "Default", run
[04/14/20 13:03:37] INFO : Subscribing to topic...
[04/14/20 13:03:37] INFO : Subscribed to topic: Default
In a separate process, to publish a message on the topic "Default", for example the list of numbers 1,2 and 3, run
q).solace.publish["Default";1 2 3]
[04/14/20 13:06:20] INFO : Publishing to Solace...
[04/14/20 13:06:20] INFO : Publishing complete
The latest message that has been published is recorded and stored in .l.l
, which can be viewed on the subscriber process
type seqn dest sndt rect swbt msg erbt
s 0 Default 1587379630040 1587379630040 2020.04.20D10:47:10.040752114 1 2 3 2020.04.20D10:47:10.040805302
In order to run tests, we run the solacetest.q
file inside the tests directory. Adding the flag usage
in the command line will explain what optional arguments it takes.
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace/tests$ q solacetest.q -usage
KDB+ 3.5 2017.11.30 Copyright (C) 1993-2017 Kx Systems
Usage: q solacetest.q [OPTIONS]
Where OPTIONS are:
-testsrc, Runs all tests when set to csv. To run an individual test, set to csv/csvname.csv (Default: csv)
-bport, Client processes will run on ports bport+1, bport+2. (Default: 9080)
-noexit, Stays in q session after tests have run. (Default: 1b)
-noload, Loads k4unit tests when false. (Default: 1b)
-runtests, Runs tests. (Default: 1b)
-init, Initialises and opens connections to the client servers on ports bport+1, bport+2. (Default: 1b)
-testhost, Sets the host. (Default:
In order to run all tests in the csv directory, use the command
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace/tests$ q solacetest.q
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 0 d:(`user`password`host`port`loglvl)!(`admin;`admin;cmdl[`testhost];55555;2)
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 1 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 2 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 3 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 4 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 5 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 468 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 469 start[cmdl[`bport]+2;`SOL_2]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 470 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 471 send[(`SOL_2);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 472 send[(`SOL_2);(`.solace.subscribe;"Default")]
PASSED FAIL :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 473 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.publish;"Default";(`a`b)!(enlist 1;enlist 2))]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 474 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 475 stop `SOL_2
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 476 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 477 start[cmdl[`bport]+2;`SOL_2]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 478 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 479 send[(`SOL_2);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 480 send[(`SOL_2);(`.solace.subscribe;"Default")]
PASSED FAIL :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 481 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.publish;"Default";([a:enlist 1];b:enlist 2))]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 482 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 483 stop `SOL_2
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 484 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 485 start[cmdl[`bport]+2;`SOL_2]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 486 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 487 send[(`SOL_2);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 488 send[(`SOL_2);(`.solace.subscribe;"Default")]
PASSED RUN :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 489 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.publish;"Default";1000000#1)]
PASSED FAIL :csv/pubsubpayload.csv 490 send[(`SOL_2);(`.l.l)]
PASSED RUN :csv/throughput.csv 491 d:(`user`password`host`port`loglvl)!(`admin;`admin;`$"";55555;2)
PASSED RUN :csv/throughput.csv 492 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/throughput.csv 493 stop `SOL_2
PASSED RUN :csv/throughput.csv 494 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/throughput.csv 495 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED RUN :csv/throughput.csv 496 tp:system"t do[10000;send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.publish;\"default\";1 2 3 4 5 6)]]"
PASSED TRUE :csv/throughput.csv 497 tp<5000
********** All TESTS PASSED ***********
In order to run individual csvs, use the command
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace/tests$ q solacetest.q -testsrc csv/csvname.csv
For example,
solace@homer:~/kdb-solace/tests$ q solacetest.q -testsrc csv/checkpubsub.csv
KDB+ 3.5 2017.11.30 Copyright (C) 1993-2017 Kx Systems
l64/ 24()core 128387MB solace homer EXPIRE 2020.06.30 AquaQ #55345
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 0 d:(`user`password`host`port`loglvl)!(`admin;`admin;cmdl[`testhost];55555;2)
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 1 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 2 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 3 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 4 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 5 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 6 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED FAIL :csv/checkpubsub.csv 7 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.subscribe;`default)]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 8 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 9 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 10 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED FAIL :csv/checkpubsub.csv 11 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.subscribe;"")]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 12 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 13 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 14 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED FAIL :csv/checkpubsub.csv 15 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.subscribe;()!())]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 16 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 17 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED FAIL :csv/checkpubsub.csv 18 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.subscribe;"Default")]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 19 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 20 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 21 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED FAIL :csv/checkpubsub.csv 22 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.publish;"Default";())]
PASSED TRUE :csv/checkpubsub.csv 23 0=getfield[send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.getstats;[])];0]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 24 stop `SOL_1
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 25 start[cmdl[`bport]+1;`SOL_1]
PASSED RUN :csv/checkpubsub.csv 26 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.init;d)]
PASSED FAIL :csv/checkpubsub.csv 27 send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.publish;"Default";1]
PASSED TRUE :csv/checkpubsub.csv 28 0=getfield[send[(`SOL_1);(`.solace.getstats;[])];0]
++++++++++ ALL TESTS PASSED ++++++++++
This feed handler is dual threaded and uses the sd0 functionality of kdb+ with a socket pair to signal that data is available from the solace thread. However the data itself, is not written to the socket pair. Instead it is written to a buffer which the q main thread inspects. This has a number of advantages, it bypasses the overhead of transferring the data over a network pipe, and it allows the q main thread to conflate updates if possible.
Solace website -
Setting up a pubsub broker -
Documentation on the Messaging API for C (also referred to as SolClient) -
C API for kdb+ -
AquaQ website -
For more information, contact [email protected]