This patch release introduces two key changes to sampling:
- Resampling now occurs only on root spans, eliminating redundant sampling tags on child spans.
- Client stats have been updated to align with the Trace Agent version, enabling support for adaptive sampling.
Depending on your sampling rules, and especially if you have trace sampling rules that match child spans, you may notice an increase in ingested spans. This increase is expected and a result of improved sampling accuracy. If the ingested volume is problematic, reduce it using APM Ingestion Controls. For any questions or issues, please contact Datadog Support.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
- ddtrace/tracer: add IsTraceRoot to clients-side-stats in #2821
- ddtrace/tracer: fixed resampling to occur on root span only in #2824
Full Changelog: v1.67.0...v1.67.1