Ionic2 calendar directive
The latest version has below dependency:
Angular 2.0.1, due to issue angular/angular#11896
intl 1.2.5, due to issue angular/angular#3333
Install: npm install ionic2-calendar --save
Import the ionic2-calendar module:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicApp, IonicModule } from 'ionic-angular';
import { MyApp } from './app/app.component';
import { NgCalendarModule } from 'ionic2-calendar';
declarations: [
imports: [
bootstrap: [IonicApp],
entryComponents: [
export class AppModule {}
Add the directive in the html page
<calendar [eventSource]="eventSource"
(onRangeChanged)="reloadSource(startTime, endTime)"
Note: In the current version, if running in dev mode, it will throw below error when switching between month/week/day views.
EXCEPTION: Error in ./HomePage class HomePage - inline template:2:15 caused by: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: 'October 2016'. Current value: 'October 2016, Week 40'.
Add below lines in to suppress the error.
import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
ionic serve uses tsc to compile the code, while ionic build/run uses ngc to compile the code.
It requires explicit dependency on the compiled ngfactory files for each component.
I couldn’t find a way to configure the build command includes the ngfactory of the child components automatically.
So the workaround is to import them explicitly.
Add below lines in
import { CalendarComponent } from 'ionic2-calendar/calendar';
import { MonthViewComponent } from 'ionic2-calendar/monthview';
import { WeekViewComponent } from 'ionic2-calendar/weekview';
import { DayViewComponent } from 'ionic2-calendar/dayview';
The format of the date displayed in the month view.
Default value: 'dd' -
The format of the header displayed in the month view.
Default value: 'EEE' -
The format of the title displayed in the day view.
Default value: 'MMMM dd, yyyy' -
The format of the title displayed in the week view.
Default value: 'MMMM yyyy, Week w' -
The format of the title displayed in the month view.
Default value: 'MMMM yyyy' -
The format of the header displayed in the week view.
Default value: 'EEE d' -
The format of the hour column displayed in the week and day view.
Default value: 'ha' -
The initial mode of the calendar.
Default value: 'month' -
If set to true, when selecting the date in the month view, the events happened on that day will be shown below.
Default value: true -
Control month view starting from which day.
Default value: 0 -
Control week view starting from which day.
Default value: 0 -
The text displayed in the allDay column header.
Default value: ‘all day’ -
The text displayed when there’s no event on the selected date in month view.
Default value: ‘No Events’ -
The data source of the calendar, when the eventSource is set, the view will be updated accordingly.
Default value: null
The format of the eventSource is described in the EventSource section -
If queryMode is set to 'local', when the range or mode is changed, the calendar will use the already bound eventSource to update the view
If queryMode is set to 'remote', when the range or mode is changed, the calendar will trigger a callback function rangeChanged.
Users will need to implement their custom loading data logic in this function, and fill it into the eventSource. The eventSource is watched, so the view will be updated once the eventSource is changed.
Default value: 'local' -
It can be set to 15 or 30, so that the event can be displayed at more accurate position in weekview or dayview.
Default value: 60 -
The callback function triggered when the date that is currently viewed changes.<calendar ... (onCurrentDateChanged)="onCurrentDateChanged($event)"></calendar> onCurrentChanged = (ev: Date) => { console.log('Currently viewed date: ' + ev); };
The callback function triggered when the range or mode is changed if the queryMode is set to 'remote'
The ev parameter contains two fields, startTime and endTime.<calendar ... (onRangeChanged)="onRangeChanged($event)"></calendar> onRangeChanged = (ev: { startTime: Date, endTime: Date }) => { Events.query(ev, (events) => { this.eventSource = events; }); };
The callback function triggered when an event is clicked<calendar ... (onEventSelected)="onEventSelected($event)"></calendar> onEventSelected = (event) => { console.log(event.title); };
The callback function triggered when a date is selected in the monthview.
The ev parameter contains two fields, selectedTime and events, if there's no event at the selected time, the events field will be either undefined or empty array<calendar ... (onTimeSelected)="onTimeSelected($event)"></calendar> onTimeSelected = (ev: { selectedTime: Date, events: any[] }) => { console.log('Selected time: ' + ev.selectedTime + ', hasEvents: ' + ( !== undefined && !== 0)); };
The callback function triggered when the view title is changed<calendar ... (onTitleChanged)="onViewTitleChanged($event)”></calendar> onViewTitleChanged = (title: string) => { this.viewTitle = title; };
EventSource is an array of event object which contains at least below fields:
If allDay is set to true, the startTime has to be as a UTC date which time is set to 0:00 AM, because in an allDay event, only the date is considered, the exact time or timezone doesn't matter.
For example, if an allDay event starting from 2014-05-09, then startTime isvar startTime = new Date(Date.UTC(2014, 4, 8));
If allDay is set to true, the startTime has to be as a UTC date which time is set to 0:00 AM, because in an allDay event, only the date is considered, the exact time or timezone doesn't matter.
For example, if an allDay event ending to 2014-05-10, then endTime isvar endTime = new Date(Date.UTC(2014, 4, 9));
Indicates the event is allDay event or regular event
This component updates the ion-slide dynamically so that only 3 looped slides are needed.
The ion-slide in Ionic2 uses Swiper. It seems in the Swiper implementation, the next slide after the end of looped slide is a separate cached slide, instead of the first slide.
I can't find out a way to force refresh that cached slide, so you will notice that when sliding from the third month to the forth month, the preview month is not the forth month, but the first month.
Once the sliding is over, the slide will be forced to render the forth month.