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Roadmap for the FidoCadJ project

Davide Bucci edited this page Aug 31, 2015 · 1 revision

Dear developers, we are really seeking for help about the FidoCadJ project. Here is a list of things which may be done in a next future.

Some of them for the moment relate with the transition from SourceForge.

  • Search for the exact commit number corresponding to FidoCadJ revisions (i.e. what is the commit code corresponding to v0.24.4? and v0.24.3?). So, we can make them available here on GitHub. Particularly important would be the v0.24.3, since it is the last one compatible with Java 1.5, useful for older computers.

  • Move the website from and update all the links so they point here on GitHub.

  • Transfer the bugs reports (at least the relevant ones) from SourceForge tracking system here to GitHub.

  • Should we change the name of the package src/net/sourceforge/fidocadj into a more appropriate one (which one? It must be discussed). After all is only a matter of an internal name.

  • Implement the "Copy, splitting non standard macros" in the Android version

If you have some ideas on how to help us on those things, please manifest yourself!