gtk path finding app
gtk+ version 3 (gtk+-3.0)
do $ make
executable ./main
for doing path find on a maze created by executable ./designer
. explore each command for further details by running the following:
run $ ./main --help
run $ ./designer --help
$ ./desginer 10 20 map.bin random
runs designer gui with a new map of width 10 and height 20 with random drawing (you also customly draw in that window) and saving to map.bin
$ ./desginer 10 20 map.bin custom
is equal to above with exception that the drawing is done custom from start
$ ./desginer map.bin
just does the edit on an existing map
./main -i map.bin -D -t 10 run
does DFS on input file map.bin
with 10 ms delay in between each step for more clear visualization
./main -i map.bin -D -t 10 run
is equal to above with exception that the algorithm is BFS
./main -i map.bin -D -t 10 run -p
automate the things and never shows a gui. this is the case for later time measurement
$ sh ./ 10 bfs s.bin outfile.txt
runs bfs for 10 times on map s.bin
and saves the each time measurment in outfile.txt